
Review Detail of Godack in I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo

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Writing Quality: 3*: The grammar is fine but because the way the story is written I have to give it 3*. Why? I will have to share how interpret how this story is written. [Main character meets an important character: main character-sanchankunkohai please call me idiot-samakunsanchanniinee] I just can't read the story normally. Updates are fine. Story development 3*. The beginning started out fine but then it just stagnated, it took multiple chapters for one day where I felt like there wasn't even much plot development besides the obvious ranting of the main character. Character design 2*. I liked the prospect of the main character but it all came crashing down when he started interacting with his surroundings. At first I though that that aunt person would be the only one but then it just became worse and worse untill I coun't read any further. World background 2*. In the couple dozen chapters I've read I haven't really learned anything significant about how the world works and what it actually is, my initial guess was that it was an original world with characters from anime etc but then apperantly it was a cliche anime world full of 2d cardboard characters that filled the world. Total score 3.0*. Now don't start saying that I am bad mouthing the story because I will admit that I am doing it but it is still a review on my opinion of the story, but this is in no way trying to discourage you from reading as you have your onw opinion and weird fetishes(though you have to have some weird and sick mind to like such fetishes[Opinion]) so don't start hating. Now my personal opinion: this story is just another generic cliche (Harem/romance/r-18) story on this cursed website that will be long forgotten after the author either drops it or finishes it.

I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo


Curtido por 54 pessoas




R-15 not r-18. But yeah, that's akikkan novel for ya. Same as any others of his stories. Try to find differences between all his main characters - they all yuki. Even when they called different they still yuki .👀👀👀


(-) As already mentioned, there is no plot here (=) The book draws out only due to the "Hand" and "Name" of the author (+) From the very first meeting with any character, the author best depicts their image from the canon, which I always liked in his previous 2 works. (-) But already in the same chapter, this beautiful character can turn into a dead shell, with only one name. (-) In his previous works, I did not particularly notice this, but this time the degradation of the surrounding characters is the main problem of this work. (+) I liked how the author smoothly and without undue rudeness displaces the previous MC from the canon (+) It looks like the author wanted to create - easy everyday life and ecchi, thereby taking a break from the constant development of MC in siscon. (-) But then I don't understand why he immediately lost his virginity at the beginning of the book, if for 400 chapters there is nothing but ecchi, which makes these chapters hypocritical in my eyes. (=) An unpleasant sensation is caused by his bipolarity - acting, when he tries to flirt or justify himself in front of the girls. All people are hypocrites, so I don't pay attention to it. (=)Now after reading 400+ of this work, my opinion about his previous 2 works has changed for the worse, because of which I am very sad and I decided to leave this work. It feels like I'm watching my favorite anime with terrible voice acting or reading a new volume of a book, at a time when the author has some kind of internal or life crisis. Sediment after the rain smells good But the sediment after a bad job, beloved author, makes you hide and wake up every morning with red eyes