


I am a easy-going type of dude with a weird, goofy sense of humour. I grew up watching Hong Kong action films and love to write a good action scene. Writing is when I feel most alive.

2020-12-07 UnidoAustralia



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  • Easy_Tiger

    Wow, this is a really good story! I was bummed out when I got to the end of chapter 6 to find there was no more. The author has really developed an emotionally charged story that I'm sure many readers can relate to. The protagonist is really well developed right from the start as the reader is given insight into her happy but slightly poor family life before her parents separate. I like how the mother is set up as a really unlikeable character, but done in such a way you can somewhat understand her motivations. The characters are all portrayed really effectively and are each unique and have their own quirks. The dialogue reads exactly like real-life speech, adding an air of authenticity to the whole piece and the prose flows really well with some nice vivid descriptions. This book is a must read and I commend the author for their talent and ability to convey such strong emotions in just a few chapters so far.

    Fading Scars: Scars Of The Past
    Adolescente · CodeyVanilla
  • Easy_Tiger

    I'm no expert on poetry, but I do know the best of it is meant to elicit certain emotional responses in the reader, and this work certainly does that. Some pieces are more abstract and cryptic, which I love trying to decipher, and some a more to the point and convey universal feelings that the reader will instantly find familiarity with. There is a good range here, showcasing the author's talent, diversity and range. The author is clearly someone who knows what they are doing and is able to strongly convey their feelings in few words. I strongly recommend all poets, aspiring or otherwise, give this a go. You may learn something.

    For Rose Tinted Minds
    Urbano · Angel_Joanne
  • Easy_Tiger

    I have to say, as a massive fan of the Zelda video games I absolutely loved this! Gave me serious Breath of the Wild vibes. Loved the idea of goblins and creatures suddenly appearing from all over the world, and temples which have to be cleared to level up and progress - straight out of an RPG game. The fight scenes as the protagonist battles his way through small hordes of goblins are all great, as diverse as can be in various sword tactics and very well-written. I liked how the protagonist has developed from a meek child and is transforming himself into the hero of the piece as he discovers he has a natural ability to defeat the goblins and is growing in strength the more enemies he defeats. Really great stuff so far. This story has a really pacy opening and has limitless potential to go very far. Highly recommend giving this a go.

    Being a Ranker is My Full-time Job
    Jogos · Sky_Flower922
  • Easy_Tiger

    Loving the progression of this story. Starts right in the thick of the action as a princess sneaks out of her kingdom and is attacked by bandits only to be saved by the protagonist. From there the protagonist is brought into the royal court as guard and must navigate his way in this strange new world he finds himself in. The story is well-written and flows nicely. The characters are all unique and have distinct personalities and the chemistry is well-done between the protagonist and the princess. This is exactly what you want from a webnovel - a nice, light read with characters you care about and a clear and engaging plot to follow. Can't fault this one so far. I will definitely keep following it further.

    Game of Royals : A Commoner’s Journey
    Fantasia · Syed_Taha_Hussain
  • Easy_Tiger

    This story is exceptionally well-written. Each scene is properly established, characters are unique and well-developed and descriptions are vivid. Reading this was like reading a published novel. I also love the steampunk-like fictional world the author has created, complete with its own unique history and backstory. This is a wholly original piece of fiction from the mind of an author with a great imagination and stellar technical writing abilities. The protagonist has been well-established in the opening few chapters and I am intrigued by the mystery regarding the ship of corpses that crashed in the opening chapter - apparently all slaughtered by an enemy species that has been causing this society grief for some time, but I wonder if something more sinister is at play. Love the author's writing style. His descriptions are vivid and original and his dialogue is always colorful and reads like actual speech as opposed to the more stilted and robotic variety that plagues many works of fiction. And easy five stars for a high quality read. I have added to my library and will keenly follow future installments.

    Cursed Liberator
    Fantasia · Loyalscum
  • Easy_Tiger

    I love the way this story takes time to really develop the female lead. In all stories, but in particular romance stories, characters are the most important component and the author definitely seems to realize this. The first chapter did a terrific job at establishing the protagonist's personality, backstory and present situation. She is hard working and comes from a privileged family, but struggling being a single parent and juggling a life and work balance. Perfect scenario for her to find love and help overcome this obstacle. Chapter two takes the reader inside the protagonist's working life as her boss takes a valuable client off her and sets her up with a new one who I am guessing will eventually be the male lead and love interest? Anyway, this is a really good read so far. It is well-written and the author knows where they are going. All the right building blocks are in place for this one to be a classic.

