


“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis “Reader turned writer, crafting novels one chapter at a time"-HeavenlyKarma :)

2023-07-18 UnidoUnited Kingdom



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  • HeavenlyKarma
    Respondeu a WynneRee

    Wow, congrats on being my first comment :) hope you enjoy it!

    Prologue: Mythos
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Upon closer inspection, it became clear that this was no ordinary doll but rather a Heavenly Treasure Puppet, infused with ancient magic and imbued with a purpose yet to be revealed. With its katana held aloft, the puppet stood as a symbol of both mystery and potential, promising untold possibilities to those who dared to unlock its secrets.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Champa, the baby elephant by his side, seemed to mirror Jin's calm, a serene beast seemingly out of place yet perfectly at ease in the grand hall of Solaris Academy. This peculiar pair's entrance not only interrupted the ceremony but also marked the beginning of a series of whispers and speculative glances among students and faculty alike.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    The attire he chose, far from the academy's uniform, spoke volumes of his nonchalant demeanor towards conventional norms; sliders, shorts, and a tank top adorned with a simple "meow" across the chest. Yet, it was the sunglasses perched just below his eyes, tinted in shades of pink and purple, that added a layer of mystery to his already intriguing persona.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Jin, standing at an impressive six feet with a lean build, carried himself with an air of serene confidence. His long dark blue hair, neatly tied in a man bun, swayed gently with each step, his fair complexion unmarked by battle or strife—a stark contrast to many of his fellow students.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    With his dissociative identity disorder and genius intellect, Raj was an enigma wrapped in the mystery of his own making. His scarred physical appearance and the presence of his sentient robot, Walter White, or "Wally," added to his distinctiveness.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Raj, with a brown complexion, stood at 5 feet 10 inches. His black hair, green eyes, and sharp jawline added to his charismatic appearance. Muscular and adorned with semi-permeable gloves, Raj showcased a scar on his nose and a distinctive tiger chest tattoo. Golden teeth complemented his unique features. The left side of his waist bore knife scars, telling tales of past encounters.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Adam Gait, the embodiment of Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, stood out with his tall, lean frame and sharp yellow eyes. His confidence bordered on arrogance, but his strategic mind and physical prowess were undeniable. Despite his rough upbringing, Adam's sense of morality and honor remained intact, earning him a mix of admiration and caution from his peers. His charisma and leadership qualities were evident, but his pride often overshadowed his more admirable traits.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Ryan Bellator was another character who made an unforgettable impression. His muscular physique and the variety of weapons he carried were intimidating, to say the least. Ryan's sharp eyes seemed to challenge everyone he looked at, embodying the spirit of Ares, the God of War. His demeanor was one of annoyance mixed with confusion, a complex blend that intrigued the drifters.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    One such encounter was with Tensei Atisuto, a figure who exuded an aura of mystery and brilliance. With his cold expression and lean build, he seemed almost unapproachable, but his growing reputation as the chosen of Leonardo Da Vinci, The Universal Genius, preceded him. 
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma

    As the esteemed author of “Legends of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy,” I find myself in a peculiar position—one that balances pride and introspection. Allow me to don my critical spectacles and delve into the heart of my creation. Review: “Legends of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy” A Cosmic Tapestry Woven with Ambition. In the hallowed halls of Solaris Academy, where marble whispers secrets and astral constellations blaze, my magnum opus unfolds—a symphony of trials, a celestial tapestry. But let us not be blinded by the brilliance of our own stars; for every luminescent thread, there exists a shadow. Pros: Imaginative Splendor: Mythos breathes, dances, and weaves its tendrils through every page. The gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths intertwine like cosmic lovers. The Kingdom of Solaris stands as a beacon, its spires kissed by celestial light. Readers will lose themselves in this ethereal realm. Celestial Bonds: The twelve luminous souls—heroes, bearers of constellations—are our guides. Their essence entwined with astral patterns, they wield gifts beyond mortal ken. The “Constellation System” grants them abilities akin to cosmic harmonies. This, my friends, is the beating heart of our saga. Destiny’s Enigma: Ah, the labyrinthine corridors where destiny weaves its intricate web. Will our heroes ascend, their constellations ablaze with purpose? Or shall doubt and shadow dim their divine potential? The suspense is palpable, like stardust clinging to skin. Cons: Familiar Echoes: Yes, I admit it—the echoes of ancient myths resonate here. The hero’s journey, the clash of gods, the weight of legacy—it’s all familiar ground. But perhaps familiarity is the price we pay for universality. Labyrinthine Pacing: Destiny’s enigma sometimes veers into labyrinthine territory. The marble halls stretch, and readers may yearn for a swifter stride. Patience, dear readers, for cosmic wisdom unfolds at its own pace. Shadows Unexplored: We tread lightly around shadows, as if afraid to plunge into their depths. What lies beyond the astral veil? What cosmic secrets remain untold? I hunger for more chiaroscuro. Verdict: “Legends of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy” is a celestial banquet—a feast for starved imaginations. It beckons readers to dance with gods, to question destiny, and to seek their own constellations. As the author, I stand on the precipice, gazing at the cosmic expanse. Imperfect, yes—but isn’t that the essence of divinity? So, dear reader, step into Mythos. Embrace the luminous souls and their astral bonds. For within these pages lies not mere legend, but a legacy waiting to be etched upon your heart. Rating: 4.6/5 stars

    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    "Arathorn," Ijaz whispered, his voice lost in the cosmic winds. "Why now? Why here?"
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    A wave of recognition and relief swept over Ijaz's face. "Liam, you cosmic rascal. It's about time you joined the party."
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Answering the call, a figure emerged—a silhouette wrapped in darkness, silver dreads glinting like threads of moonlight. Liam Romell stepped forward, revealing his cold yet familiar countenance.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Krish packed his bag, folding memories and essentials into its fabric, and by his side was his beloved Tchalla-baby panther-who had been by his side ever since his family...was slaughtered. The trio stood on the precipice of a new chapter, their hearts echoing with anticipation. Solaris Academy beckoned—a realm where constellations whispered secrets and destinies unfurled.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Yoshi's cold reserve was a glacier, his stoic demeanor a fortress. Pierced ears bore witness to battles fought and won. His humor was a blade—dry, twisted, and dark. Authority clung to him like a shadow, and when he entered a room, silence followed. But beneath the icy surface lay a softer current—a caring soul that few dared to explore.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    And then there was Yoshi Hakai, the embodiment of destruction. At 6 foot 2, he towered over the cobbled streets. His chill exterior masked a tempest within. Incredibly muscular yet lean, he carried the Trishula—the three-pronged trident of Shiva—tattooed on his back. The Om symbol, sharp lines etched across his neck, whispered of cosmic balance.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma
    Akira's lean frame belied the strength within. His jawline cut through the air, and the positive canthal tilt hinted at secrets buried deep. The black Victorian top hat crowned him, a relic from another era, and the monocle lent an air of mystery. He was 5 foot 8, but his presence stretched beyond mere height.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma

    Akira Shinigami

    Akira Shinigami, known by many names but whispered as "Jack The Ripper," stepped forward. His fair skin held secrets etched in ink—tales of blood-soaked alleys and whispered screams. His black hair fell over one eye, the monocle perched there, a window to a darker realm. The sadness in his gaze was a reflection of countless nights spent dancing with shadows.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma
  • HeavenlyKarma


    Then, as if the universe itself held its breath, "Time" stepped into the fray.
    Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy
    Fantasia · HeavenlyKarma