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Wait so let’s say some random dude made a deal to destroy earth and he’s from a random country dose his agreement make his country destroy the earth just because he was from said country???
Well actually both his items are somehow not legendary one mythical and one artifact 😂
He said he picked 2 legendary items how did it become mythical all of a sudden
I use the audio with Eva’s voice and she said thong of the python I was so sus that I decided to read the text and as sad as it might be I like Eva’s version more😂😂😂
I like how James could care less for the other side of the deal because he’s so obsessed with sage level anything😂
I thought the 3 openings are problematic for a different reason so they are basically no him exploring the other side And yeah In this secretive world it makes sense that maybe the higher ups know what’s on the other side anyway so the fog crossing ability is only slightly op
If certain abilities can counter the fog shouldn’t there be a few at least no way that Nero is the first with such potential abilities or maybe it is acceptable if it’s part of the properties of his mother’s family heritage on his abilities after all the card they hold kinda plays with energy but still sounds suspicious that no one has that ability yet
Sounds like It’s time to build a Time Machine 😂
I’m still confused by how Nero got the golden sugarcane I remember he said he did t have a way to take it and then next chapter he pops up with it Oh and I’m not sure if it works that way but if the sugarcane has a “domain” can’t they just let it out and stay in it till the storms end I know it attracts curses but a combo with his second innate ability can basically give a mobile safe zone