de leitura
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Played against different teams but same year kyrie had 30 shooting 53% from the field
Since when is mc on defense hopefully it was translating error and it was revis instead because mc playing one of the hardest positions in football all of a sudden makes no sense
The last like 3 or 4 naruto fanfics I’ve read all had devil fruits spontaneously show up as a power for mc and it sucks cause they are all ones that have mc’s that don’t align with konoha too.
Honestly I would still take kamui but these abilities are overpowered
I remember seeing something about mahito only getting hurt if someone has a technique to hurt his soul so how he getting hurt?
the main reason why I started reading this fanfic was because of kamui but 17 chapters in and the mc has only used it to store his weapon in and gets tired after a single use, even if he could use it freely he wouldn’t be able to because author chose to set up the plot where mc has to hide his power even while fighting. At this point why give mc kamui when he’s strong enough to be a special investigator already without it
This fanfic was pretty good up till now. If you had mc stick with wood release and taijutsu ortrain for a couple years and then he mastered the flying thunder god it would be fine but I feel like fanfic authors have a fetish of overpowered children being top tier powers in their world
Author couldn’t have put a overpowered tag to warn me of this bs smh
I hope this isn’t another fanfic where the mc is in an 8 year old body fighting kage for the next 100 chapters. Time skip to his teen years