
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
135 Chs

Quality Time.

Nanako took a plate and a fork from the kitchen and went back to the table where Takuya was waiting then Takuya opened the box of cake he bought earlier.

"Let's give it a taste." Nanako said then she placed the slice of cake on the plate and tasted it.

"How is it Onodera-san?" Takuya asked while Nanako was slowly chewing the cake then she shakes her head.

"It's good." Nanako said then Takuya took the fork and also tasted the cake.

"Hn, It's good." Takuya nodded.

"You didn't look like uncomfortable using an already used fork by someone." Nakako said in teasing tone.

"If that someone is beautiful as you, why not?" Takuya said then he smiled at her.

"I already lost my interest to this cake, I wanna taste another thing." Nanako looks at him with hint of seduction.

"Oh? Then what kind of food is it?"

"A fresh and lively one." Nanako answered and slowly moving towards Takuya.

"Is it ikizukuri? What seafood are you going to make?" Takuya teased.

"A sea cucumber." She said then Takuya giggled.

"Okaa-san who's this guy?" The two was busy in flirting when a sudden voice resounded the room.

"Haru?" Nanako looked at the girl that entered the shop.

"Your daughter is cute Onodera-san." Takuya commented while looking at the girl.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Sano Takuya I'm friends with your mother. I just came here to visit Onodera-san." Takuya said with an amiable smile.

"Hello I'm Onodera Haru nice to meet you Sano-san." Haru said with a light blush on her face. 'What a handsome looking Onii-san.'

"Onodera-san I think my visit will end now." Takuya said to Nanako.

"It's fine, here take this sweets." Nanako said with slight disappointment. "By the way Sano-kun lets exchange contacts."

"Okay." Takuya nodded then he took his phone from his pocket then they exchanged their contacts.

"Be sure to visit here again good bye." Nanako said then she waved her hand.

"Okay." Takuya smiled at her and waved back his hand then he left.

"Okaa-san I didn't know you have a handsome friend, is he going to be our new Father?" Haru asked his mother with a teasing tone.

"You brat! go back to your room and study." Nanako said then she slapped her daughter's bum.

"O-Okay!! It hurts." Haru ran back to her room as fast as she can while rubbing her bum, Nanako left alone standing in front of the store while looking at Takuya's back that is already far away.

"Maybe." She muttered and she glanced at the cake on the table then she smiled.




After few minutes of commuting Takuya arrived at Saori's house then he tried to call her if she's already home, the call connected and Saori was already home.

Saori hanged up the call then she immediately went outside to welcome Takuya.

"Takuya-kun!" Saori said then she happily hugged him.

"How's your day Sao-chan?" Takuya also hugged her back.

"It's always the same, busy and hectic." She said while enjoying the hug of the man she loved.

"Be sure not to stress yourself too much." Takuya caressed he hair.

"Okay, let's enter." Saori said then they entered the house.

"Sao-chan I bought some sweets here." Takuya placed the box on the table then he asked. "Did you already had you dinner?"

"No, I'm still preparing for it." Saori said.

"Let me cook for you."

"You know how to cook?" Saori teased him.

"Why? Do I look like someone who messing in the kitchen?" Takuya retorted and Saori giggled. "Trust your man, I know how to cook."

"Then please cook for me my beloved man." Saori said and gave him an expectant look.

Takuya smiled then he went to the kitchen to see what recipe he can cook, soon after he picked all of the ingredients he needed he immediately started to cook.

'Takuya looks handsome while cooking.' Saori thought while watching Takuya's actions in the kitchen with a smile on her face.

After about  over half an hour Takuya finished cooking Rice, Chicken Teriyaki and Yasai Itame then he served it on the table.

"It smells great! It makes me hungrier." Saori commented.

"Have a taste." Takuya said then he gestured his hand.

"Okay, itadakimasu." Saori said then she picked her chopsticks and ate. After the first bite Saori didn't talk and just keeps eating untill she was full while Takuya was looking at her with smile on his face.

"Ne Takuya-kun, why don't you open a restaurant? The dishes you cooked were delicious and I'm willing to pay for it." Saori said to him.

"You think highly of my cooking, compared to you I'm just a beginner." Takuya humbly sai then he opened the box of desserts the box contained some mochi with different fillings, manju and nagamashi.

"Here have some dessert." Takuya offered then Saori ate some.

"I'm going to get fat with this." Saori said then she pouted and tried to pinch her belly.

"I don't mind my Sao-chan getting fat, specially the parts that I loved to touch." Takuya said then he grinned and went beside her and whispered. "If you don't want to get fat, let's burn some calories later."

Saori slightly blushed when she heard his words.

"I already said that no sex for today." Saori pinched his side.

"Oh-Ohwwkaay, Sao-chan it hurts." Takuya said while faking his pain then Saori stopped pinching his side.

"You said that it's just for today right? Then I just need to wait untill 12:00 am then we can have sex."

"You rascal!" Saori laughed then she start to pinch him again.




After an hour the couple were just sitting in the couch while cuddling each other. They are watching some romantic movies and enjoying the warmth of each others body.

"Takuya-kun how long are you gonna stay here?" Saori softly said.

"I'm going to stay here untill 1 am, is 1 hour enough Sao-chan?" Takuya teased.

"I'm serious and I have work for tommorow." Saori said.

"Maybe after few more movies." Takuya said then he turned his head to the TV.

Saori just shook her head.

'I want it too but I don't want our relationship to be focused on sex, maybe I can give it for today?' Saori thought then she moved her hand to his little brother.
