

2022-02-04 UnidoUnited States



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  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a Ouranos

    Those are excellent ideas, I hadnt thought of mixing them with change in chakra nature

    "Hmm, why bother with someone like her then?"
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a KingofThingz

    I am sorry

    Ch 43 Author’s Notice
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a Fryandika_Larung


    Ch 43 Author’s Notice
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a Ouranos

    I guess I eallyvhavent dives that deep, other than extending and conntaining that's about it

    "Hmm, why bother with someone like her then?"
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a ferferfer2

    A large punch, you cock your arm back as farm as possible and put all your strength into it.

    Kankuro and I clashed as we met in the pool of mud. Our kunai became blurs as we attacked and parried each other over and over again. We both slipped several times, resulting in awkward struggles to regain our balance. Eventually, I got an opening and landed a punch on Kankuro's left shoulder. He stumbled and threw his kunai at me. The kunai grazed the left side of my stomach, leaving a shallow cut. Angry, I threw myself onto Kankuro and we both went down hard. We wrestled for a while, exchanging blows. It became very apparent that I was not as physically strong as Kankuro. Taijutsu was by far my weakest ability and it was clearly showing. I put my hand into the mud and forced any iron sand nearby to form around it. Kankuro charged me, throwing a long-winded haymaker. I grinned and raised my hand to block it. Unlike before though, my hand to my elbow was covered with iron sand. Kankuro didn't see it in time, his fist painful cracking as it met my iron sand sleeve. Kankuro fell to his knees, clutching his broken knuckles. I raised my right hand which was still covered with iron sand. I was about to deliver a devastating blow when Kankuro threw a lightning-quick punch. It hit me straight in the gut, causing me to keel over. He must have been faking clutching his hand so I would drop my guard.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a ferferfer2

    It's kankuro, not an actaually enemy

    "Use the iron sand, or are you that clueless." With that, Shukaku went back to presumably napping. I guess he was right, the iron sand wasn't like my normal sand, its weakness was lightning-style moves, not water. Iron sand was also a direct weakness of puppets because the iron particles would get inside its mechanisms and jam them. I guess I could summon my regular sand from the two scrolls on my belt but they'd just meet the same fate as the sand before them. Did I have any other option? It really didn't seem that way in my current position, so I grabbed the iron sand scroll from my sling. I quickly unraveled it and summoned the iron sand right into the air in front of me. I grabbed control of it and then formed it into a shield. I swung it around to be straight in front of the jet of water. I was a little worried that I may be wrong, that I didn't have a strong enough control over the iron sand to stop the jet. Fortunately, I was right and the jet met its match against the iron sand shield. I could see Kankuro's visible shock from me using iron sand to counter the water jet. I floated back down to the ground with the iron sand protecting me the whole time. I gradually began walking closer and closer to Kankuro in order to get within range to attack. Kankuro turned up the pressure and my iron sand began to falter from it. I simply wasn't skilled enough to keep the iron sand together under that pressure. I had only a little amount of time before I'd be unable to hold the shield together. I put one hand on the ground, the other to hold up the shield. I raced my mind for a Jutsu to use and decided on the first one I thought of. Sand Chains was a Jutsu that made sand form into a tough chain that was optimal for capturing. The chains formed from the sand on the arena floor that wasn't soaking wet. Several of them grabbed the Riptide puppet while I managed to get one locked on Kankuro's right arm. Kankuro now looked infuriated that the match he had been so close to winning was now turned on its head. He attempted to use Riptide to destroy the sand chains but I had firmly trapped the puppet with Sand Chains Entrapment. The puppet's whole body was wrapped in chains, there was almost no possibility of it escaping. Kankuro quickly realized that Riptide was a lost cause and then moved to Oasis. As far as I knew, Oasis was just a puppet built to supply water to Riptide. I hadn't sent any chains to it because I thought it was useless with Riptide out of the equation. That had been a mistake it seemed as I heard clicking and whirring from the puppet as Kankuro did something to it. Suddenly, Oasis's stomach burst open and a huge wave of water poured out. I had no idea how Kankuro had fit so much water inside that puppet but it was ridiculous. Both Kankuro and I were swept away by the wave of water. My sand chains and iron sand both fell to the ground, the sand chains because of the water, and the iron sand due to lack of concentration.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a LuluViBritania

    Your first point was something I planned working on in the future, though I didn't think of your second idea.

