

2022-06-29 UnidoGlobal

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  • Old_CZE


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  • Old_CZE
    Respondeu a LuciferTheDevil767

    yes I also agree

    (A/N: So should I let shizu die? or Should I include her in harem....what do you guys think? If I save her then story will take another route, rimuru will just remain a slime and I'll have to cook some shit up...but if I let her die then....well I'll just saver i guess...
    Slice of life in Tensuraverse
    Anime e quadrinhos · LuciferTheDevil767
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Author, I am currently engrossed in your work and I'm curious about the future development of the main character's relationships. Will the main character build a harem throughout the storyline? Best regards.

    Ch 1 Chapter-1 A New creator is born
    Arceus In Tensura[rewriting]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Azahoth
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Author, I hope this message finds you well and in the thick of a successful examination period. I understand that your academic commitments have taken the front seat, and as such, the regular posting schedule might be disrupted for a while. It's absolutely critical to prioritize your education and personal development. We, your devoted fans, completely respect and support your decision. I want to assure you that your readership is patient and understanding. We understand that crafting captivating chapters requires not only creativity but also the time and peace of mind to spin your tales. The fact that you took the time to communicate your situation with us is highly appreciated and speaks volumes about your unwavering commitment to your readers. In addition, I found your insights about the characters from the Tensura world quite intriguing. It's always fascinating to learn the author's personal perspectives about their creations. Your opinion about Shizue's beauty surpassing that of Velzard, Velgrynd, Chloe, and everyone else, except for Ciel, adds another layer to our understanding of your narrative. Upon devouring your latest chapter, I was once again reminded of your extraordinary storytelling abilities. Your knack for weaving such a mesmerizing narrative is simply astounding. On behalf of myself and all your fans, I want to express our deep gratitude for gifting us with yet another beautiful chapter to relish. Remember, we are in this journey for the long haul. So take your time, focus on your exams, and when you are ready to return, we'll be here, eager for the next installment. Your hard work and dedication are truly inspiring, and we wish you nothing but the best in your exams. Stay strong, and continue to inspire us with your words! With warm regards, Your Dedicated Reader

    Ch 35 Chapter 35: Forging Destiny: The Rescue of Shizue Izawa.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Author, I wanted to share my thoughts on the idea of the Main Character having a harem. While I understand that this concept is popular in certain genres, I believe it can be problematic and reinforce harmful stereotypes. It may perpetuate the objectification of women and undermine the development of meaningful relationships between characters. Instead, I would encourage you to explore alternative ways to create depth and complexity in the story. Focus on developing authentic connections and relationships that can engage and captivate readers without relying on a harem narrative. This will allow for more nuanced character development and a richer storytelling experience. Thank you for considering my perspective. Sincerely, your new Fan

