
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14: Aftermath and Stats

'Rimuru POV:'

Well that was quite a fight. Veldanava give me really a good fight. Right now nearly all of the world has been destroyed as a result of our fight.

Well that was to be expected. It was a fight between two catastrophic beings. We can say that we are more than catastrophic beings.

Right now I am in good shape. I didn't take any damage or any injury or something. It's just opposite to that right now I am completely full on magicules and I don't have much as a scratch on my body.

Well I should release the three dragon siblings. Or should I fix the damege that we cause first.

Nah.. it can be done later first I'll release them.

>>Ciel can you release the True Dragon siblings for me.<<

<<Yes master.>>

Well she seems quite happy. She must be happy that I am the winner of this fight.

As I said, Ciel released three of them. As they got released they immediately take there respective human forms.

"You Rimuru!!!!!! You did it!!!! You become one of us!!!!!! Now I am not the youngest one. My sworn brother." Veldora come towards me and throw his arms around my neck.

Jeez this guy, he never going to learn.

"Well that was a surprise, who could have thaught that Rimuru will be able to become one of us!" It was Velzard said as she came towards us. Behind her Velgrynd also coming.

"Well it was unexpected but now we have a new younger brother and he is well mannered too. Not unlike a certain someone." Velgrynd said as she give a side glare to Veldora.

And now he is hiding behind me. Give me a break.

I guess that's the way for them to show their love for them. And it seems Veldanava is reviving himself right now.

>>Hey Ciel does all the True Dragons can revive themselves like Veldanava or they will take some time like us primordials ?<<

<<No master every true dragon takes different amount of time to revive again after getting killed but Veldanava is a case. The Voice Of World recognise as creator, God. So if he somehow get then will him instantly unless there some misunderstanding like said us about his daughter's case or wishes himself not revived. Because God can anytime wants even in only seconds.>>

>>Damn.. that's a pretty convenient ability he got there. And what are they saying about me being their sibling, is it true Ciel ?<<

<<No. Master is only releted to True Dragons by species like how all human's are same but they not each other that.< p>

They think that master is their sibling because now master have his own Dragon Factor and master is also belongs to True Dragon species.

But they are born naturally a natural phenomena and they also belongs to Veldanava's lineage the series of creation while on the other hand master is not belong to Veldanava's lineage master has his own lineage, the lineage of  Void and master is belong to series of nothingness. So basically master is not their sibling and master is also superior to them in all aspects.>>

>>Well you don't have to say about superior thing, but now I understand a little better. Telling them that I am not their sibling is easy but explaining them all this lineage and series things will be hard. And one more question now,that I had evolved into True Dragon does that mean I am no longer a primordial demon.<<

<<The answer of this question will be yes and no. And it extremely difficult to explain master in a way that understand.>>

>>I don't get it what do you mean by yes and no. But are you saying that I am stupid ?<<

<<No, it's just your imagination.>>

>>You know what, forget it. You just tell me the simplest way possible.<<

<<Understood, it's like this, master is reincarnated in a body of True Dragon. And now Dragon with still having power's primordial. It's has again all previous skills, powers and the essence Primordial. In short can call himself both Primordial Demon>>

>>Well I get gist of it. Now basically I am both True Dragon and a primordial at the same time. But more of a True Dragon.<<

<<Yes something like that.>>

Well that answers everything. Now on to the Dragon siblings,

"Well guys you are wrong, because I am not your sibling it's just that we are same species. You can say it like that, like humans who all are same species but not releted to each other." I said to them clearing the misunderstanding.

"Explain to me Rimuru!!! I don't understand. Didn't you are a True Dragon right now? Doesn't that make you one of us?"Veldora asked me. Velzard and Velgrynd also noded in agreement with Veldora.

It seems like he doesn't want to be the youngest in the True Dragon family.

"Well you see it's like this,...ah... I don't know how to explain this to you!!!!" I said in frustration.

Because I also didn't understand all of it.

They are going to say something but suddenly magicules started to gather at a point. It was coming from everything, magicules start rising from the ground.