    Urbano · let_me7
  • Easy_Tiger

    This is a really well-written opening chapter. You can tell by the flowing prose, interesting descriptions and patience of the author in writing the scene and developing little character quirks that this is written by someone with a lot of talent and sound technical knowledge. I am really intrigued to follow the protagonist further on his mysterious journey and hopefully find out who he is and who his mother was. Really good opening to a story. An interesting mystery to hook the reader and invite them to take the adventure alongside the protagonist through a strange fictional world. I will be sure to add this to my library and keep following to see how this develops. Really good beginning.

    Tales of Owen [Dropped]
    Fantasia · MrChinchila
  • Easy_Tiger

    This is a quality story unlike anything else I have read on webnovel. The story idea is completely original and has the reader hooked right from the start. I love the way the protagonist is set up, having dealt with such tragedy at a young age and losing his grandma. The story moves at a great pace and the writing is crisp and clear, making this a rollercoaster of a read. The writing quality is very good, providing just enough info for the reader to be guided by and fill in the blanks with their imagination. Really engrossing opening. I see a bright future for this one.

    I Became The Strongest In The Multiverse
    Ficção Científica · TahsinHossain
  • Easy_Tiger

    Only one chapter so far, but I can safely say this story has grabbed my interest. Was really enjoying the depiction of the scummy, arrogant protagonist and was somewhat surprised when he was suddenly killed after being disowned by his wealthy family. Eager to see what he has been up to for the ten years since his death and how he entered the fantasy world. All will be revealed I am sure. Going by what is there, this is a well-written story with an interesting, albeit deliberately unlikeable main character and a creative concept which I can't wait to see explored further.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • Easy_Tiger

    Wow, that took a dark turn. I can safely say I love what the author is doing with this story in the early chapters. Begins with the perfect hook as the protagonist jumps off a building to his death, then for the next several chapters we get to see his earlier life and the lead up to this traumatic event. This works as a great way to both grab the reader's attention and get some insight into the protagonist and his state of mind. Throughout the course of these chapters I really came to feel for the protagonist and understand his emotional plight. And then when the reader is all up to speed the story takes another massive turn after the suicide, which I must say I am eager to keep following. I have added this to my library and will be sure to keep my eye on this. Really well-written and entertaining, with an interesting, 3D and sympathetic main character driving the narrative and adding a substantial layer of authenticity. I strongly recommend giving this one a read.

    My King System
    Fantasia · AMonarch
  • Easy_Tiger

    The author has created a breathtaking fantasy world and covered a whole lot of ground in the single chapter posted so far. I love all the colorful descriptions and had great fun taking the ride into the world of dragon-like creatures. I definitely sense an epic tale is brewing with this one. The author has taken considerable time and effort to vividly portray the world and the protagonist. I can't wait until the actual plot kicks off in future installments. I'm sure what lies ahead will be something special. In terms of writing quality, the prose is of a very high standard. It is easy to read, non-repetitive, cliches are avoided and descriptions are vivid. Full marks for the story so far. My only regret is that there is not more to read yet. I'll be sure to keep my eyes out for the next few chapters.

    Fantasy of Ash and Blood
    Fantasia · Nullinvoid
  • Easy_Tiger

    A real intriguing story is developing with this one. Only two chapters so far but I am really liking what I see. The hook at the end of chapter two came at just the right time to leave me craving for more. I look forward to finding out how the protagonist will pursue the truth regarding the death of her parents. In terms off writing quality, there were only one or two places where an edit could have been beneficial. But these were not enough to hamper my enjoyment of the two chapters so far. This is a story full of promise and I wish the author all the best in the competition. Great effort so far.

    Fantasia · aars
  • Easy_Tiger

    This is a really well-written story with a host of colorful characters that has you hooked right from the start. Spelling and grammar are top notch, prose flows brilliantly and each chapter progresses the plot along nicely. Anyone opening up this page should definitely give this work a go. Highly enjoyable, original and technically sound. Great effort. I'll be sure to keep a close eye on this one.