    Ch 2 CH002
    Too Overpowered
    Anime e quadrinhos · mobisa
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Author, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I've been meaning to write to you for a while now, but life, as it often does, threw a curveball my way. My dear grandmother, who has been fighting a long, arduous battle with Alzheimer's, is nearing the end of her journey. It's a heart-wrenching experience, one that has left me scrambling to spend every possible moment with her, cherishing the fleeting memories before they slip away forever. I apologize for my silence and for not sending my words of encouragement sooner. It was never my intention to withhold my admiration for your work. Your fanfiction, dear author, has been a beacon of light in these trying times. When the days are heavy, and the nights are longer, your words have been my solace. They have provided me with an escape, a world away from the harsh reality of my circumstances. Each chapter, each word, each stroke of your imagination brings me an indescribable joy that I cling to, a joy that I am immensely grateful for. From the very first time I chanced upon your work, I could sense the extraordinary talent you possess. The way you craft your narratives, the way your characters spring to life from the pages, the way your world unfurls in the reader's mind - it is all a testament to your writing prowess. Your stories are not merely words strung together but a symphony of ideas, emotions, and experiences that resonate deeply with your readers. I've observed your growth as a writer, and it's like watching the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Your grammar, your writing style, the fluidity of your narration - everything has evolved beautifully. Each new chapter is a testament to your progress, a testament to your commitment and dedication to your craft. Your fanfiction is not just a story to me; it has become a lifeline, an anchor in my stormy sea. I've grown to love your characters, your plot, the world you've built. It's a realm I eagerly dive into, a realm that provides me with respite, comfort, and joy. So, I implore you, please continue your journey. Your tale has become an integral part of my existence, a part I look forward to with bated breath. I understand your quest for feedback and improvement. It speaks volumes about your commitment as a writer. My advice to you is simple - keep weaving your magic, let your imagination soar, push your boundaries. Each word you pen is a reflection of your soul, and as a reader, I can affirm, your soul is truly beautiful. As I navigate this challenging phase, I often find solace in a quote from Master Oogway: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." These words echo in my mind, reminding me to cherish each moment, reminding me of the joy your story brings to my present. In conclusion, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for sharing your talent and your world with us. Your words have been a beacon, a source of joy and escapism in my difficult times. They've shown me the power of stories, the magic of words, and the beauty of imagination. So, here's to you, a truly gifted writer, and to your story, a captivating saga. Please, continue writing, continue dreaming, and continue inspiring. With sincere gratitude, Your dedicated fan

    Ch 32 I Want Answers!!!!
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Esteemed Author, I am writing to you today, not just as a fan, but as someone who's been profoundly moved by your storytelling. In the face of negativity, it's crucial to remember that your talent, your passion, and your dedication are far greater than any discouragement thrown your way. Hear me out. You know that saying, "You can't please everyone"? It's especially true when it comes to art. Your writing is your art, and it is subjective. It's meant to evoke emotions, spark conversations, and even challenge perspectives. So, it's only natural that there will be some people who won't understand or appreciate it. But should they dictate the worth of your work? Absolutely not! You have this incredible gift of weaving words into narratives that captivate us, transport us into your world, and make us feel a myriad of emotions. Your fanfiction is not just a story; it's an experience – one that some of us eagerly look forward to. We are your true fans, and our appreciation for your work is genuine. In the face of criticism, remember the countless messages of praise and encouragement you've received. Remember the joy your work brings to people like me, who find solace and excitement in your stories amidst our daily routines. Don't allow negativity to cloud your vision or diminish your passion. There's a quote by Bernard Baruch that I find particularly fitting: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Your genuine fans, including me, love your work. We admire your creativity, your dedication, and your courage to put your work out there for the world to see. So, dear author, please don't let the discouragement of a few detract from the joy and fulfillment that writing brings you. Don't let it steal away the pleasure that we, your loyal readers, derive from your work. Instead, use it as fuel to continue improving, to continue growing, and to write even more passionately. You are an incredible writer, and your work is more than worthy of being written. We're here for you, cheering you on, eagerly waiting for the next chapter. Remember, the only person you should strive to please with your writing is yourself. We, your true fans, will always be here, appreciating your work, and supporting you every step of the way. Write on!

    Ch 66 Stop it
    Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage
    Anime e quadrinhos · Akros_Zero
  • Old_CZE