    Ch 4 End to the Battle
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a _Lost_Reader_

    Possibly or I might cut it short due to it's many failures. I haven't decided what I'm going do.

    Ch 6 Summoning Jutsu, Training with Iron Sand, and Confrontation
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a RackOfLife

    I thought Gaara was told is name at some pointt heard him use it before in the series.

    "Shukaku, I have come to you with a proposal that could benefit both of us. Don't scream again it's very annoying and I can leave anytime I want. Then you'll be back under the full force of the seal, all alone." That really shut him up quick, I didn't think that it would be so easy. Then again, the threat of him being all alone, locked away inside of here was probably very daunting. Maybe I had been a little too cruel with that threat, Tailed Beasts were just as smart as regular people were. They didn't ask to be jammed inside of someone along with being forced to give up their power. I decided I could be a little nicer, not like I could remove Shukaku without dying anyways.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a David_Drake

    I understand your frrustration. I tried representing Gaara how I thought would be best. It didn't urn out very well overall, I wiish I could change this.

    Ch 35 Hunted by the Hidden Leaf ANBU
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a David_Drake


    Ch 35 Hunted by the Hidden Leaf ANBU
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a Chris_Matte

    Yes, I will do that. I sometimes won't know when to stop or start or I get sidetracked and forget. My apologies.

    So many things I wanted to do to get stronger in so little time. These things weren't gonna be done in a matter of days, it could take years. I'd most likely have to travel to Genbu if I couldn't get Shukaku to willingly help me achieve a Chakra Form. It was what Naruto did in order to get the proud Nine-Tails chakra from Kurama. Shukaku and the Nine-Tails were very similar in that nature, stubborn and prideful. Shukaku had far too high of standing for himself to just do what was convenient for me. I needed to find something to power myself up without relying on Shukaku. I began walking around the archives without a clue what I was looking for. I made my way to the very back where things were in much greater disarray than upfront. This part was the artifacts section, full of relics that signified the Land of Winds' past. Summoning scrolls were used to store anything from valuables, weapons, attacks, and anything you had the skill to put in there. People of course very rarely bothered to look back here since most artifacts were boring trinkets. I yanked one off the shelf and unwrapped it. Gaara never used the summoning technique in the anime because he was much more focused on using his powerful sand attacks. I decided maybe I could find a way to use it in my attacks or something else that would be beneficial. I used the scroll and with a poof, iron sand appeared from the scroll. It pooled onto the ground which caused me to sigh. How ironic that the iron sand manipulation which was out of my reach just had to go and wave the fact right in my face. I angrily de summoned the iron sand back into its scroll. Someone must've put some of Lord Third's iron sand in here to preserve it. I decided to take it with me to experiment with, I doubt anyone would notice one scroll disappear out of thousands.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a couch2002

    I thought it all fell under the definition of summoning, my bad.

    I picked up the scroll closest to me and pressed it against the large sand pile. My first test was to see just how much sand I could fit into one scroll. I didn't want to have to carry a bunch of these scrolls in order to get enough sand to make a noticeable difference. So if that was the case I'd have to scrap the idea, unfortunate as it may be. I activated the Summoning Jutsu and with a large poof, a little over a third of the pile disappeared into the scroll. I let out a breath of relief as my idea hadn't been immediately foiled. Every shinobi had a certain affinity for Summoning Jutsu, some couldn't use it while others could only summon inanimate objects with scrolls. A large portion lot people could only summon small animals or normal creatures. An example might be a hawk or a dog that had no special abilities and was regular size. More powerful summoning animals required a contract usually, an example being the summonings the three Sanin used. I didn't know yet if I could summon animals but I'd have to look into it another time when there was an animal to test it on.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a DisastrousPride

    Yes I know.

