

2021-07-10 UnidoUnited States



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The Waiting One

** TRIGGER WARNING : This story contains very graphic situations involving ; Physical & Mental Abuse, Stalking, Abduction, Torture, Rape, Death and Vulgarity. If you are sensitive to any of the material in this book then I suggest you don't read it.** Female Lead : Alayria Turretto - Age 17 Years Old She is on the Track Team for Northom High School but unlike the other Athlete's at the School she rather go unnoticed. She is known more as being an Introvert who goes out of her way to keep any, and all attention of any kind away from her. She isn't the least bit interested in all the things the other girls at school are....especially not guys. She just likes to focus on her schooling and Track. Male Lead : Kailen (pronounced Kylen) Montague - Age 20 Years Old He is known mostly as the quintessential Bad Boy and he's also a top member of a very dangerous Street Gang, and he's out for revenge against the man that took 3 years of his life away by having Kailen placed in Juvenile Detention for a crime he didn't commit. He has been plotting a way to make the lying bastard pay....and he's finally found it. -------------------------------------------------------- 'If you really wanted me dead then I would be by now' She challenges him even knowing this can very well be what gets her killed right at this very moment. But, he just chuckles deep in his throat at her audacity even with how simple it can be to break her jaw that he has in his grip, and he asks with amusement. 'Is that what you think?' 'It's what I know.' She states with conviction. 'And what makes you think I still don't plan on killing you, Doe Eyes?' He asks seriously. Her eyes show a brief flash of wariness from the change in his expression and tone and this uncertainty makes her very nervous so as she typically does when anxious, she slips the tip of her tongue out through her slightly parted lips then licks her lips to moisten the sudden dryness as she swallows hard to moisten her dry throat. The pad of his thumb continues tracing along her chin then slides up to her bottom lip and her eyes meet his again after she'd been staring at his lips wondering what it would feel like to have a man like him kiss her. She feels him pull at her bottom lip with his thumb, and hears a voice that sounds too much like her own, breathe. 'Kiss me?'

TonyaKeck44 · Adolescente
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7 Chs