Hello I’m the guy who makes fics on surprisingly non findable things. I am also somehow the top supporter of my SCP fic despite not putting any powerstones in it.
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K, I’ll check out your story later then
Time has never been Pokemons strong suit, but the seasons changed from summer/spring to winter apparently
If that’s the case rewrite the earlier chapters to make it readable, I’m not gonna waste my time reading generated shit to then actually read something passable. The first few chapters are the ones that decide whether or not people are going to read your story, making the One Piece argument doesn’t shange that.
Don’t read this. It’s very slow and uninspired with conversations going in cricles and that grandiose speech you find in AI generated content. There also isnmt much that happens since because the MC is “Intelligent” they pad out the word count by stating the obvious, coming to conclusions that are really simple and because they’re so cerebral we spend a third to a half of every chapter reading about really simple concepts.
This feels like AI
So far I don’t see the MC as a smart intellectual type but a person that lacks perspective considering they’ve apparently never interacted with anyone that believes in spirituality or supernatural and hasn’t realized until now that the bubbles in the void created by a being called Mr. Beggining aren’t regular fucking bubbles
It definitely isn’t well thought out or even been given a second reading before posting but the qualities just enough to keep me reading
He’s been given 100,000 pokedollars every month, not 10,000 btw
No the Overlord franchises stats are measured from 1–>100 which is why Rubedo having stats above 100 is so special