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song chi flame is blue now right? ...did he lie to them? did they not check? this passage is kinda vague
my only real complaint is i wish there were more frequent updates
cooking not cocking... lol...
confident not coincidental.... lol...
I am really glad to see you writing, I really enjoy where the story is going
I am actually really interested to see where this story goes...
a lot earlier in the story when they were protecting that planet in the federation that made them the pancakes he actually used mental force attack that created some type of spike he used in conjuction with hesha to overpower someone's mental defense... it was very low level but he did have ONE
it's long for... lounge is the waiting area in a house with sofas you entertain guests in your house with...
study not sturdy...
it's beams not beans... beans are a type of food beams are a synonym for ray in this context...