The amount continued to rise and rise. All the magicules in the surrounding continued to gather, be it from the air, ground. Anything that is near it's magicules were ripped from them. The magicules continued to gather.

Soon, the quantity had already exceeded the amount that could be considered safe.

And it's stopped, there was enough magicules for Veldanava's body to take shape. His soul started to make a body from the magicules. And now, the only thing left is to allow the soul to inhabit the magicules and take root.

The magicules continued to swirl and twirl around in random direction, before finally taking a shape. The magicules slowly formed, what appeared to be, a transparent body of a dragon. The body doesn't materialized.

The magicules got denser and denser, and finally created the body.


A large roar was generated by the dragon that could be heard by several continents far, if they are still there.

Now Veldanava's resurrection was nearly completed. As Veldanava's soul got more and more habitat with his body, his energy and aura started to emanate from his body. His aura alone was very big it also consists Stardust in it. And then the dragon transformed into it's human form.

Now transformed into his human form Veldanava started to approach us.

"Yes what Rimuru saying is true he is just the same species as us but he is not our sibling." Veldanava said to them.

"Can you please explain that to us, big brother?" Velgrynd asked Veldanava.

"I will, but not now maybe some time later. For the time being you guy's only need to know is Rimuru is True Dragon but he is not our sibling." He said to them.

"Well I guess that's it then. That mean Veldora is still youngest amongst us." Velzard said.

Veldora heard her but pretend that he didn't here and instead approached me.

"Well you are our sibling or not, it doesn't matter. You are still my True Brother." Veldora said and he brought his fist in front of me for a fist bump.

"Yeah you are right, it doesn't matter. We are still brothers." I said to Veldora and we first bumped while smiling.

Ohh... God this is so embarrassing.

"Well I appreciate that you consider each other as brothers, but I think we should fix this and go to somewhere where we can actually stay." Veldanava said to us bringing us back to reality.

"Yeah you are right. Leave it to me. I will do that. Just give me some space." I said to them.









*Time skip:Few day's later;*

It's been few days since everything is finished and I (Ciel) restored everything like there is nothing happened in the first place. Even we are able to resurrect nearly all the peoples that were dead.

But sadly Ciel didn't alter their memories and made them forget that somthing like this ever happened. She said that everyone should know that the new True Dragon (me) is the strongest True Dragon. And she didn't even listen to me.

After that all of us came to here on God's Mountain. And I (Ciel) created a two flore house from my previous world. If we look from the outside it looks like it is a small house big enough for a family of six-seven peoples.

But in the inside it's different case. Because Ciel had made this house like we can have as much as space in the inside and from the outside it will remain same.

This house consists six bedroom's one for each of us and two extra rooms for the guest. If we even have any. To each bedroom one bathroom is attached to take a bath. It also has a kitchen and a big living room.

A big garden in front of the house which had bunch of different flowers in it. And in the backyard a big hotspring . I don't know how she made that but who cares about that. It has two sections one for women and one for men.

Living room and kitchen is on the ground floor while on the first floor consists bedrooms.

And on the roof it has a huge swimming pool. All in all it's a dream house of any human.

Right now I am sitting in my room. And Veldanava is explaining to others that how am I not their sibling in the living room.

I wonder how strong I have gotten since my evolution into True Dragon?

>>Hey Ciel anything's that I should know from the information you have gain from Veldanava. And any other things.<<

<<Yes master there are several things like first, I have found out that all the Virtue series skills a control circuit in it and [Justice King: Michael] is head of skills. And anyone who has King : can peoples skill from Angelic>>

>>It's not good. Not good at all. Why would Veldanava create something like that. Ahh... To much of a problem. But hey right now Veldanava is in the possession of [Michael] right. And Velzard and Velgrynd also have skills from Virtue series right. I also had a Virtue series skill before so does that mean can anyone who has [Michael] control me?<<

>>Yes currently Veldanava is in the possession of [Michael] and also Velzard has Virtue series skill [Patience King : Gabriel] and Velgrynd has [Charity King : Raguel]. And no master had Virtue series Skill's before but after integration of those skills master has no connection with those skills. In other words it is impossible to control master.<<

