


• Just a layman with interest in physics, biology, ethics, metaphysics and theology. • Fantasy and sci-fi's my favorite. Worldbuilding too.

2022-06-11 UnidoGlobal



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  • The_Open_Sky

    Keep the good work up author! But a word of advice, I think you need some larger chapters and paragraphs too.

    Redemption's Trial
    Adolescente · AbdulfatahFatima
  • The_Open_Sky
    Respondeu a Maeve_Lindley

    Ah sorry, I'm actually rewriting some of the chapters at the moment to balance heavy description with narrative. Following that really helpful honest review is what I'm doing right now, and thank you as well for leaving these comments. They tell me what to improve as an author :D from someone who could clearly write better dialogue than me haha

    Ch 3 An Unfortunate First Impression
    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasia · The_Open_Sky
  • The_Open_Sky

    Shameless Author Review. Gotta say that my writing style is very detail heavy and as an author I'm still learning to balance that or even enhance the plot with that. Thanks to an honest reviewer, shout-out of @Taufiqulalam, I think I've learned a thing or two to stop my strength as a heavy detail writer from being a weakness. So for all you with short fuses, give it a try, I promise you my isekai ain't generic.

    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasia · The_Open_Sky
  • The_Open_Sky

    Honestly, reading this is a good way for me as another author to learn how to write better. The author here shows her ability to craft enjoyable scenes and dialogue without falling into the trap of minimalism or being so descriptive that the story is a bit slow. I envy the author for this and when she said her writing ability improved, I totally believe it.It's also refreshing to also see a more western style story here. So give the author a good read, I promise you you'll enjoy it.

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  • The_Open_Sky

    Honestly, I'm jealous on how you could write this. My writing style is heavy detail but I'm so so bad at dialogue aaaa.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • The_Open_Sky
    Respondeu a ToufiqUlAlam

    Well noted, thank you very much for the honest feedback. I now know what to fix.

    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasia · The_Open_Sky
  • The_Open_Sky
    Respondeu a ToufiqUlAlam

    How about now? This much detail isn't weird right lol.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasia · The_Open_Sky
  • The_Open_Sky
    Respondeu a

    sure haha. I'll add some more detail, I was worried it might be a bit too weird if I overdescribed lol.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasia · The_Open_Sky
  • The_Open_Sky

    idk why but I imagined a K-pop type of guy lol

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • The_Open_Sky

    As a reader, I think the novel's premise is quite unique and it has a lot of potential. I hope my review could be the one to open up that potential because there seems to be a whole world that can be built out of this by the Author. My first recommendation is that I think the author could make the setting more fleshed out, in terms of writing style. I think that the author should invest more sentences in descriptions of the scenes. Paint the world in more colors so to speak, because although the dialogue is great I personally think it should be matched with great description as well so that the novel could be visualized better. My second recommendation is more show, less tell. An example I want to highlight is from the prologue, where the professor doesn't trust his student. I think it could be fleshed out better by describing the memory fragments in more detail, and more examples of the professor's disbelief and why he disbelieves so. I think doing that would make the complexity of the setting more appreciated. These are my two cents and I hope they're helpful Author! I hope to see you grow!

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  • The_Open_Sky

    Heyo, reading Arcane Reversal, I have to admit that the author is good at characterization and dialogue. The characters don't talk like robots and I feel that immerses you into the world the author built. However, I think Arcane Reversal is a case of a diamond in the rough and that's a good thing, as the author can refine it further.First, although the author's descriptions are good, I think improvements can be made in punctuation, quotes and dividing paragraphs. It would be much more neat if the author could space the full stops and commas correctly. The paragraphs should also be divided into at most five sentences in each, too long and it becomes a text wall.Try best to format sentence quotes into single sentences as well Author, it helps the reader process it more easily plus it lets you insert some descriptions and actions in between lines. Even with all this, Arcane Reversal has good potential and I do recommend you read and support the author!

    Urbano · HeavensMistake
  • The_Open_Sky

    Reading all eight chapters, I can say that this novel's premise and plot progression is good. It's well made and not hard to read or follow at all, great for leisure reading. It uses simple words and sometimes quite unique phrases like "All the hairs of his body gave a standing ovation.", and I appreciate the creativity.The plot and premise is also quite unique, I haven't really seen this idea so far. The closest I've seen is SCP-5000 I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm looking forward to how the author will continue the plot with the unique premise in mind.I find it great already, but even with all the praises there's some room for further refinements that I think the author could do. I'm a bit sensitive with how a story flows, so take it with a grain of salt. I think some of the descriptions and details could be increased, and made more straightforward. Sometimes it disrupts the flow momentarily when reading, but it's not a big issue or anything when reading.All in all, I give it a 5.0 : D

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  • The_Open_Sky

    I like how the puzzle was based on the protagonist's own life. It's not a matter of strength or intelligence, but more of the ability to reflect. Noice twist.

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  • The_Open_Sky

    it seems, even gods need money

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  • The_Open_Sky

    s u s

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  • The_Open_Sky

    As ridiculous as it seems, this part is so necessary to add for some inexplicable reason. My experience: I wrote a fanfic on ff.net and for some reason people are raging nonstop until I added the disclaimer lol.

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