    Oh, dear author, do not ever underestimate the power of your words! It is not just a simple fanfiction that you have been creating, but a vivid world that has been a source of joy for me and countless other readers. Let me tell you a bit about my day. I work at a candy factory, a place that's supposed to be filled with sweetness and joy. And yet, amidst the constant hum of the machinery and the repetitive tasks, life can sometimes feel a bit monotonous. But do you know what breaks that monotony? It's your chapters! Your chapters are like these delightful candies, each one a different flavor bringing a unique taste of adventure, intrigue, and emotion. They brighten up my day, providing me with a much-needed escape to a world much more exciting than my own. A world so beautifully crafted by your imagination, that it feels almost real. Your writing is like a beacon of light that shines brightly, helping me navigate through the day, helping me find joy in the mundane. I look forward to your updates, excitedly waiting for the notification, eager to dive once again into your world. I cherish these moments, these little breaks from reality, where I get to be a part of your characters' journey, experiencing their challenges, their victories, their emotions. So, please, dear author, do not lose motivation. Think about the joy you bring into people's lives. Think about the bright spots you create in our daily routines. Your fanfiction is not just a story, but a source of happiness, excitement, and sometimes even inspiration. I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter, and I know I am not alone. You've got this, author! Your creativity is a gift, and we, your readers, are here, supporting you, cheering for you, and most importantly, eagerly waiting for the next chapter. So, take a deep breath, have faith in your talent, and write on! Remember, you are not just an author, you are a creator of worlds, a weaver of dreams, and a bringer of joy. We believe in you! Please, continue to enrich our lives with your wonderful stories. You are doing an amazing job, and we can't wait to see what adventures you have in store for us next!

    Ch 18 Chapter 18: Time-Skip part-1.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    Ciel's new body

    But this body is different from Rimuru's body, it's a female body. This body has bluish silver hairs, different from Rimuru's. Rimuru's hairs are more of a silver and slightly bluish colored while on the other hand this this new body which is Ciel, her hairs are more of a blue and a little silver coloured.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    Here are several angelic names for a sword that represents everythingness and creation, emphasizing its divine and god-like qualities: 1. Seraphic Excalibur 2. Celestial Eternium 3. Archon's Genesis Blade 4. Divine Luminastra 5. Sanctus Aetherius 6. Angelic Primordium 7. Seraphic Artifex 8. Celestial Forgelight 9. Archon's Omnipotence 10. Divine Celestialis 11. Sanctum Creatoris 12. Angelic Infinitas 13. Seraphic Divinitor 14. Celestial Magnificus 15. Archon's Providentia These names, infused with angelic language, evoke a sense of sacred power, celestial origins, and divine craftsmanship. They capture the essence of the sword's ability to shape and create with god-like authority. May these names inspire awe and reverence for the formidable weapon of a god.

    (A.N. guys I know that it's a name from another anime, but even after thinking for a long time I was unable to come up with a good name so I just take this name.)
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    Here are some demonic names for a sword that embody the concepts of nothingness and destruction: 1. Xul'Gorath, the Soul Devourer 2. Mal'Kor, the Annihilator 3. Vex'draak, the Voidblade 4. Nihilus, the Bringer of Desolation 5. Khaz'goroth, the Abyssal Scourge 6. Zeth'rax, the Blade of Draconic Chaos 7. Xal'Zarak, the Havoccleaver 8. Mal'drek, the Eternitycleaver 9. Zerath, the Diabolic Voidbringer 10. Vex'Zorath, the Chaosforged Annihilatrix 11. Draeth'rax, the Wrathbringer's Obliterator 12. Mal'Voidus, the Draconic Voidreaper 13. Xul'Vorath, the Embrace of Desolation 14. Zeth'Zorath, the Draconic Doomcleaver 15. Mal'Nihilus, the Oblivion's Eternityfang These demonic names evoke a sense of darkness and malevolence, perfectly representing the concepts of nothingness and destruction. I hope you find these names fitting for your godlike sword!

    (A.N. guys I know that it's a name from another anime, but even after thinking for a long time I was unable to come up with a good name so I just take this name.)
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    kind sounds like Danger Sense quirk from MHA This Quirk allows the user to detect any potential threats in the surrounding area, thus giving the user the opportunity to properly react to them quickly, similar to a sixth sense. The detection of a threat is described by Izuku as a sharp stabbing sensation in his head. The Quirk is able to sense one's intent and their negative emotions.[3] Against human enemies, Danger Sense is triggered by their intentions of threat and malice.