>>Then there is no need to worry. And Veldanava would never do anything like that. But after Veldanava's death anyone who will obtain this skill we can't say anything about them. Can you able to destroy that control circuit ?<<

<<Yes I can do that but recommend not to it.>>

>>And why is that.<<

<<Because Veldanava has made this skills like these because he must have thaught that in future someone strong who one of the Virtue series skill is not good person and any ill intent towards his creation then will be able to control them. So I suggest instead altering [Justice King : Michael] we should evolve Velgrynd Velzard how master evolved skills. And also it seems Veldora unique [Chaos Storm] into [Thunder Indra].>>

>>I see you have some points. So we will go with you and evolve Velzard and Velgrynd's skill's. And damn now Veldora also have two ultimate skill.<<

>>Hey Ciel can you able to integrate Veldora's both of skills just like mine? I would like to give a gift to him.<<

<<Yes that is possible.>>

>>Then we will do that. Now could you run appraisal on me. I want to see how strong I have become.<<

<<Understood,< p>

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: True Dragon {Supreme Chaotic Devine Sprit} (True Demonic Dragon body) [Digital Lifeform].

Title(s): The Embodiment Of Nothingness : The Ruler Of Void, Chaos Creator, True Demon Lord, Void Dragon, The Fifth True Dragon, Primordial Silver, Progenitor of the Silver.

Gender: Male.

Nickname: Argent, buddy. (given by Veldora)

Existence Value: 1,040,005,050 (1.04 B)

(800M Rimuru+ 15M Sword+225M True Dragon release)

800,000,050 (800 M)

(+15 M sword, +225 M True Dragon release.)

(84M Veldora+ 74M Velzard+ 67M Velgrynd)(A.N. They are not in their prime yet. they can still become strong.)

Intrinsic skills: Dragon Spirit Haki, Universal Sence, Universal Shapshift, Information Partical Manuplation.

(A.N. After becoming 'Digital Lifeform' he gained new intrinsic skill; 'Information Partical Manipulation')

Manas: Ciel


(1)All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

(2)Alteration: The ability to modify and evolve skills.

(3)Analytical Appraisal: The ability to analyze and assess the target.

(4)Attribute Conversion.

(5)Chant Annulment: The ability to eliminate the need for chanting when using magic.

(6)Future Attack Prediction: The ability to predict attack in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill is not its ability to predict, but that whatever it predicts is guaranteed to happen.

(7)Law Domination: Gives the user absolute control over all laws of the world, magical or scientific, from the five basic Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space, down to the properties of gravity, heat, and inertia, etc. It also allows the use of skills obtained through Food Chain.

(8)Parallel Operation: The ability to detach analysis of phenomena from the mind.

(9)Synthesize/Separate: Allows the user to merge two things together or split things apart into more basic components.

(10)Thought Acceleration: The ability to accelerate the thought processing speed of the user by hundreds of millions of times.

(11)Thought Domination: Allows for the manipulation of one's targets to ensure they follow orders.

(12) World's Knowledge: Upgraded version of previous 'Earth's Knowledge' which now has knowledge of both worlds.

(13) Food Chain: The ability to freely replicate the skills of the user's subordinates, while also enabling the user to grant their subordinates any skills they are compatible with. Furthermore, the user's "power" also grows whenever their subordinates grow stronger.

(14) All Thing Creation: The ability to create anything including skills, memories, souls, and matter.

Ultimate Skill:

1. Void God : Azathoth


(1) Soul Consumption: A super-enhanced version of predation-gluttony, which can devour the target's Soul ignoring space-time. It can also devour space and time itself.

(2) Imaginary Collapse: The unlimited/infinite amount destructive energy [Trun Null] that fills Imaginary Space and is able to be used at full efficiency with the assistance of Ciel.

(3) Imaginary Space: A Chaos World. The ultra-evolved version of "Stomach" and "Isolation" with unlimited/infinite size. It's a prison where those who need to be quarantined are locked up.

(4) Food Chain: The ability to freely replicate the skills of the user's subordinates, while also enabling the user to grant their subordinates any skills they are compatible with. Furthermore, the user's "power" also grows whenever their subordinates grow stronger.

