


I am a highschool student who is deeply fascinated by Dark Fantasy and more specifically, the Undead. Discord: Xeanos#7913, xeanos.

2023-05-18 UnidoUnited Kingdom



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  • Xeanos

    im gonna pronouce it as 'Nye-ane'

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Celestial Bloodline
    Fantasia · _Orange_
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    of course I did it :)

    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    good job author. first of all, I would like to thank you, author. Recently, my days have been filled with monotonousness and boredom. Every single day felt like it was a faded, lesser copy of the previous day. Your novel brought me some amount of amusement when I read it and has inspired me to be more productive. I am inspired by Dionis's greed, although not influenced by his venomous nature, haha. I like that he hates wasting time and always thinks of something productive to do to improve his business. I am currently merely a student and have no plans on becoming some drug lord lol but I can understand that wasting time is foolish and not good in the long run. Thanks to you, now I have a little more appreciation for the privileges I am getting in life and are working hard on starting a business of my own (game developing). Thanks once again, author and keep up the good work. (rewritten review. I used slurs in my previous one, so it got buried by Webnovel lol.)

    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    I don't understand, author. didn't Pia have a younger sister? then, doesn't she have a family? I'm guessing that Adem didn't let Pia go meet her family or her sister in the middle of his 'fun'. even if he did, it would be utterly insane to think that her own sister didn't see any changes in her. Either she's a master actress or she's got supernatural powers. Why hasn't her family put out a search warrant for Pia? it would be easy to search for her, since our main character so brazenly rode with her and his boys through the city, attracting attention from passerby when they were arriving at Adem's.

    "Oh nothing, I just allowed all my men to violate her, I also put objects in her you know what, Oh right I also cut her nipples off. I wanted to see if milk would just gush out like a fountain, you know what I mean? hahahahahahah."
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    not with pya's existence lol. or was it pia? mia? lia? i forgot 💀💀

    "Hahaha, your words flatter me, sir. I'm not as good as you make me out to be," I humbly replied to his godly compliments.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    this, ladies and gentlemen(mostly gentlemen, as I don't see how ladies would like this novel), is what an ideal world looks like.

    The rumor of my grandmother's demise spread throughout the entire school. Now, I was free from any exams because I had a valid excuse to use for a while.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    ohk, thanks. now I know. about the deleting comments, it has happened to me in my novel too. it seems that webnovel sometimes doesn't register some comments from Inkstone. A weird bug. very annoying.

    Fortunately, his drugged state made him unsteady, and I effortlessly evaded his swing, swiftly positioning my legs to trip him and send him crashing to the ground.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    'to conquer everything, you must conquer your own emotions.', or something like that, i forgot. but it was your own quote bro. that one

    Fortunately, his drugged state made him unsteady, and I effortlessly evaded his swing, swiftly positioning my legs to trip him and send him crashing to the ground.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    'to conquer everything, you must conquer your own emotions.', or something like that, i forgot. but it was your own quote bro. that one

    Fortunately, his drugged state made him unsteady, and I effortlessly evaded his swing, swiftly positioning my legs to trip him and send him crashing to the ground.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    I hope it's fun!

    "All you need to do is gather information about Adem and his men. Analyze the entire layout of the mansion, including the manpower, security measures, and any other relevant details. Can you do that for me?" I explained, emphasizing the importance of the task.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    I would be spooked if Dionis actually helped those guys. I would be like 'since when did this novel turn into a reincarnation novel? Did the original Dionis die and get replaced by some salaryman?' lol

    "Men!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Are you going to let drugs lead your future? Are you nothing but mere cowards?! Think about your mother's reaction if she saw you right now. what would she say if she saw you right now huh!? would she be happy? of course not! and don't you fucking want to build a better environment for your future children or even for yourself?! Will you live your whole life beating yourself up and covering your scars with drugs, or will you stand up and show the world that you're better than that!!!" I shouted, hoping to make them realize the destructive path they were on and encourage them to choose a better way forward.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    'to conquer everything, you must conquer your own emotions.', or something like that, i forgot. but it was your own quote bro. the levels of hypocrisy is insane. i love it. he's gonna get screwed over by his own stupidity at this rate and I just hope the author does a good job at making it a pleasurable read for his dearest readers.

    Disappointed in myself for losing control of my anger, I frustratingly returned to my chair, the old man promptly standing up to allow me to sit once more.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani


    "Nope, it felt great. Why would I regret something I enjoyed doing?" Darjan responded calmly, leaving me and Eman shocked at his heartless demeanor.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos
    Respondeu a Dionis_Asani

    I understand that, and from an author's perspective, it would be better for the mc to be this way. nevertheless, your novel's sick!

    The potential of becoming their subordinate briefly crossed my mind, but my ego demanded more—I wanted to be the boss, not a mere lackey.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    hmm... i don't think this part is realistic. How does he expect Pia, an individual whose psyche has been broken beyond repair, to function as a proper spy? for the love of her sister? I wouldn't count on something so unreliable...

    "All you need to do is gather information about Adem and his men. Analyze the entire layout of the mansion, including the manpower, security measures, and any other relevant details. Can you do that for me?" I explained, emphasizing the importance of the task.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    im starting to like Darjan more and more. He seems to understand that he is strictly a subordinate of Dionis and doesn't question his actions. Just fulfills his duty.

    Darjan interjected, holding my briefcase "No, you haven't, boss."
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    darjan's a reliable subordinate. he would serve to be a perfect weapon for Dionis.

    "I'm ready to kill some motherfuckers!" Darjan screamed in excitement.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    i guess that decision of converting the junkies will turn out to be a good one

    As i walked through the streets heading home, I couldn't help but think about the old man who had motivated me to help him which was uncharacteristic of me. I thought about it deeply and came to the realization that I helped him because I haven't fully adjusted to being perceived as a 'bad guy'. All my life, I had been taught how to be good, so naturally it's challenging to change overnight, especially when doing so completely alone. Initially, my help stemmed from genuine empathy, as I couldn't ignore the plight of others. However, as my men beat the junkies that were dumb enough to stay behind I swiftly recognized the potential for personal gain within the situation. In the near future, you will witness how I masterfully turned the circumstances to my advantage, transforming it into a profitable project.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    converting your own consumers into your workers? idk if this is a good idea, but it could certainly increase Dionis's manpower.

    "Men!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Are you going to let drugs lead your future? Are you nothing but mere cowards?! Think about your mother's reaction if she saw you right now. what would she say if she saw you right now huh!? would she be happy? of course not! and don't you fucking want to build a better environment for your future children or even for yourself?! Will you live your whole life beating yourself up and covering your scars with drugs, or will you stand up and show the world that you're better than that!!!" I shouted, hoping to make them realize the destructive path they were on and encourage them to choose a better way forward.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani
  • Xeanos

    He's good with guns and he's a psychopath... sounds like a great guy!

    "Nope, it felt great. Why would I regret something I enjoyed doing?" Darjan responded calmly, leaving me and Eman shocked at his heartless demeanor.
    The Conqueror Of Cities!
    Realista · Dionis_Asani