

2021-05-18 UnidoUnited States



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  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    thats kinda right, lol. most of the people on his team are people who chose to follow him more than he chose to pick them up, such as Papi/Oleander/Merch so he's definitely more along the lines of tell what to do than ask what to do- if this applies to what you mean

    Ch 140 Undying Plague Lord
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    lol, so, this nice guy named timi i think gave bevr a review and they mentioned the other people and how they prefer a soloist character and i think i commented that some of his group are there for his development and he will eventually go through another solo phase. this part is actually coming up and will also answer your question =^.^=

    Ch 140 Undying Plague Lord
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    on some points, you're not wrong, but i figured some things like Hauntings were okay to be vague because its growth is just stacking new stuff onto the old after Geist reached like 30% likelihood. i admit with the last two crafting sessions like the raid suits i barely even described the appearance of the armor but those things get replaced pretty frequently and i even slacked on the crafting processes because im not introducing anything new, yet. i personally only have two more 'basic' bladesmithing methods left to use for upgrading his weapons- damascus style pattern-welding of mixing steels and chinese/japanese pattern-welding where the spine, blade, point, or just different parts of the sword are made individually and then hammer welded together. i can, though, try to get back into the groove of descriptions for materials and equipment but a lot of the stuff you're prolly reading right now was me trying to rush through Winter Wood, territory, and now the dungeon because i originally had too much in mind for the story and decided to cut out some of those details and some side events in favor of other things like introducing the alliance characters and certain content you'll be seeing in just a few chapters. in fact im actually still kind of rushing trying to reach a certain point

    Ch 140 Undying Plague Lord
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    can i ask your opinion on the fight with trollbone? ik i dragged it out a bunch intentionally but i just hope it wasn't too annoying to read

    Ch 140 Undying Plague Lord
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    aside form cordyceps, most of what he has can be replicated. spin attacks can be learned/upgraded, stats can be increased through means the mc has not even tried yet, and anyone who actually makes a Ouija can acquire Channeling/medium skills after a few uses. it's not impossible to make a Hauntings, either, he already has pieces to another one such as Dew's pauldron- which has not actually seen any real use whatsoever to date. plus in most situations, junk items/weapons like those would simply be sold by most players to buy a decent starting equip rather than make one themselves. now, would another medium be able to come up with a Geist attack without a matching spiritual weapon or fighting an aggressive spiritual entity to discover Spirit Slash and its branch-offs? that'd take more than a thousand practice swings. plus, he can't give the little guys hope for 'absolute power' like cordyceps so he's just having them focus on those smaller imbalances. in this instance he's just trying to make them better than whatever generation of players they join in rather than best in the game like he's trying for. does this help or did i miss something?

    Ch 132 The Intermission Pt9
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    *cough cough* no, sadly. at the time i was unsure if i had used the same perk twice previously so i glossed over the 300's hoping to avoid doing such a thing again but i think i might mention/reference them again later on in passing

    Ch 124 The Intermission Pt1
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    yeah, but this was not even top-clan quality because all the people remaining are late to the party from having followed the top clans- is why they only had one main tank and two dps 'elites' instead of a proper spread or even 'tactical mages'. later on though there's this fight with a broken boss that takes forever and then in the second half of this raid event there's even more stuff i tried to cram in. at this point there's so much i did or didn't quite do and so much i tried to put in that i think i fumbled a handful of skills/perks and some titles along the way

    Ch 120 Stolen Thunder
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    yeah he basically ingested a giant mass of mixed materials and his crystallized mana familiar which brought forth some stuff while advancing his familiar all over again

    Ch 99 Devour
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    the description kind of was forced because i wanted it to focus on the ancient metal aspect because without the scrap they'd have never managed the achievement but i couldn't keep it short and explain it. i think there's a conversation somewhere down the road... im sure that's going to get annoying to read... when i 'finally thought to address it' or rushed to do so but it comes up a few times in the future in regards to divine designer.

