


Just a regular guy, sometimes writing to pass the time.

2021-12-12 UnidoUnited States



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  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a romeotango148

    Also, yeah, just about every US president should be in the hague too. lol

    Ch 762 Defeat is not an Option!
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a romeotango148

    wouldn't invading the saudis that look down on the, "great bastion of freedom" good ol" USA, be a better plan than invading some guys who had very few, if any citizens involved in the initial terror attacks on the US (the reason we said we went there vs. the real reason which was oil.... which the saudis have a near monopoly on

    Ch 762 Defeat is not an Option!
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99

    Germans talking about "living room" is never a good thing

    In the meantime, there will always be people to conquer, and land to settle. However, they will pose no threat to our forces, who will sweep through the jungles of the Amazon, the plains of North America, the Savannahs of Africa, and the islands of Australasia! We will conquer far and wide, and establish a living space for our people. What can these stone age savages do against a modern army? It is the dawn of a new era, my love, and it would not have been possible without your efforts. 
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99

    Never have I rooted so much for the other likely tyrant across the seas as I have now

    Ch 762 Defeat is not an Option!
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a Ooal_Gown

    no we shouldn't have dude. idk if you think you're being funny, but we learned from a certain Austro-German mustached guy about 80 years ago that gassibg people is in fact, bad.

    Ch 762 Defeat is not an Option!
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a Jelly_Fish_4128

    you can't say that and not drop us a link

    Ch 74 Oath of Loyalty and the Bonapartes
    The American Dream: A Modern Officer Sent to the Revolutionary War
    Guerra · okmangeez01
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a SPBasilio

    i put in your link and it tells me the book/link doesn't exist? i've access to meganovel, but your novel isn't showing up there

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a Kurai_Takahashi

    no problem, lol, it's still looking like a good novel thusfar, a bit slower, but that just means more significant character development, which is generally a good thing

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • Archaryon99

    Think you meant Arya, right here. Still a good read, this just threw me for a loop for a moment

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a LiuTianLonf

    Gotta wonder this too now. Did Leif Erikson simply not exist in this TL? Pretty well known that he was the first euro in America

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Tyranny of Steel
    História · Zentmeister
  • Archaryon99

    Been enjoying the read, finished up not too long ago. Hopefully you continue the novel, still haven't been introduced to the Russians yet, and I'm eagerly awaiting their arrival

    Earth's Armies in another world
    Guerra · WriterOfVeralis
  • Archaryon99

    Was enjoying this novel, somewhat disappointed with the total reliance on a system. Extremely disappointed in what now feels like an abandoned novel. Hope another update releases relatively soon.

    Rise Of The USSR In Another World
    Fantasia · Comrade_Weismann
  • Archaryon99

    An excellent read! Recently caught up to the latest chapter, will be interesting to find out more about the unnamed benefactor, as well as the potential of a future war with Spain/Gran Colombia over the remaining present-day west-coast America. *Marked as spoiler only because as of right now, I'm not sure if I'm potentially spoiling more of what may lie ahead*

    The American Dream: A Modern Officer Sent to the Revolutionary War
    Guerra · okmangeez01
  • Archaryon99

    Great read, not giving 5 stars yet, but rating may change depending how this goes. Will be interesting to find out more how the IFU operates, and the political systems in place throughout the world here.

    The Fate of Nenoria
    Fantasia · RSmooth
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a sacredyeti

    would also depend on what fantasy setting you're in. they could be tribalistic brutes herding mammoths (Skyrim), They could akin to giants in the Seven Deadly Sins series. it depends on which setting you jave in place. there is, generally speaking, no deadset personality for any particular fantasy race. Though there will tend to be some tropes (Elves being stuck-up, Dwarves being drunkards and excellent craftsmen, etc.) the overall personalities of races depends on both the setting and the author

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a sacredyeti

    dragons varies depending on where you go in fantasy. they could be wise, and capable of genuine conversation, other times they can be monster that would kill and eat you. Undead can be the same, again depends on the fantasy setting. Fairies/nymphs/dryads are often viewed as nature spirits, isolationist, though in some fantasy more open to elven species. Beastfolk are often considered to be tribal in fantasy, often viewed by other races as barbarians, it can also depend on what species of beastfolk they may be. Mermaids depends on fantasy. Sometimes they exist in a fantasy world, other times no.

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a Archaryon99

    *expense, not behest

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a sacredyeti

    No, Elves are often haughty and selfrighteous in fantasy. Dwarves tend to be either isolationists or gregarious (making them more tolerable to humans in fantasy settings). Humans, especially in fantasy settings tend to wry for their own control at the behest of others, including their fellow humans.

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a sacredyeti

    I don't care. Bhutan does not exist in the fantasy world that's established in this novel. It's silly to try and bring that up as a point of defense for slaveholding and enabling monarchs in a fantasy world.

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99
  • Archaryon99
    Respondeu a sacredyeti

    You're own comments to other authors show that you support monarchies, specifically the royal family of the UK for some reason, despite yourself being located in the US, according to your profile. Look if you want to continue making yourself the fool, go ahead. I do agree actually that no political system is perfect. Unfortunately that's where our agreeance ends.

    Ch 1 Chapter 0: Prologue pt 1
    Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World
    Fantasia · Archaryon99