


hello, I'm EternalBalance, I found writing peaceful, so I decided to upload some of works on Webnovel, I hope. you all like it. ok I have nothing more to say. Good day

2022-11-20 UnidoUnited Kingdom



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  • EternalBalance

    "There are no accidents" master Oogway

    Anos leaves in a hurry he runs and on the end of the street before the school he run into a beautiful pink haired girl he fell on her and in the result he grabbed her one boob accidentally in the reaction she slapped him and ran away screaming pervert in which anos felt that he's perverted but it was an accident and missunderstanding Anos realized that he was on his way to school and he's for sure going to be scolded for coming late on his first day
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Ação · karabey69
  • EternalBalance

    bro came out of heaven

    Ahhh! I don't remember yes last thing I remember I was in the battle feild with hero kanon and I killed him. Wait now I remember I was pierced by the holy sword Excalibur the most powerful among the holy swords"
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Ação · karabey69
  • EternalBalance

    Lets see what happens

    Ch 1 The Last Fight?
    Reincarnated Into The Overworld
    Ação · karabey69
  • EternalBalance
    Respondeu a AK_CREATES

    i dont know myself

    Gastat asked Amanra, "Where is our brother.! To this Amanra had a flashback because tears came out as she said, 'They made us do hard labour and little to no food our brother died of starvation and they ate him...' Gastat put his hand on her mouth and said, 'That's it, I know what happened next, from now on I will just not kill them but let them ask for death!.' just then a very injured Aster came who said to Gastat, 'Hey man brother you didn't die, well I'm happy!.' as Gastat gave him a hug and introduced him to his sister, Aster said, 'She is a beautiful girl, she will live to be an honourable girl.' he then turned to Gastat and gave such a look which made Gastat realized what he is about to say, 'You remember the promise Gasi.!' Gastat nodded and gave a very victim looks, he then said, 'Ok let's do this!.' but before he could say anything Aster called him and whispered in his ear, 'Here you go, I bought a ring for you, its pure diamond.' he gave the ring box to Gastat and winked, he took the ring and went straight and said to Luica, 'I wanted to ask you this from a long time!.' Lucia had no idea how the atmosphere suddenly changed from sadness to happiness, really quickly before she could understand what was going on Gastat was on his knees, 'My Love Lucia, will you marry me?.' Lucia covered her mouth, while they heard Nas say, 'Say yes please!.' so the answer was expected as Lucia replied, 'Yes!.' Nas was happiest man after Gastat, he knew how much Gastat loved Lucia and now that she had finally said yes, it was one of the best time of Gastat's life and for Nas too, he was happy that Gastat will start a new family and live happily.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasia · EternalBalance
  • EternalBalance

    A Good Chapter Mr. Author but be consistent or you will lose your audience

    Ch 69 An unbreakable bond
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Bro has studied Rizzics

    Humzah : forget about the past, the future is brighter than the sun, I will be your romeo and you will be my Joliet.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Good ol Days

    Ashhad : those were good days.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Aliza hiding under the bed

    with this thought in mind Kainaat went back into the palace, in a matter of seconds she was at Ashhad's bedroom door, inside Ashhad was resting on his bed when he heard a knock on his door, Ashhad politely said
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Queen, suffocate me with your thighs

    Kainaat : I'm really glad to see you all here, do not mourn the demise of your fellow comrades, they may not be here with us but, their efforts have surely paid of, we stand here niether stalemated nor defeated but rather victorious over a foe much greater than us, this is just the beginning, the day when this whole world shall be Ortanian isn't far away, may this victory be the catalyst to a million more battles, to every sword that struck another and every bow that fired an arrow may you be the guiding light to glory, to grace, to serenity and delight.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Dayum Boy

    Humzah : oh nothing, your dad just came back with the milk.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Finally, he came back

    As the Ortanian army made it's way back to Stevenburg, celebrations began across the nation, the first thing that was done after their arrival was the burial of the martyrs of the war, afterwards the soldiers celebrated by sharing drinks, dancing and more, Humzah, Kainaat, Alyne and Nizaam had regrouped in the royal palace where they began sharing their experiences, Nizaam said
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance
    Respondeu a AK_CREATES

    May be or May be not

    Ch 44 Chapter 44: Figuring it Out
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasia · EternalBalance
  • EternalBalance

    Humzah win the heart of eeryone he talks to

    Humzah : you to homie.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    bro fell in love with Saad

    Humzah left, as it began to turn dark all the shop keepers and stall owners began leaving, Saad had also packed up and was heading home when he saw that behind his lemonade stand was lying a large sack, Saad approached the sack and opened it, inside was a card that read " thankyou Saad, you're plan worked, Love Humzah ", inside the sack were heaps of emeralds as Saad smiled and said
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Its quite a brief chapter but i hope next one will be huge

    Ch 66 You can't run away from your sins
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    bro thinks he is the main character

    Ashhad : don't let the clouds of hopelessness get you, we have overcame even greater challenges than this.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance
    Respondeu a AK_CREATES

    think positive

    When they reached there, there was a harmonic atmosphere, songs were being sung, kids were running here and there, it was all out a blast of a Wedding ceremony, and many people were greeting Nas, the hero figure of their kingdom, everyone praises him, 'Here you are my lads!.' they turned to see and it was Tasarai who said, 'Welcome my Brothers, please enjoy the party and peace, which finally we have after so many years.' Tasarai then went on to welcome other Guest while, Nas and Gastat sat at the table, waiting for Darien and Therold, it took some time to arrive finally, they came to them and Darien said, 'What a majestic night, long since I had one!.' they finally sat down and were having a chit chat, when Esa came and said, 'Brothers, Kerunle is coming.' they stood up and then Kerunle arrived and they were shocked to look at her beauty, 'Oh my friend, Tasarai, you lucky Bastard!.' Said Gastat Nas, Darien and Therold all of them laughed at it, Kerunlé wore a Whites Dress, embedded with small flowers on the Hand, and she wore a traditional, transparent white cloth, wrapped around her face, and it was to be lifted by the groom.
    The Kid: Series
    Fantasia · EternalBalance
  • EternalBalance

    Good, she know that Humzah loves Ashad more then her

    Este número foi suprimido.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    yesssss yes yes

    Kainaat : yes Humzah I will.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES
  • EternalBalance

    Obito Uchiha

    Humzah : but you can't beat your teacher.
    RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)
    Ficção Científica · AK_CREATES