
Review Detail of GoldFinger in In This Corner Of The Multiverse

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Hello Everyone. Shameless author here, posting a shameless review. This is a decent technological story, and honestly, something I haven't seen done before. A story where the main character uses mostly technology and scheming to gain power. This will be a weak to strong story with a cunning and ruthless protagonist but don't expect him to be a murderhobo. He will kill, but only if he feels it necessary. This is a more realistic take on the multiverse fics that litter this site, which are by no means bad or anything, they are actually quite good, but few ever write about tech upliftment stories so here we are. Please give the story a try, you might just like it!

In This Corner Of The Multiverse


Curtido por 57 pessoas




Hi author San. can I still read this novel ? without knowledge about almost world he travels? ( I only know is MCU) ? hihi. sorry for silly question


You better not drop this


First world Id go to is that world where Teenagers found Space Rock that gave them Telekinetic Powers can't remember the name


it's chronicles I think

Ballad:First world Id go to is that world where Teenagers found Space Rock that gave them Telekinetic Powers can't remember the name

Ignore the no_life the show is called kid cosmic yada yada yada

Ballad:First world Id go to is that world where Teenagers found Space Rock that gave them Telekinetic Powers can't remember the name

It's not bad at all very high potential to be a master peice


Btw what does the One Piece tag represent if he isn’t going there anyway??


I'm waiting for HEROES(TV) arc you know!! that one of my best tv series I've ever watched, specially when the immortal woman resurrected because someone put back her missing organs hahaha!! I can't wait to read if you give justice to this. 😁😁😁


the heroes arc has already been written so go read it. also, just a warning, mc is a selfish manipulative asshile who will kill rob and steal ti get qhat he wants expect brutality and evil vibes

FACE_IS_LAUGHING:I'm waiting for HEROES(TV) arc you know!! that one of my best tv series I've ever watched, specially when the immortal woman resurrected because someone put back her missing organs hahaha!! I can't wait to read if you give justice to this. 😁😁😁

no romance?

GoldFinger:the heroes arc has already been written so go read it. also, just a warning, mc is a selfish manipulative asshile who will kill rob and steal ti get qhat he wants expect brutality and evil vibes

there is a little romantic stuff later

iori143:no romance?

I am number four... I think that's what it's called

Ballad:First world Id go to is that world where Teenagers found Space Rock that gave them Telekinetic Powers can't remember the name

Ballad:First world Id go to is that world where Teenagers found Space Rock that gave them Telekinetic Powers can't remember the name

I thought that he’d go to Stargate. Is “Worm” more advanced than tech in stargate? Im asking cause ive never heard of “Worm” until now.


I’v not read it yet. I’ll wait till it piles up a little more but can i know who’s the mc’s lover?

GoldFinger:there is a little romantic stuff later

it's already 135 chaoters lol how much do you want to pile up?! as for romance, it's technically not a harem as he will have only lover at a time. spoilers below. . . . . . . . first wife will be barriss offee. she'll suffer an accident. then Ahsoka tano for a one night stand. then another one night stand with string theory. then paige mcabee as a girlfriend. he breaks up with her later then wanda maximoff as second wife in the mcu. then wanda gets lost. then lazuli as wife no.3 the Lazuli becomes evil and gets sealed by mc for trying to kill his kids. then yue aletia as a lover.

xlvlx:I’v not read it yet. I’ll wait till it piles up a little more but can i know who’s the mc’s lover?

Haha ssry its bc iv only seen star wars not the other worlds so ill wait more and im so happy yue is in harem cause she my fav!

GoldFinger:it's already 135 chaoters lol how much do you want to pile up?! as for romance, it's technically not a harem as he will have only lover at a time. spoilers below. . . . . . . . first wife will be barriss offee. she'll suffer an accident. then Ahsoka tano for a one night stand. then another one night stand with string theory. then paige mcabee as a girlfriend. he breaks up with her later then wanda maximoff as second wife in the mcu. then wanda gets lost. then lazuli as wife no.3 the Lazuli becomes evil and gets sealed by mc for trying to kill his kids. then yue aletia as a lover.

please explain more ps comments deleted

GoldFinger:there is a little romantic stuff later

romance. a little. mc marries barriss offee in star wars and tries to have a kid. goes wrong. offee dies. their romance lasts all of 10 chaps at best then next romance comes in worm for about 2 chaps when mc gets a girlfriend then they break up then in mcu it will come up next arc with wanda as wife #2 but thats far off yet

gamabunda4873:please explain more ps comments deleted

that really looks frustrating so ill be out why make it so complicated

GoldFinger:it's already 135 chaoters lol how much do you want to pile up?! as for romance, it's technically not a harem as he will have only lover at a time. spoilers below. . . . . . . . first wife will be barriss offee. she'll suffer an accident. then Ahsoka tano for a one night stand. then another one night stand with string theory. then paige mcabee as a girlfriend. he breaks up with her later then wanda maximoff as second wife in the mcu. then wanda gets lost. then lazuli as wife no.3 the Lazuli becomes evil and gets sealed by mc for trying to kill his kids. then yue aletia as a lover.

it's not that complicated, especially split over a couple hundred chapters.

Clark_Tami_3510:that really looks frustrating so ill be out why make it so complicated