    (3) Danger Detection: Able to danger from battles. If used properly death and attacks can be avoided. (Lesser version of future attack prediction)
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE
    The angel girl gave me a faint smile. "It is nice to meet you, master. I am the Alpha Type Battle Angeloid, Ikaros. I will serve you forever." She said while slowly approaching me. She stood directly in front of me and looked up into my eyes…
    Infinity Restaurant
    Anime e quadrinhos · IsekaiTails
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Esteemed Author, As an ardent reader and a devoted follower of your work, I would like to take a moment to express my deepest admiration and respect for your exceptional writing prowess. Your unique voice and storytelling skills have truly breathed life into the world of Tensura and have captivated countless readers, including myself. The way you've shaped the narrative and developed your characters is nothing short of masterful. Each personality, from the lead protagonist to the supporting cast, is richly layered and beautifully complex. This depth of character development is a rare and precious quality that truly sets your work apart. Your usage of the power system in Tensura is also noteworthy. It's not just about who has the biggest power, but the intricacies and nuances of how each power is used and developed. This, coupled with the thoughtful and engaging narrative arc, keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what will happen next. In addition, your pacing is impeccable. With each chapter, the story unfolds at a steady pace, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the world you've created without feeling overwhelmed. There's a perfect balance between action and exposition, which keeps the narrative engaging and the readers hooked. Finally, the profound themes and underlying messages woven throughout your work demonstrate a level of thoughtfulness and depth that speaks volumes about your skills as a writer. Given the high caliber of your work, it's only fitting that you receive adequate compensation for your tireness efforts. Hence, I would like to kindly ask if you have ever considered creating a Patreon account. This platform would not only provide you with the financial support you deserve but also allow your devoted readers to give back in a meaningful way. Your work has touched the hearts of many, and I firmly believe that a Patreon account would be a wonderful way for your readers to express their gratitude and appreciation. After all, great work, like yours, deserves a great reward. In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the fantastic work you do. Your stories have brought so much joy to my life, and I look forward to what you will create next. Yours sincerely, OldCZE

    Ch 6 Chapter 6: Evolution and New Skills.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE
    Respondeu a God_RimuruTempest
    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Death and Reincarnated As A Primordial.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    will the mc have a harem?

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Death and Reincarnated As A Primordial.
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    Anime e quadrinhos · God_RimuruTempest
  • Old_CZE

    correction for mic=} MC, Rimutu=} Rimuru

    My name is Hideshi korono and I'm a big fan of anime specifically the anime TTIGRAAS it is my favourite anime I love the characters the story and love how op the mic rimutu is how he whent from salary man to badass op slime king was just awesome.
    Reincarnated in tensura as a direwolf
    Anime e quadrinhos · Shadowking123
  • Old_CZE

    Dear Author-dono,I hope this message finds you well. I recently stumbled upon your fan fiction and I must say, I am quite intrigued by the storyline you've crafted. However, I couldn't help but wonder if the main character will have a harem in this particular fanfic.As a fan of the genre, I find harem elements can add an interesting dynamic to the narrative, offering various relationship dynamics and character interactions. It would be fascinating to see how the main character navigates through such a unique situation, while still maintaining depth and development.Of course, I understand that this decision ultimately rests in your creative hands, and I respect whatever direction you choose to take. I simply wanted to inquire about this aspect to better grasp the overall tone and themes of your story.Thank you for your time and dedication to your fan fiction. I look forward to reading your work and witnessing the captivating world you've created.

    Redefining Destiny; A Tensura Fanfic
    Anime e quadrinhos · mAsQuerade_
  • Old_CZE

    I appreciate your dedication and commendable efforts. Please be assured that my primary concern lies in the continuation of your commendable work. Even if it necessitates drastic measures, such as complete destruction and relocation, I trust your judgment and support your decisions in achieving the desired outcome.

    The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows
    Anime e quadrinhos · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Old_CZE
    Ch 2 10 years later
    overlord:The rise of the Nephalem
    Anime e quadrinhos · kingloko1