

2022-04-16 UnidoGlobal



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  • CaliburnG2

    Despite this book only having 7 chapters, it made me feel way more than most other novels on this book, even the ones that had an upward of 100 chapters. The characters are spectacular, and they are all unique and amazing. Especially Indicy, I strangely really liked him for whatever reason. I never thought I liked this genre, but yet here I am. I might see what more this genre has, because It sure as hell made me like romance a lot. I don't really have any complaints, although the writing flow sometimes feel a bit off, but that's usually only for a while before it returns to its usual flow, and there are a few grammar mistakes here and there. I'm really interested in what is going to happen next, especially after that last chapter.

    The King is in love
    Fantasia · Loctovia
  • CaliburnG2

    Oooo, I've heard lions and eagles engraved on throne chairs, but never heard of an Ant. That's actually quite unique.

    The meeting was being held in one of the many rooms in the castle, and like the rest, it was decorated elegantly. It wasn't the main throne room, but the king sat on a beautiful large gold chair engraved with the symbol of the Kingdom and royalty; a large Ant which symbolised wisdom. The small creature was revered because it had immense tactics and intelligence. It was also draped in royal red colours. The chair, more like a throne, was on an elevated podium so that king Indicy looked down on the other occupants in the room.
    The King is in love
    Fantasia · Loctovia
  • CaliburnG2

    I liked this paragraph way more than I thought I would. Pretty darn good descriptive skills.

    She used the darkness of the night as cover as she walked through the dead streets given the fact that everyone was asleep or retired for the night. She knew the people of the land and knew exactly where she was headed that night as she held her bundle of joy in her arms. She looked lonely and fragile as if she had the weight of the kingdom on her. The woman had wrapped herself with a shawl to shield herself and the baby from the night chills as she trudged through the misty night.
    The King is in love
    Fantasia · Loctovia
  • CaliburnG2

    Note: I have read up to chapter 22. Some spoilers up ahead. Well, I believe Chase_Xavier's words perfectly replicate mine, except mine is a bit harsher. There are quite a lot of stuff in this novel that makes you go "What in god's name is going on?", and some nonsensical stuff here and there. Writing Quality- It's okay, I suppose. There are quite a lot of grammar mistakes, words not capitalized, misspellings, and the flow of the story is a bit off. It's not something that will make you go, "Wow! This is great!" but it's just a bit below average. 2.5/5 Story development: Man, oh man. This might be the weakest point of the series. There are many times where you don't even know what is going on, or why is such a thing happening. One of said examples is Jeremy, in the whole castles. Also, have you heard of the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat"? Well, the MC is the cat here, except he isn't dead yet. From the get-go, in the earlier chapters when he has been apparently fighting for days and is tired, he somehow thinks it's a good idea to try and know some of the mysteries of the town that wants to kill him, despite the fact the town is currently infested with beings that want to kill him. That also kind of conflicts with what we knew about the Main Character in the first chapter, as it states that he lacks passion, and has no envy and greed, and yet that definitely doesn't seem to be the case. And let's not talk about the girl he meets along the way, which, for whatever reason, begins caring for her. Look, I'm all in for character development, but when you go slaughtering many beings without batting an eye and have no problem thinking about killing an old man at the first chapters, I see no reason at all to somehow feel attached to some girl. Character development, yes, but there is no development here. It's like me killing many beings without giving a damn about them, and I suddenly care about one person for no reason whatsoever. Definitely the weakest point. 2/5 Character Design: And now, this is probably the strongest trait this story has. The characters are pretty nice, although bland at times. What interested me the most was their abilities, as they all had unique abilities that could be used in a clever way. Not to mention, some of the designs for the characters are pretty nice, especially a few of them that were eldritch in design. What can I say, I'm a sucker for eldritch/lovecraftian beings. 3.5/5. World Background: Not bad, not great, simply average. We aren't given many details on the world. No history on them, just tiny tidbits of information here and there, but nothing spectacular. 3/5. Although that should not discourage you, as there are some genuinely interesting ideas here, and I'm generally far harsher when it comes to criticism, so while this might be an a-okay book for me, it might be an amazing book for you. Not to mention, the chapters keep getting better and better bit by bit, although not a spectacular pace. Overall, it's not for me, personally. But depending on your tastes, I'd say give it a try.

    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    Petty. But he's kinda fun.

    "How's that for power, huh!"
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    To the void? What? Does he have another ability that could just discard his current servants to the void? Why was this not mentioned anywhere?

    Upon gaining Vector, Rio sends Zack to the void and has Vector pick him up and leave the building.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    Yes! Dominate your opponents with your cuteness. Truly powerful.

    [Dominate- Using the user's cute nature, You are able to tear away at any entity's will until their only thoughts are how to please you. (speed may vary per individual)]
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    Best option

    The third image showed a small dog. It looked to be similar to a white furred Pomeranian. This one was titled, "Influencer"
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    For a creature who is apparently small enough to fit inside a hood, he's pretty darn strong.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    From the description we got on Rio, this seems kind of out-of-character? Not to mention, didn't he want to avoid any possible trouble? Why would he want to risk danger just because he was curious?

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    "Look looking man"?

    His servant pulls down his hood exposing a look looking man with short orange hair.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    Man, Rio is just not surprised with his current situation, eh? He seems really chill about it.

    Rio thinks about Alberoths words for a moment and takes another look in the ravine.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2

    Wouldn't that include Rio, too?

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Urbano · Deranwoods
  • CaliburnG2
    Respondeu a Chase_Xavier_123

    Exactly what I thought. Those little devils think they are gods, and we are there just to worship them.

    You shall live for me and I shall bestow you gifts in return."
    Urbano · Deranwoods