    Ch 77 Divine Designing Pt2
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    ok one sec

    Ch 75 Scrap Silk Armor
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    idk if any of that actually answers anything but here's hoping

    Ch 81 Third Familiar Evolver
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    essential requirements- use primarily B grade components and no higher than A to produce an S grade suit, be recognized/reputable craftsman leading a team of craftsmen, combine magic/manual labor, combine primitive and proper crafting, reach the limit of material enchantments on every material, reach the limit of inherited perks, have your worked sponsored by a god- this sounds limited because how many players would be favored our outright claimed by gods? but SPOILER the next imperial continent designer is basically a forced designer because one of the gods/mods wants one for their pantheon- have your work recognized by as many gods as exists in any single pantheon, be one of the first three players continental to achieve these requirements, and not do any of the hard labor yourself. the reason he's a designer rather than craftsman is because Stonewall did most the work. there are also divine crafters of the different crafting professions and aspects such as brewingVStransmutation or all-round divine craftsmen. His team also has a collection of people with focus on different crafts while he tries to practice all of them, such as Oleander with potions and Agnes' original practices in enchanting. i don't think i even explained this much in the book though i probably should have.

    Ch 77 Divine Designing Pt2
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    make an auxiliary chapter titled 'current status' and just update his basic stats there in the same fashion presented in C74?

    Ch 75 Scrap Silk Armor
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    oh wow, he wasn't even level fifty at that point, my b. his level jumps up over the next few chapter to around there, though, so it could be simply said he is comparable to a lv50-60 warrior/tank/mage even at 38

    Name: Life Hack
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a

    at your point in the story i think he's above level fifty so lets say at lv50 a classed character will have gotten 5x stat points and would have spent them in as many as three different stats. as well, thing liks crafting and general physical training- ie, sword drills- will over provide around fifty points to the applicable stats overall. for a human that started as, say, a swordsman, they'll have like five more Strength and Endurance and ten more Agility than a classless human with values of ten in everything, so at level fifty a speed-type swordsman will have spent about 150 on Agility and fifty on either Strength and Endurance. assuming that the same swordsman had acquired 50 points in those same stats through, say, blacksmithing/sword drills/fleeing, they would have a Strength, Endurance, and Agility of 110/110/260. at this points, Life Hack might be outclassed in 'true' Agility, but his Strength and Endurance and magic/Luck stats would be the compensating factor in way of stats. as well, his crafting is top-notch in his 'generation' so it's better than most NPC offered or self-made equipment. Hauntings speaks for itself.

    Name: Life Hack
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    this... i have not really thought about that. his status has more passives/perks than skills with greater varieties while actual classes would only have two or three passives focused on things like swordsmen have an initial weaponry passive or Shield Guardians have defensive passives but most of his are cross-class and do not scale up in strength where an enchanted warrior would gain boosted passives from the previous class as well as cross-class passives. he really only has a handful of attack skills not counting magic or cordyceps at your point in the story while a swordsman would have the basic sword attacks at the start, one or two generic crowd control skills betwen lv15 and 20, and one and then two proper mastery skills at the start and then halfway to the level requirement for class upgrade under usual means. the status you've probably already seen in the next chapter doesn't display his skills or the titles not in use tho

    Ch 74 Take A Good Long Look
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    for some people its jealousy and for others is just frustration, like when Go hit him with the book after he got Hermes. if not for beryl and hack's general situational awareness, a mob like hermes could have minced an NPC like Lana. plus, if he didn't go off on his own to do some of that stuff then they might have shares such as more than one hermes in the group or maybe more than one Plaguedman. most of the others are jealous but peeps like Go and Lil just want him to be more careful to avoid stuff like how he got slapped around a bit by Dew. does this answer your questions or is there something more situation/specific you needed to know?

    Ch 63 Enchanted Warrior
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a LordAnime

    To avoid forcibly updating the game again, no he won't. think of it like a self-destruct trump card for far in the future

    [There are a few people involved, yes. I already know your plans for these things and while it's in the process of being promoted there will need to be certain other parties involved. It will be a bridge you do not need to worry about until after all of this. Just gather ten thousand units in your clan store and we will wait to enact monitor its distribution and purposes until you return to Sierra]
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance
  • rezerochance

    See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

    Ch 1 Chapter 1. Second World Beta Test
    Second World
    Jogos · UnrivaledArcaner
  • rezerochance
    Respondeu a JamJam75

    i think i explained it before but idk what i did with the explanation, it really only shows the gist of his screen once in the irl setting but does not include his skills and titles and stuff in the display. i had messed up in info tracking early on so all i keep updated with is the actual stats. you should reach said chapter... tomorrow? im pretty sure i named the chapter 'take a good long look' or something if you want to jump ahead and skim through for the spoil

    Ch 35 'As long as it works out, it was a good idea. If it does not work out, it was a good lesson.'
    Bygone Era VR
    Jogos · rezerochance