    "Shukaku, I have come to you with a proposal that could benefit both of us. Don't scream again it's very annoying and I can leave anytime I want. Then you'll be back under the full force of the seal, all alone." That really shut him up quick, I didn't think that it would be so easy. Then again, the threat of him being all alone, locked away inside of here was probably very daunting. Maybe I had been a little too cruel with that threat, Tailed Beasts were just as smart as regular people were. They didn't ask to be jammed inside of someone along with being forced to give up their power. I decided I could be a little nicer, not like I could remove Shukaku without dying anyways.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a Vastoking

    I based the cloth technique off of the sealing they used during the war with obio o seal away the reanimated shinobi. It'sbasically atechnique wthe the goal of restraining your enemy in cloth. The cloth is infused with chaakra, making it tough and flexible. Is that a good explanation or no?

    "Hmm, why bother with someone like her then?"
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a marcelll3214

    Finishing this will easily take another 40 chapters so I I'll try my best to correct my mistakes.

    Ch 6 Summoning Jutsu, Training with Iron Sand, and Confrontation
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a marcelll3214

    Your right.

    "I just was asking if there was anything else you wanted to say to me while I was here. We will be able to talk outside the mindscape once I loosen the seal of course but I like it when we stand on equal ground in here. Talking face to face is more my style." Hopefully, that would resonate well with Shukaku. I honestly couldn't read the tanuki at all, he was too sporadic for me to predict his actions.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a marcelll3214

    You are right. These first probably 15 chapters are pretty bad because I wasn't sure what I as trying to do with the character. After all of this I personally want to go back and rewrite the first 20 chapters. But I also don't want to leave this unfinished as it is.

    Ch 6 Summoning Jutsu, Training with Iron Sand, and Confrontation
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a marcelll3214

    I'm sorry, I tend to forget when I should end one. I'll try fixing that for new chapters

    So many things I wanted to do to get stronger in so little time. These things weren't gonna be done in a matter of days, it could take years. I'd most likely have to travel to Genbu if I couldn't get Shukaku to willingly help me achieve a Chakra Form. It was what Naruto did in order to get the proud Nine-Tails chakra from Kurama. Shukaku and the Nine-Tails were very similar in that nature, stubborn and prideful. Shukaku had far too high of standing for himself to just do what was convenient for me. I needed to find something to power myself up without relying on Shukaku. I began walking around the archives without a clue what I was looking for. I made my way to the very back where things were in much greater disarray than upfront. This part was the artifacts section, full of relics that signified the Land of Winds' past. Summoning scrolls were used to store anything from valuables, weapons, attacks, and anything you had the skill to put in there. People of course very rarely bothered to look back here since most artifacts were boring trinkets. I yanked one off the shelf and unwrapped it. Gaara never used the summoning technique in the anime because he was much more focused on using his powerful sand attacks. I decided maybe I could find a way to use it in my attacks or something else that would be beneficial. I used the scroll and with a poof, iron sand appeared from the scroll. It pooled onto the ground which caused me to sigh. How ironic that the iron sand manipulation which was out of my reach just had to go and wave the fact right in my face. I angrily de summoned the iron sand back into its scroll. Someone must've put some of Lord Third's iron sand in here to preserve it. I decided to take it with me to experiment with, I doubt anyone would notice one scroll disappear out of thousands.
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1
  • Silent_Storm_1
    Respondeu a marcelll3214

    What's wrong with being scared? Like, I won'twant write some emotionless character were nothing fazes him. He will get better with time but like, come on, he's 13 years old.

    Ch 6 Summoning Jutsu, Training with Iron Sand, and Confrontation
    Gaara of the Desert Reincarnation
    Anime e quadrinhos · Silent_Storm_1