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I’v read about 100 novels and if I’ gonna be honest with you, this novel is way too addicting. The plot always keeps me excited and the fights make me go crazy. I love the steady realistic progression of the characters and the world building is superb. So far this novel has one of the best plots of any story I’ve ever read and might even be better then second coming of gluttony.
I Just realize you got some inspiration from THE SECOND COMING OF GLUTTONY
If you create a new book then What was the point in reading an unFinish story
Love the noVel bro we will wait for You!
FaVorite novel
I love this novel so much i wait everyday for A new chapter IVE Read over a 150 and this is my favorite so far!
Hahahaha tales of demon and gods lol
Bro How can you not love this novel. ;) -Cunning -Evil -Alpha -Funny Im really excited to see where this novel go”s Amazing characthers and world building that got me hook.
Is there any romance?