


Ambiguous teen author saving up for college and other stuff :) I also just really like writing I do historical fiction/horror and I interact with comments

2021-01-18 UnidoGlobal



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  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Kate_Collins_2453

    indeed :0

    "It won't keep us safe forever Joseph." Abrem placed his hands on his hips before turning his gaze up to Joey's.
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a stevesevers

    Thank you for taking the time to write a review!

    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a A_Lonely_Chippu

    Your review is very much appreciated thank you!

    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Mitchell_Silver

    pfft your not wrong

    As they neared the clump of people, the cool --yet humid-- air filled Jane's eyes, leaving her vision yet again impaired.
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Mitchell_Silver

    its comparable yes haha

    "If you are to take me up on this, you're aware the children will never be allowed outside of the dome as long as their scent is hidden?"
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a A_Lonely_Chippu

    thank you lonely chippu!

    Ch 4 Discussing the Graveyard
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Kate_Collins_2453

    haha thank you so much! I'll be posting everyday once my contract goes through :)

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess

    im lowkey obsessed with the nicknames please continue explaining them at the end of the chapters, as for the drive thing I feel you I'm the same way, so here is a comment my dude, keep writing!

    Seven years later. Ori belted his obsidian blade to his back and a much more useful steel sword to his waste. Although the obsidian sword had a striking appearance it held to much emotional value for him to risk breaking it. After all obsidian is glass, volcanic glass but glass all the same. Ori sat on his cot in the quote unquote according to Soap,"The sea-stacks orphanage." His cot was one of many, Red was the type of man who wouldn't sleep if he knew he had left a child in need. The orphanage hade smooth stone walls as if cast from a cliff. Several furs covered each bed which were only five in number, only one window adorned the box shuttered by a hunk of wood with hinges. Ori made his way to a bucket filled with water it's mirror surface showing him a face he had seen a thousand times. He had a face made of straight lines not hawkish but close. He had pale skin the contrasted his black hair. Ori was particular proud of himself due to his milestone of hitting five foot four just recently. Good thing to Ori didn't like the thought of being short and skinny, with his milestone he should grow more soon, he hoped. Exiting the orphanage Ori gazed upon the sea stack, it was like a little island and in fact it was. The Pitch base didn't even cover a third of it the rest covered by wood. Funny that the world knew them as the Pitch pirates when they were not pirates. When Ori heard that they were closer to mercenaries that could ride the swells he had been a bit relieved. What child wanted to go kill, ****, and plunder anything they see. Base was made up of dozens of other blank stone buildings it was almost like a little town moving with its own little business. Ori walked down the dirt path that some might call Main Street towards docks. Weaving through the busy street Ori let the excitement bubble up. Today he would be going on his first real mission, sure he had been on missions but before there was only him and Razz on their first escapade. He and Razz had developed a sort of partnership on the sea-stack both of them scooped up by Red and put into a new life. Razz had caught sight of a young loren's song and had become a tamer. Once they had become familiar with each Razz and himself could go on missions by filling the needed roles to go on one. Excitement warm in his chest Ori walked into the dock. The dock was a jutting part of land over the permanent lake below with a giant hole in the middle of it."It took you long enough," Razz called out from the dock grinning at him. Razz had dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. She was barely shorter then him a matter which angered her due to him bringing it up all the time. Ori walked over to her then took a deep breath then looked to the east at the far side of the island. As if of cue a splash of sea mist make it over the wood. A black figure drawing up the water with its accent was back lit in the sky by the rising sun." Are you ready," Razz said keeping her grin she seemed to always wear but he cold tell she was a bit nervous. The figure flew then peaked over the island and spread two massive wings. It's decent slowed dramatically but it was still fast, the swell rushed into the lake below them and Ori was taught like a spring. Waiting for the right moment he and Razz jumbled as the blue scaled Loren rushed through the hole of the dock. Ori fell but his heart fell faster, he hit the leather saddle that covered the beasts back and rolled to thankfully be stopped by a surrounding fence of the saddle. Holding on to the fence as they levelled of Ori felt he would be sick. But then they started to skim the water and Ori breathed. Slowly sitting up he heard Razzs almost mad laugh, "sad that, that's the easy way to ride the swell." "There's a hard way," Ori asked questioningly."A lot of hard ways she said with conviction, a barrel,any kind of boat, trying to swim. ""I get it I get it," Ori said to cut of her rambling. Razz frowned but then quickly reverted to her natural grin," so it's going to be a few hours before we reach the Arist archipelago so I brought," Razz shrugged off her bag and reached inside then brought out a checkered board some pieces."swords and singers, Ori asked quizzically won't the pieces just fall off.""already thought of that," Razz took a piece and hovered it over the board they snapped together with a click."Ori laughed magnets then paused yeah I'll play but not now I'll let my boredom overflow so it's more satisfying when i play.
    Pitch pirates
    Fantasia · Slain
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Kate_Collins_2453

    they represent unity between human and fae :) youll hafta keep reading to find out more tho

    She remembered all the hours they had spent playing in the fields during the day and running around wreaking havoc on the stores of their small town. She remembered the muggy summer nights when they would sit on their cots side by side before they drifted to sleep, only for the dreaded search once a week, where Jane and her mother would go to the shelter to hide from the guards with the other outcasted elves whilst Anselmo had to stay huddled in the house, knowing any one of those days he could have been tortured and killed simply for being a halfling.
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess
  • MaeverickRevess
    Respondeu a Kate_Collins_2453

    Thank you! Ill be posting it friday, glad you like it

    Ch 5 Goodbye Maggie
    Shackles of Refuge
    Fantasia · MaeverickRevess