
Review Detail of Poet_Legion in Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

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now before I actually go into my review I will say this the first 30 chapters are a pain to get through. but there is reason for this and it is explained in the story later on why the main character acts as such and why this system acts like a oddly stupid system as well. now onto my review. overall this is an absolutely great novel. we get to see the main character come with and spoilers for those wondering. We see the main character come to terms with the fact that he is no longer a human and is instead of Beast and we really see him embody that. he no longer tries to act like a human and he doesn't even try to regain a human form even though it's been confirmed that he can multiple times, because even though he has attachment to his old life he doesn't want it to shape the way he approaches his new life. and sure the story can seem slow and I agree that is a bit drawn out at points but when you're actually reading the story more than one chapter at a time and you aren't just waiting for daily releases and you have like 30 chapter stockpiled to read you don't even notice that sometimes some bits are longer than they should be because the author writes really well. And the story truly gets you drawn in and all the information you are fed is given to you when it is important or before something important happens and then from there on you can start connecting the dots why things that happened previously in the story moved in the manner they did. If you look at any of the other reviews I leave you'll see I'm usually extremely harsh on stories that I like and you this is one of those stories where I don't have much to say about it other than it's a great book. out of all the 500 books I have in my library and probably only the 250 a readout of the already 300 books I've previously read this is one of those books that I always keep coming back to. Sure I don't reread the story like I do some other novels but what's really good about this story is even if I leave it alone for two or three months just to get that nice stockpile of 92 over 100 chapters I still know what's going on in the story because it doesn't rely on cliches. a lot of the story is new and different at least when the main character actually gets past his non cultivating period. and you know I could go on singing praises for this book but I just thought I'd leave my honest review then if anyone right at this point let me know how you feel about the book 2 because this is one of the few that I truly do think deserves more of the following than it has even though I don't think it's as good of a book is say incident man in the apocalypse or the Magus in the Wizard World it's still a great book.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign


Curtido por 25 pessoas




I didn’t know if I should read this book, but this comment managed to convince me 😈

speedos123:he ate multiple towns full of humans.

do it have romance or harem pls say no


so far, no. the MC dosent realy have the personality for either I feel and the author keeps the story focused

swervvo:do it have romance or harem pls say no

really? He's a worm not a human, ugh romance and harem always have useless plots added. So it better not get romantic

swervvo:do it have romance or harem pls say no

I think it's infinite mana in apocalypse instead of incident man in apocalypse


potato = patoto

MisterEditor:I think it's infinite mana in apocalypse instead of incident man in apocalypse

How is this book differentent from other people getting reancarnated as a animal in a fantasy world and build a kingdom?


incident man in the apocalypse is also a pretty fitting name though

MisterEditor:I think it's infinite mana in apocalypse instead of incident man in apocalypse






great, now I don't have to worry about another protagonist going down the path of pathetic and lame human body


He razes cities

Percent_Grader:How is this book differentent from other people getting reancarnated as a animal in a fantasy world and build a kingdom?

he ate multiple towns full of humans.

Marx_Cipriano:great, now I don't have to worry about another protagonist going down the path of pathetic and lame human body

what ch was this

speedos123:he ate multiple towns full of humans.

that would be later in the chapter. It would only get more and more interesting as his conquest went on

Chepi_1:what ch was this

So did he eat towns or the human in it, clarify good sir🤨

speedos123:he ate multiple towns full of humans.

both, he gets really big

Kea_Alulu:So did he eat towns or the human in it, clarify good sir🤨

bro can eat anything basically

Kea_Alulu:So did he eat towns or the human in it, clarify good sir🤨

it's different cause unlike other books where MCs stay as soyboys even as a wild beast and try to act like humans which ruins the book, this one embrace his new life as a beast and isn't afraid to do some atrocities to get what he wants.

Percent_Grader:How is this book differentent from other people getting reancarnated as a animal in a fantasy world and build a kingdom?