de leitura
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I'm having a lot of fun reading this so far and I like everything that has been shown so far and how fast the characters are clicking for me. Now that doesn't mean anything is simple oh no far from it, I just like how easy it is for me to just get into. Great story to read at anytime you can and I look forward to seeing much more from the Protagonist Hope but my favorite character is Jack. I haven't been fully caught up on the story yet but where I'm at right now the villain really has me on the edge of my seat and isn't like other villains with similar powers or origins with their powers yet they are psycho still and I really enjoy the fact that the author isn't doing a whole redeemable evil thing with some of the villains we've seen so far. Plus the author didn't forget to add artifacts into the lore either. I always love a fiction when you have more to the world then just powers like there are things there that people made that are just awesome weapons and armor or just inventions that by their mere existence just say this world is more than meets the eye.
Not bad. It's a pretty cool superhero story I guess. Decent writing and all that. Now is it the best. Nah. I mean there are loads of hero stories better. Still it caught my interest. A little early right now but still. Maybe I'll rank it higher or lower later but right now it's like a solid 4 I guess.
So. Phoenix Flight. It's definitely an ambitious story, and I really hope I can see it grow and culminate, since I really believe it has the potential for some of the most impactful and emotional plots and character arcs I've ever read. The story walks the line of a dark & epic plot and lighthearted humour very well. Most of which is achieved through the amazing characters. Davi is a great mc, I don't think I've ever liked a main character as much as him.
Thank you for the chapter.
Thank you for the chapter.
Thank you for the chapter.
Thank you for the chapter.
it's like Harry Potter but more anime, and in a steam punk setting lol
the teacher???