


A fujoshi and a professional author who decided to start writing a lot of smutty BL on a new pen name (yes, this one). Don't ask what my other pen name is. It's a secret.

2020-06-24 UnidoGlobal



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  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Tidal479

    It CAN go where he can't see. He just had to find the exact position of the prostate before he can bully it.

    Ch 207 Arc 1 Chapter 205 – Who could have known? [18+]
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Ajumma

    Thank you ♥♥♥

    Ch 205 Arc 1 Chapter 203 – Come! Make me yours! [18+]
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Heena_Shaikh_0326

    There won't be any more chapter updates here. SSC releases have moved to here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/soul-shard-captor-%5Bbl%5D_18253922206055505 (See the moving notice chapter for details)

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FragrantMoonTree

    Yes, but this isn't one of them. This has more to do with the two of them being soulmates and isn't directly related to MC being a worldborn. Heh, MC isn't the only one with strange soulmate-related perks. (ಡ艸ಡ) Though subtle, ML comes with his own set of braindamag–ahem, I mean, "skills". (; ゚ 3゚ )~♪

    Noah’s eyebrow twitched, once, twice, unsure whether the other was serious or messing with him. Wasn’t that kind of liquid supposed to be salty? How did it become sweet? Was it something he ate?
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a HuaLian2020

    Just make an account on my site. It will ask you about your donation details during registration, after which it will associate the donation with your lucypandora account and you'll be able to read locked stuff. You can see the details of the process on the bottom of lucypandora.com/how-to-support page

    Ch 203 Important Notice - SSC is going premium and moving
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a cermia

    I can see that you've not read it far enough. There is really no angst and cheating here.

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FragrantMoonTree

    As a person who is shy myself, I disagree. If I didn't want to do something intimate with someone, I'd push them away, struggle, slap, say no, etc. But if I am willing, I'll generally act shy to death and let the other kiss and touch as they please. In short, I'm too shy to say yes, not too shy to say no! I can't imagine how awkward it would be if my partner kept asking for my consent. 🤦‍♀️ Imagine if every time a person wanted to kiss another, they had to ask the other whether they were willing! What a way to ruin the mood! Why would a person need to verbally agree for it to be considered as consent? If two people are mutually kissing without a word, is that not a clear form of consent? There isn't just one way of giving consent. I believe that what should be considered as consent depends on the situation and the people involved. For every rule, there is an exception. Rules are dead, people are alive. Personally, when it comes to consent, I believe one should say no clearly, but yes can be implicit.

    Gazing down at the target of his affection, Levi's eyes rippled with gentle adoration. He knew very well that his baby, his precious little treasure, was the type whose noes were loud and yeses silent.
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a TheSuperMom43

    You'll change your mind. I guarantee it.

    Ch 11 Hey there, brother-in-law!
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Zonnestraal

    Yeah, sorry about that. There were some naughty descriptions and actions done in it so I had to mark it as such. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

    Ch 198 He had been played!! [18+]
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Bonnie_Hopper_RN

    Not exactly. Communicators have a function to detect problems with their owners, such as heart attacks, and they automatically call the ambulance. Also, it's because Levi was paying close attention to Noah that he could tell that the other was fine. His body temperature was normal, his breathing was normal, his heart rate was steady. He wasn't pale nor cold sweating. For all intents and purposes, he looked exactly the same as always when asleep. Also, Noah is, as previously mentioned, a heavy sleeper, so him not waking up when messed around with when in deep sleep isn't strange.

