
Review Detail of Aether_10101 in Elf God

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as said by another comment? what a pity that this story was abandoned despite the enormous potential of the work. I hope the author will see our message and start publishing new chapter

Elf God


Curtido por 1 pessoas


Seen it, at the same time I’m now much much further into my English degree and reading my old writing makes me cringe, I could continue this but I’ll be honest this is far to rush, not enough details, not enough explaining, nothing. I mean in chapter 2 it seems like I planning to introduce a female lead? Absolute rubbish from my prospective now. I also should have started the novel at the village being invaded. Kie is also a crappy name for a elf… while I’m at it might as well mention I can’t find any documents regarding novel on my pc, making me think I didn’t plan it… However, instead of continuing this I might start fresh instead. Similar path, but much better pacing and I’ll plan a world behind everything.

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