Praise Adonitology!
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Just because he has OFA doesn't mean he has to use it all the time. Personally, I'm hoping he will take it since from what I know he seems to be the type of person who will accept a way to get stronger if it was literally handed to him with no repercussions like now. I can also see why people would want him to remain quirkless but with him just having fought the Nomu he 100% should accept it cause no matter how strong Strong Style is, I doubt it would be helpful in fighting the Nomu. Getting OFA would just mean he should fight like Goku, start the fight normally and slowly unleash more of your strength if it's needed.
How do people not understand that kid's brains literally aren't developed fully. Him acting like a kid is literally more realistic than the same cookie cutter mature genius most stories try to make their MC.
Wait, does this have nothing to do with canon or did you change it so Jon is born before the start of the series. I guess I'll learn it later but having just looked up Jon Kent in YJ only to see a baby was a bit weird
Does anybody have any podcasts based around the CoC or PoC system? I found people who do One-Shots that ill watch but are there any long campaigns out there? Never heard of the system until I read this
Dude, I just found out that you can get the complete Lovecraft collection for 99 cents through Kindle. The same with Sherlock Holmes i think
Thanks for the chapter!
Hey Author! I just checked out your Patreon and what is Terrible Galge supposed to be? I couldn't find a description for it in the folder or anything. Is it an original or another Fanfic?
So, is Resourceful a 'magical' skill or something? I imagined it as something in which when used, he get's aa feeling or is guided to something that would be useful to his current situation but the way he has been using it is like it manifests exactly what he needs. He needs a key? It appears. He need to get behind a gate? He finds a random paper saying a part of the fence is broken. It's too mystical for my liking. Unless that's how it works in CoC, I wouldn't know since I didn't know it was a thing before reading this
Why do you always use "Plus besides"? It should be one or the other, I don't think people use both at the same time.