
Review Detail of Aeipathy_02 in Witch of the Throne

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An explicit and intriguing read. Review Proper. Writing Quality. The narrations are well executed and the choice of words is great describing everything clearly with much more depth. Stability of Updates. So far the author has a stable update. Story Development. From the chapters I read, nothing feels rushed and everything went smoothly. From the death of the king, the witch handling the throne, then to Tristan and the princess scenes everything is great so far. There is a bit of a touch of mystery that would keep you reading each chapter. Character Design. They are all intriguing and really moves the story well. From the main protagonist, Serina down to the other characters, they have distinct personalities that made them stood out. I also love the vibes Serina is giving off, calm, confident, and powerful. A perfect strong female lead. World Background. Well written and also helps you to enjoy reading the story more. Overall this book is a hidden gem. If you're into royal, medieval fantasy story this story won't disappoint you. Keep up the great work author. I look forward to more. This would stay to my colls too.

Witch of the Throne


Curtido por 2 pessoas




Very much appreciated, I will do my best to keep this going. Thank you so much!