    Ch 198 He had been played!! [18+]
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FragrantMoonTree

    Thank you ♥

    Ch 198 Arc 1 Chapter 197 – Better be careful not to choke~
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a TheDeadScientist

    Thank you! (/≧▽≦)/ ♥

    Ch 197 Arc 1 Chapter 196 – It might be white and round, but it isn’t dough!!!
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FlyingCat_mei


    'Don't– don't use this angle! QAQ Brother! Please leave my peacefully slumbering PP out of this!' Noah's pink lips parted breathlessly, "No–ah!" He had so much to say, yet the only thing that came out was a nasal mewl.
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FlyingCat_mei

    Imagining physical pain isn't the same as feeling physical pain. Physical pain is a chemical response, so imagining it isn't quite able to recreate it. In my personal experience, the only time I'm able to feel physical pain in a dream is if my body is feeling physical pain out of it. Otherwise, no matter how something hits me or I fall, I won't feel the pain of it. (Emotional pain not included, ofc.)

    Yep. Very physical. Also… ouch. 〒▽〒
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Tidal479

    Levi didn't even know his best man was married! 😂

    Ch 192 Arc 1 Chapter 191 – Showtime!
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a beaniebabe211

    That's just Noah being Noah. Their first time being intimate would always cause such emotions in Noah due to his upbringing and lack of previous relationships. In fact, Noah will never stop feeling shy and embarrassed by sexual things even though he will be happily married for many, many lives. It's just a part of his personality. Levi didn't initiate this smut scene because he was thinking of satisfying his own desire, but because he wanted an excuse to claim Noah as his own. He also wanted to figure out what Noah felt for him and make Noah fall for him harder by pleasuring his baby. Levi's intention wasn't to make Noah feel bad but to make him feel good while getting over his mental barriers. What's happening here isn't Noah struggling with Levi but with himself. He has feelings for Levi that he believes he shouldn't be having and added on top of his naturally thin-skinned personality, it's causing him internal conflict. Levi might be shameless and possessive, but he truly does love Noah. He'd never intentionally hurt him.

    Ashamed, Noah wanted to move away and help wipe it away, but his limbs had lost all strength; he could only lie weakly in Levi's embrace. So he did. He was especially quiet and still, yet his insides were torn apart by a hurricane. In the conflux of emotions, there was pleasure, need, confusion, panic, hesitation, reluctance, shame, guilt, and so much more.
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a FragrantMoonTree

    He is putting the ring on the right hand. The left hand has the engagement ring, the right hand is for the wedding band.

    Wishing to silently convey to Levi the decision he had made, Noah took the initiative to pick up the larger of the two rings with his right hand. Noah shook his left hand that had been holding Levi's, signaling the other to let go. When Levi obediently released it, Noah changed his hold to bring Levi's right hand in front of him.
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Tidal479

    I know how you feel. That's why I am going to make sure that the arc has a satisfying end that leaves you sated and ready for a new flavor of ML! (•̀ᴗ•́)و I say a new flavor but... all of them are the same soul so even if their identities and personalities are different they will naturally love their baby in the same way. If you loved Levi, then you are surely going to love the rest of them as well.

    Ch 183 Arc 1 Chapter 182 – Are you jealous?
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Paraknox

    Levi isn't aware that there are two of them. He didn't know Aris, so he can't know that this current Aris is not that Aris. To Levi, Noah had been Aris from the start. Noah has no intention of telling anyone about this soul switch because he doesn't see any benefits for anyone in doing so. Things might be different if Aris was someone who did a lot of shit or had exes, then Noah might want to clear things up with his hubby and say that that previous Aris wasn't him. But as things stand right now, he has no need to clear anything up. This might change in other arcs, but not this one.

    Ch 181 What kind of a shitty site was this?!
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • LucyPanDora
    Respondeu a Tidal479

    I think so too. Smut is just another form of romantic interaction between the two. Thus it should follow the same rules as the rest, ergo, be entertaining and meaningful to the overall romantic plot. Smut in a romance novel isn't supposed to be superfluous p0rn, meant to scratch an itch, but something personal that brings the entire romance to a satisfying conclusion and directly shows the love we have been building the entire novel and the resulting relationship dynamic. At least, that's what I think.

    Ch 176 Arc 1 Chapter 175 – Uh… no need… I’m feeling better now…
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora