


Good day, Good Gentlemen's and Gentleladies. This account is the start of a new leaf in my writing career. You might find some of my other works under a different Author name on Fanfiction.net

2024-02-04 UnidoUnited States



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  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a Kammen

    my eyes bleed

    Silently merging into the bustling crowd, Gohn, his tall figure drawing some curious glances, followed the presumed path of fellow adventurers. Within half an hour, he stood before a building with large letters declaring it the "Adventurers Guild."
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a Kamikaze_Eagle

    Thanks for the advice, I will reach out to him for tips. And I'll add that fanfic to my plan to read list and maybe I'll learn something from it

    Also writing characters dialogue is hard; harder than I remember. If you have any tips to improve do tell me.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a NeverluckySMILE

    Got advance the plot and there's no better way than force character interaction sometimes. But I will try to limit it

    "Is this going to be a thing?" Gohn questioned no one in particular as he gave one more sigh. "Fine, you come along as well," he said, not caring at this point. He'll grab a pretty easy job that pays well, finish it up, and move on.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad

    The story is alright, but the author posts new chapters slower than it takes for McDonald's to finally fix their ice cream machine. But I think he's trying his best so give him a read if you don't mind.

    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a SaishoMysteriarch

    He got hit by the blast and shrapnel of his own spell because he used himself as bait to gather the goblins into the effective blast zone of the spell. He tried to use a hob as a makeshift shield, but it didn't turn out as he wanted, so he ended up down because he overestimated a wizard's tankyness. Sorry if that wasn't made clear.

    Ch 7 Session 6
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a albion123456

    I was trying to rewrite this chapter and I forgot to delete the scenes that I rewrote. I'll fix this chapter soon sorry for the mistake

    Este número foi suprimido.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a SaishoMysteriarch

    I apologize,I will get to fixing this chapter when I have the time.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a albion123456

    "Very cool! I've seen your comments, and I would like to thank you for every one of them. Whenever I check this fanfiction and see that you're one of the first readers and commenters, it makes me happy. I do hope for your continued support."

    The current situation mattered more; he likely derailed the campaign with his actions at the cave. Regardless, he needed to find a way to reintegrate Priestess into the party with the local Goblin Slaying machine, or the demon lord would destroy the world.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a ToYourKnight

    Honestly, valid point; that might have been an oversight on my part. When reading the spell's information, I didn't really think it was applicable to swords and such. I guess if he could, he would have to repair each and every part of the blade, which honestly would take a long time, and he didn't have that time. Only for the swords to still be dull when fully repaired. This is the wording of Mending from the Player's Handbook. Your interpretation might be different from mine, but I will keep what you said in mind for the future. [Mending: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.]

    Upon fully ascending the wall, Gohn's blades bore the scars of chipping and dulling. Regret over not selecting the Jump spell lingered, both for the ease it would have afforded and the preservation of his blades.
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a iCordy

    A weird mix of 5e and 3.5,I mostly played 3.5 with my Church group and cousins growing up, just recently got into 5e so I'm not an expert about everything 5e so do correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

    Ch 1 Session 0
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad
  • SamuraiSalad
    Respondeu a albion123456

    It's not, It comes from the feat Artificer initiate, which gives you some crafting proficiencies as well as one cantrip from the artificer spell pool and one 1st level spell as well that you can past once per long rest without expending a spell slot. How did he get this feat? It's from his homebrew race Meta Goblin which is a weird mix of custom lineage and goblin. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the comment

    Spare the Dying
    A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer
    Anime e quadrinhos · SamuraiSalad