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yes the one thing that truly does deserve to die is the joker
now because you bring this up I honestly think if I was reborn or whatever into dc with 1 or more powers of my choice I might use it to make a super prison to make sure that all criminals a locked up anx those with the true potential to change be given the chance as well as curing the villains who are victims I want to make a story like that but I don't have a good depth of the comic knowledge
oh my god this is way I don't exactly like empathic mc cuz more times then not they don't think anything through like why didn't he just hide near the alley and transform or something instead of doing something as stupid as going up to three possibly armed men it's idiotic and not heroic just stupid
will he be full blown hero to the point he let's the joker live or more anti hero
YEEEESSS finally give love to shows that don't get it i absolutely love saint seiya I'm definitely planning on rewatching it
d-gray man, an awesome show and one of the most underrated show.
kinda obvious when you see what the author decided to use for tatsumaki's design
why is this one normal when the other one is crazy
the cover picture is way better then having her have a fucking ass that's practically bigger then her whole body like seriously of you want that to be her design then make a porn fic.
not really the comically large butt is not great especially for a fanfic that going off of the character profile I read isn't solely an H-fanfic.