    Under Her Skin
    Adolescente · Cher_Yan
  • Easy_Tiger

    This one's going to be a masterpiece, I can tell. Right from the beginning, everything just flows together so seamlessly. Kudos to the author for having such a vibrant and vivid imagination to think up a story of such epic nature. The first chapter did a terrific job in relaying the colorful backstory to the reader, getting you in the right frame of mind for the story that follows. I feel such introductory chapters are ideal for stories like this, much like an opening crawl in a sci-fi or fantasy film, assisting the reader in transitioning into a strange fictional world. From there the main characters are all introduced and I am certainly intrigued by the gathering of these lost Zodiac warriors and the mysterious voices that are reaching out to both the male and female leads and guiding their actions in the Earthly world. I'm guessing they are both Zodiac warriors too? Anyway, I got to the end of chapter 7 and was disappointed to find it cut off for now. All in all, this is a brilliant story developing. The author is very talented and the prose is near flawless. I have added it to my library and will follow it keenly into future installments.

    She Who Reigns the Stars
    Fantasia · Prommy_Halibut
  • Easy_Tiger

    Haha, well I'm a Taurus.

    Ch 2 prologue : the Pisces' vision
    She Who Reigns the Stars
    Fantasia · Prommy_Halibut
  • Easy_Tiger

    This story has certainly done a great job of catching my attention. It begins with just the right amount of intrigue as the reader is given some pretty cryptic conversations between characters I am sure will be established at a later date in the story, adding a layer of underlying mystery to proceedings. There is more going on beneath the surface. The female protagonist's past is still greatly shrouded in this mystery. Apparently she lost her mother and wants revenge, but it is yet to be revealed exactly who or what her target is. The story is written in short and snappy paragraphs and issues with spelling and grammar are kept to a minimum, making this a light and enjoyable read. I love the pacing. The core characters have all been introduced, but there is still plenty of backstory to revealed along the way and one can feel this story gradually building up to something bigger. All in all, I am greatly enjoying this one and am eager to see where it goes.

    Ascension of the Badass Queen
    Adolescente · A_loner0110
  • Easy_Tiger

    Not being at all familiar with the source material of this story, I went into this with a completely clean slate and judged it on its own merits. And I have to say, this is a truly epic and well-written piece of fiction that I could definitely see as a published novel. The fictional world the author conveys here is vast and full of history, a great deal of which is skillfully told to the reader in the form of a teacher addressing a classroom scene early in the book. The history and the world itself is interesting enough to take up a whole story on its own, but there is intriguing plot at play here too with the return of an old evil force. The cast of characters is diverse and all are portrayed really well, making this work feel all the more authentic and substantial. The prose all flows smoothly and is written at a very high level, making this a must read! Really enjoyed the opening few chapters. I look forward to reading on further!

    Overlord: Supremacy of the Fallen
    Anime e quadrinhos · Protagonist_M
  • Easy_Tiger

    This is an engrossing read so far. Three chapters in and the author has already done an excellent job in setting up the primary characters, establishing the complex fictional world they inhabit and started moving the plot forward as the princess protagonist resists being forced into an arranged marriage. The princess is an interesting character as she is clearly strong-willed and determined not to be pushed around, and yet she has several moments of real vulnerability too, adding a great deal of depth and range to her personality. The world building is really impressive also. All in all, this is a terrific starting point. There are a few typos and minor grammar issues throughout, but these can easily be fixed with a quick round of editing and they did nothing to hamper my enjoyment of this piece. High quality stuff.

    Marrying the Dictator Prince
    Adolescente · Luzparadise_
  • Easy_Tiger

    This was a really solid narrative, epic in scope and effortlessly conveyed through some smooth and easy to digest prose. I love the author's style, almost like a tale being told to a group around a camp fire, or even a fairy tale. The story grabs the reader's attention right from the start and doesn't let go. The pacing is delightful, never lingering for too long in one place, constantly moving the plot forward at rapid speed. One can't help but feel sorry for the unfortunate protagonist as the daughter of a king who lost her mother in child birth and must contend with a ruthless stepmother who is out to get her at every chance she gets. The antagonist is instantly unlikeable and one can't help but cheer the hero on in her struggles. Great entertainment value and very well-written.

    Peace offering to the cursed prince
    Fantasia · Juliet_Omuadona
  • Easy_Tiger

    Haha this novel had me in stitches throughout. A real fun time. A group of useless gamers are taken by the government and forced into a game where the majority of them will die. The premise reminded me of Battle Royale mixed with Gamer, only it was fifty times more funny. Really enjoyed the author's sense of humor. Some real gems in there. The protagonist is a loveable loser sort of character with a sarcastic personality and an amusing outlook on life. The writing is sharp and witty, making it highly entertaining and easy to digest. I was bummed out when I got to the end of chapter 4 to find I had reached the end for now. I will be sure to add this one to my library to keep following.

    Solar System Online, or How to Survive a Death Game
    Fantasia · Johnsonlong696969