I am unlucky Q_Q
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Thanks for the review. Even though this story was not for you, I'm still glad you at least gave it a try.
You can imagine however you want the suit to be like. Just ignore the description of the hero suit in the story when I write it.
I guess. Hope you find the fic you're looking for.
This is just the beginning arc of the story. Soon, he will realise his responsibilities as a hero, just like the MCU heroes did in the movies.
Look at the story cover. That's his hero suit.
I recently read my comment and saw it myself. Then I once again commented about it, saying that I reread it again and called myself dumb in that. After that, I deleted it because that would have accelerated this thing. So yeah, I admit I didn't read my comment myself. I still admit that I already typed about my MC being Stupid though, so if people are coming to read this, they should know what they are getting into.
Lol no. Those monsters are really fucking strong. The only reason you think they are not is because their opponent is a cheat like Jason. At first, they really were not a threat. But as time went by, they became a threat. To say that it wouldn't even be reported to Odin is stupid. If Jason wasn't there on Earth, these monsters would have completely annihilated the world by now. Eternals wouldn't be able to do shit. This is the MCU, not the comics. They aren't so strong here.
Wait, did you say weak? Did you read that chapter with that Giant Cthullu monster? I guess I didn't properly explain it back then, but let me tell you properly how strong it was. The incident back in Harlem with Hulk and Abomination, multiply that level of destruction 5 times before Jason put an end to it. That Monster's clap was enough to shatter windows and break a few houses with its shockwave, not to mention that Monster's original size. What made Odin worried was the fact that those creatures were getting stronger and stronger as time passed, that's why, he wanted to go and put an end to it himself. Asgardians had been doing this for years, saving Midgard I mean. Why do you think the people on Earth consider them Gods? It came from the stories that they heard from their ancestors. For them, a few centuries is not much, that's why they weren't seen for a long time in Midgard. Odin wouldn't hesitate to go to Earth himself, or send someone else on Earth if the situation demands his attention.
He would still be the strongest though. He is a troll character, his existence in itself is a cheat. No matter what is in front of him, a punch is enough for him to end it. Infinite equates to Infinite, I know that well. But that doesn't mean that he would be weaker than some other hero with infinite strength. I doubt there's any other hero out there who is omnipotent, but even if there was, Jason would still remain the strongest. He is Invincible. Even if there's a fight he can't win, he would still not lose. That's the basic concept of Jason's character.
Saitama is clearly holding back in every fight. As you must have seen in OPM, Saitama could easily smash his hand on the table and it won't break. He could easily tear apart a packet of chips like a normal person. He could open the doors, punch around martial artists without killing them, and many more things that clearly show that Saitama knows how to hold back. He could totally go easy on the monsters, but I think that he don't go easy on them because his body has gotten used to going for the kill against them. Even against Garou in his human form, Saitama made sure not to hit him hard enough to kill him. (Referring to the chapter where Saitama ran after Garou when he saw him leave without paying for his food), What Saitama wants is not punching people around. He wants a proper fight, where he can let loose.