


Life is an endless journey into the maw of nihility.

2019-06-29 UnidoChina

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  • Windvally
    Respondeu a LampoonMage

    paulis might be an outer deity blessing pathway that ALSO causes gender change, like,say, if it is Mother goddess of deperavity thats giving the blessing.

    Demoness… Lumian found the name "Assassin" bewildering.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a godofdemonandangel

    yeah, Cuttlefish mentioned in his March end-of month-summary that it's about to get more intense as he finished with most of the old book 1 info dump/review for new/old readers.

    Ch 67 Evil Spells
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a Kaiwardin_Official

    Lumine _(:з」∠)_

    Assassin… Sounds cooler than Hunter… Lumian asked with concern, "Which pathways neighbor Mystery Pryer?
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a

    but spiritual sense is a stat in call of cthulhu tabletop RPG games though. the higher it is, the more your intuition senses stuff and your eyes see things you shouldn't, and the more you are screwed.

    Uh, the fifth change is some kind of intuition strengthening… Lumian nodded gently.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally

    Red chestnut flower language: - Excessively worrying about family members, being concerned all day for the people one cares about, and fearing unfortunate things happening to them. - Life is filled entirely by one's loved ones, neglecting one's own feelings and needs. Mmmh...interesting ingredient.

    "Supplementary ingredients: 80 milliliters of red wine, one Red Chestnut Flower (can be a specimen or substituted with 10 drops of the corresponding essential oil), 5 grams of poplar tree leaf powder, 10 grams of basil;
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I see you edited the chapter, CK. Haha. Thanks for correcting it!!

    Beautiful and languid, she seemed out of place in the seedy, dimly lit tavern.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally

    Hi, Windvally here from the LOTM discord. In this chapter there may be a TL mistake that kind of mess up a hint for us readers (assuming if this was meant to hint at Fors) Chinese: 她美貌而慵懒,与低矮昏暗的破旧馆仿佛不在同一幕场景里。 Machine Translation with my proof reading: She is beautiful and indolent, and seems out of place in this dimly lit, run-down tavern. CKtalon's translation: Beautiful and elegant, she seemed out of place in the seedy, dimly lit tavern. So it was supposed to be lazy/indolent, not elegant. Which we all know who it might be hinting at, if this was a hint at all that is.

    Beautiful and languid, she seemed out of place in the seedy, dimly lit tavern.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasia · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a Spelloyal

    Mmh, it's definitely not Cultivation. If we only use the examples you give, I would say it's currently Low Fantasy, but it has potential of moving towards Medium to High Fantasy depending how "fantastical" these within-novel religions and supernaturals can become down the road. The best way to describe this novel's power systme is basically Borderlands + Disco Elysium's skill system Each character that isn't a normal human has Skills/Abilities/Quirks that they gained from their race, classe/profession, and lastly their "cost" for awakening. The feeling and structure of "power level", which is PURPOSELY blurred for this novel as sort of a new writing experiment, is entirely based on how deep your masteries over your own quirks/skills are. A "power system" that's not numerically measured with a defined strength, but based on application and usage of the abilities. This created chances for characters to defeat "stronger" opponents, but at the cost of some readers feeling a bit chaotic and confused at the power comparison betweeen enemies and the Main Character group. This is because most of us are used to very matter-of-fact pyrimid structured power systems. If I have to do some DIY categorization using my own understanding to help you better visualize the power level, this novel can be divided into three main power groups that modifies a character's combat strength: ---Power System Spoiler Warning--- Physical Powers a.k.a. "Matter Over Mind" - Very Low Fantasy: Race - Racial bonuses such as cyborg, machine with uploaded human conscious, genetically enhanced, genetically modded (Chosen Ones), Sub-humans, Ancestral Regressors (Heartless) Power different between characters is determined based on how "advanced" or "well-done" or "safe" these "modifications" are, and also if there were any defects suffered during the process etc. --- Mental Powers a.k.a. "Mind Over Matter" - Can Be Very High Fantasy: The Awakened: Three Blessings for One Cost The Cost gets worse and worse the higher the "power level". The Blessings (Abilities) gets more powerful as the cost gets worse. Not all powers and costs are "mental" related, but because the "leveling up" is done through a system that's inside one's mind and closely related to the concept of "Self" (Self-understanding of their own abilities, One's own worst fears, etc.), I speculate it can go very high fantasy later on. Almost like putting skill points for your mental abilities in Disco Elysium Power difference between two individuals is determined by how far down the "Skill Tree" each side has invested (and suffered the cost of). --- Equipment Powers a.k.a. Earthly Belongings - Very Low Fantasy Good old equipment. Your Legendaries in Borderlands will always outmatch and outstats your Common junks. Sometimes enough firepower means even supernatural stuff can't handle the damage.

