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seems like there is a purge going on at against everybody who writes lemons. Cambrian seems to be on the list of the already purged.
What happend to u on ?
for those who want to know: story development 2 the rest 4 the beginnin of the story is quite boring and there are many oc characters. after about 20 to 30 chapters the story gets better and is quite enjoyable. From chapter 130 onwards the story development is taking a turn for the worse. The mc overcomes his main antagonists off without a struggle. The blackfires were established as a bigger enemy with the backing of the golden company. They were brought down by some assasin and then they were just integrated with the mc. Viserys had the potential to be this character in the family of the mc, that would betray him and give the mc problems by being jealous, … But then he just said, that his canon behaviour was just an act and he is fully ok with being cucked by the mc. In the end the mc gets all the women, that the author wants him to have and the story is being developed in such a way, that the mc has no problems. Overall that makes the story boring in the later stages and unsatisfying
he has first men blood. i think his great grandmother was a blackwood
isnt that number to high? he aced all his exams plus was the best during the event. That gave him 419 points. So the maximum amount of points One could achieve in a year are about 500 points. That means the best students need 5 years to get a riolu. Even if they have time for a few extra missions, that price is extrem.
I already wrote a review a year ago. i complained about the slow pace of the story up to chapter 110. I recently gave the story a second chance. It gets better. The story now develops at an acceptable pace (since around chapter 150). The info dumps are also getting rarer after chapter 160. There is a clear development of the quality of the story. The author is gett better and better. The author still needs to work on his pov. There are some strange or repetitive t parts. So there is still potential for him to get better. Overall a good but not great story.
i think the list is useless. the species living in the range should be known. The rarity rating isnt usefull for the trainers. He could create maps where he marks down the known territories of strong pokemon groups as well as likely dwellings of rarer pokmon. That would be something to publish. I dont see the list getting much acknowledgment with how basic it is written.