(5) True Dragon Release [Storm, Scorch, Frost]: A variant of Parallel Existence that allows for Veldora, Velgrynd and Velzard as well as their power, to exist simultaneously assimilated with Rimuru and active in the outside world. When activated, an "other body" of Veldora, Velgrynd, Velzard is created and all of Rimuru's energy that would have otherwise belonged to them is loaned back. It can be undone with the respective True Dragon's consent and after doing so all of their energy will return to Rimuru.

(6) True Dragon Nucleation [Storm, Scorch, Frost]: If Veldora, Velgrynd and Velzard's energy are not currently lent by True Dragon Release, it can instead be materialized into the form of a spherical core. The core contains all of their energy as if it were their body and can be slotted into Rimuru's sword, creating an unmatched weapon.

(7) Eyes of Distruction: Allow user to nullify/destroy any or everything in users field of vision. Including magic, skill based attacks, Every type of barrier. It doesn't limited to the Ultimate lavel. It can even destroy enemy barrier's and space-time itself.

(8) Space-Time Domination: It allows the user complete control over the elements of Space and Time, allowing them to perform Space-Time Connection and Instant Motion easily. Also user can stop time and activate Suspended World at will.

(9) Reality Domination: It allows the user to manipulate the reality however they want.

(10) Life and Death Control: The absolute control over the elements life and death. Also it include rewriting Info of the Soul and stealing the body's energy.

(11) Multiple Parallel Existence: Stronger version of 'Parallel Existence' where all bodies have equal amount of power to the original. Also it is possible to dicide to give less power to other body.

(12) Law Domination: Gives the user absolute control over any and every laws of the world, magical or scientific, from the five basic Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space, down to the properties of gravity, heat, and inertia, etc. It also allows the use of skills obtained through Food Chain.

(13) Multi-Dimensional Barrier: It is a barrier-type skill that achieves Absolute Defense through the utilization of an always active Multilayer Barrier in combination with Dimension Fault, the upgraded version of Distortion Field, Uriel's Absolute Defence and Michael's Castel Gaurd.

It boasts a foolproof defense against any and every type of attacks. It doesn't matter what kind of nature of the attack is. Its performance is above that of even Uriel's Absolute Defence and Michael's Castel Gaurd.

(14) Space-Time Leap: User can travel anywhere he desire as long as have the desired locations information available ignoring anything in it's path even space and time. It is possible to travel in different timelines and dimensions.

2. Harvest God: Shub-Niggurath


(1) All Thing Creation: The ability to create anything user desired. Including skills, memories, souls, and matter. Also user can create brand new skills and recreate skills based on data obtained from Analysis and Food Chain.

(2) Skill Gifting: Allows the user to grant skills to a target, assuming they're compatible.

(3) Information Bank: Stores the Data of all analyzed skills so they can be recreated later. Also stores all the gathered information/Data that can be accessed any time the user wants.

Extra skills: Hell flames, Black lighting,  Thought Communication, Perfect Memory, Sleep, etc.

Magic: Primitive Magic(Obtained from the information taken from Veldanava), True Dragon Magic[Void Magic, Storm Magic, Scorch Magic, Frost Magic], All Magic (Obtain other types of magic from the information taken from Veldanava).

Nullification: Pain Nullification,

Infinite Soul Regeneration,

Physical Attack Nullification,

Spritual Attack Nullification,

Soul Attack Nullification,

Natural Attack Nullification,

Mental Attack Nullification

Abnormal Condition Nullification,

Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification.


(1) Void Collapse : World of a Thousand Blooming Changes.

(2) Imaginary Blade.

(3) Imaginary Fist.

(4) Secret Art of Implantation.

(5) Secret Art of Resurrection: Returns the available and intact soul of a deceased target to its body, reviving the target.

(6) Secret Art of Revival: Regenerates the damaged soul of a deceased target, making it possible to resurrect the target with the Secret Art of Resurrection.

