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Mutants aren't even human, I think it's quite reasonable that we kill them all. Even if they were, which they aren't, just overcoming the challenge makes it worth it, like David and Goliath. So yeah, don't think you'll be the 1% with powers if that existed. It's 1 Superman to 8 billion humans, so you're not going to be Superman. My philosophy is, if I'm not the king, then there will be no king. Now that we've cleared that up, yes, Bellamy, run!
No, my complaint was: 1 - This is not the Overhaul quirk, it's just similar. Therefore this synopsis is fake. 2 - The character is excessively powerful in an illogical way, even if the author insisted that he actually had these amplified powers, to hold my interest, the MC should learn to use them as the story continues, and not, right at the beginning, messing with something as complicated as a brain without any prior anatomical knowledge, creating a sapient cat chimera out of thin air.
Jujutsu techniques also have rules, limitations, and costs. So no, sorry. That fight with the cursed spirit from the hospital just exposed the Mary Sue that MC is.
This isn't Overhaul's power, it's an amped-up version on steroids and without the limitations that simply throws all the bets out and makes everything extremely boring and predictable. The character is ridiculously powerful, he can basically do the same thing as Suguru and Mahito, only easier, better and without the consequences, and that's just two aspect of his power. What he does should normally be possible only with the domain expansion technique.
LeBeau is Gambit's last name, Rogue receives it only after marrying him
A story that struggles to distinguish between characters. Most of the dialogue seems to be two copies of the author talking to each other. Also, someone forgot to mark the harem tag.
According to my research, human fat smells like pork, so it's relative. Do you like eating bacon?
He clearly wasn't very attached to her. Anyone would be the least bit angry because of the way her death happened, that's all.
I can feel from the situation that his anger is completely justified, it doesn't feel contrived, great job by the author creating the right circumstances. If only the dialogues in this story were less chinese and more faithful to the world portrayed...
Not bad then. Google is always rich in information.