Toaster bathing enthusiast
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You can't convince me Telekinesis isn't a boring power
The Leader of team rocket leading the upgrade of security against team rocket. oh they irony
Zack will never have a good reputation with the ladies
Character development? in my crackfic? WHERE IS MY BRAINROT
I would need mahito to stick his fingers in my eyes to forget this read. 10/10 would get lobotomized again
This is a fever dream and I am fully erect for it
thanks for the chapter oniichan
I know this is supposed to be like "murderers returning to the scene of the crime" but that's just not true. if you ever hunted you know that every animal is gone as soon as it smells blood. , and predators know that 💀
of course! I'm perfectly content with this fanfic but I just like calling out cliches and was just entertaining someone else's idea. I don't really mind this one
bro has a talent for rising out of the grave to write one chapter a decade