(7) Secret Art of Spiritualization: Transforms the target's Material Body into a Spirit Body to protect their Spiritual and Astral Bodies, effectively transforming the target into a Spiritual Lifeform that can survive without a Material Body, while safely and surely inheriting their knowledge, experience, and authority they had acquired.


1.Rimuru's current sword.

Sword: Unnamed

Grade: Genesis Grade.

Existence value: 15,000,000. (15M)

2.Extra sword.

Sword: Unnamed.

Grade: Genisis Grade.

Existence value: 15,000,000. (15M)

That concludes all.>>

>>Damn.. what kind of bulshit is this!! I know that I am strong but this...this is absurd!!! This is total absurdity!!!! Are you sure that you did the right analysis?<<

<<Are...are you doubting on me master ? Me your eternal partner I didn't expected this from master!!>> (In a disheartened and almost crying voice.)(faking)

>>Hey... Don't cry! it's not like I am doubting on you.. it's just that I am surprised by own power. That's it, nothing much.<<(in a panicked voice)< p>

<<Fufu don't worry master. I know you will never do that.>>

>>Phew* Well that aside how the fuck my existence value increased to direct 800M if we don't count True Dragon Release? Didn't it's just 73M before?This is insane!!!<<

<<Master your magicules were 73M before evolution but after it became a little more than 200M.>>

>>Then why is there total 800M??<<

<<It's because when master absorbed the attack that Veldanava throwed at you I converted it into master's energy time masters became 300M and after devoured remaining of defeating him, also then total 800M.>>(in a proud voice)

(A.N. It's like when Rimuru devoured Michael in LN Vol 19 and turned into his energy. It's like 200M Rimuru +100M Veldanava's attack +500M Veldanava's remaining energy.)

>>So you are the mastermind behind all of this, huh.. Well what happened is happened now we can do nothing about it. Now let's just go with it. And it seems like I represent 'Destruction' and 'Nothingness', while on the other hand you represent 'Creation' and 'Everythingness'.<<

<<Master can say it like that.>>

>>And my swords not named huh... Should I name it or not? Nah... I will just name it what going to happen to it anyway!!<<

With that I take my sword in my hand and said,

"From now on your name will be, The sword of Destruction and Nothingness: Anos."

(A.N. guys I know that it's a name from another anime, but even after thinking for a long time I was unable to come up with a good name so I just take this name.)

Just as I my sword started to glow brightly. After some seconds my sword returned to it's back and it seemed it's become more stronger.

Well now getting stronger is just normal thing for me, I guess! Hahaha

>>Hey Ciel do you know what happened to my sword?<<

<<It seems that master after you naming the sword, this sword has recognised and only it's besides no one will be able to use expect me.>>

>>So what will happen to anyone who will try to use this sword?<<

<<If anyone other than us try to use this sword they won't be able it. For them is just a normal unique or below that grade sword. And the will start drain their life energy from them.>>

>>I see now no one will be able to use my sword huh... Now about the other sword.<<

I said that and the took the second sword in my hand.

"Your name will be The sword of Creation and Everythingness: Militia." Just as I said that the second sword also glowed and become more strong.

(A.N. guys I know that it's a name from another anime, but even after thinking for a long time I was unable to come up with a good name so I just take this name.)

>>Ciel I would like to give this second sword, Militia, to you as a gift for everything you have done for me.<<

<<I am eternally grateful to you master for this.<<< p>

>>And it seems I have become the strongest in the world.<<

<<Yes. Master is the current strongest person in world.>>

>>What do you mean the current strongest?<<

<<I mean what I exactly said. Master is the current strongest person in world. But master not entire existence yet. only second existence. The Veldanava. If Veldanava his prime state then he would have defeated without any difficulty.>>

>>Well that's to be expected he is a God and Creator after all. But I don't think becoming more strong than I already am is possible.<<

<<No master. There is a way for master to become the strongest person in entire existence!>>

>>Is there ? Then please enlighten me.<<

<<Yes master, in the information that I have obtained from individual Veldanava there is a spell called 'Chrono-Saltation' which will send person who attacked by this to end of space and time. And if used on master then become strongest entire existence ever have.>>


And that's end.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count = 4.2k