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    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a PhalconX

    It's almost 100% certain that he will write a Book 2 for LOTM after Ember Ad Infinitum ends. With Book 3 still up in the air (But he talked about his idea for Book 3 that's going to finally tell the story of what's in the Western Continent). Book 2 will have all the characters from Book 1, most of whom will be major side characters (especially all Tarot Club members, and Roselle). However, due to Klein's certain situation, the main character of Book 2 will be a completely new character. Timeline wise, The current idea (subject to Cuttlefish's final decision) is that Book 2 will be set to begin its story approximately 1 year before Volume 8 of Book 1. It will tell the story from the new Main Character's perspective, leading up to the events in Volume 8 of Book 1, and then continue beyond that. Cuttlefish stated the new main character will most likely (not set in stone, subject to Cuttlefish final decision) be Red Priest Pathway. For 3 reasons. 1. He/She will have a chance to become Sequence 0; 2. He/She will have to go up against Medici in a battle of wits and power; 3. He/She will have a very fun and entertaining life being a red priest character (the gender change, the taunting etc.) for the readers to enjoy.

    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a Higher_Being

    TL;DR: Yes. It's planned for after Ember Ad Infinitum ends (around late 2022). ---------------------------------------------------- Long Version SPOILER for ongoing readers Cuttlefish LOTM Book 1 Afterwords selected segements: As for the hidden storyline buried by the five gold coins, each Tarot Club member's experience and stories, and every other hole that I dug in LOTM 1 that wasn't a part of the Main Storyline (Klein's Story), they are of course material left purposely for LOTM 2. I really really was very blatantly clear with my writing, that this last part showing Melissa, who now knows Klein's general state of being, teaching her daughter, is both an ending, but also a prologue. Mmh, LOTM 2 story is potentially going to be set in between "Klein Sleeping or even a little bit before he went to sleep" and ends with "He wakes up". Even this time frame setting about LOTM 2, was something that was decided before LOTM 1 was even written. Why did I consider a second book when doing my settings for the first book? For one, I feel my world setting is too huge and detailed, there are way too many things to write about. If I were to dump everything into one book, then inevitably there will be a confusion of Main storyline and Side storyline; Unnecessarily long Side Storyline; Scattered and Boring; Structurally Bloated to an unsightly degree. Secondly, the growth curve of the Tarot Club Members cannot keep up with our MC Klein. If I gave them too many Side Quests and more Stories, for the sole purpose of justifying and making their "improvement" logical enough, then it will crash against the Main Story's structure. This will also cause the problem of confusion of Main/Side Storyline. If I don't give them those extra quests and stories in LOTM 1, and still let them grow, making the Tarot Club members exert critical influence and usefulness at crucial moments, then it will only make the readers feel cheap. There will be a great number of readers/friends who will feel that the Tarot Club members just rode on the Klein "Train" and sucked off of the Main Character's plot armor aura. They will feel that the Tarot Club members obtained everything "too easily" or "Because they are main side characters needed to defeat Error etc. etc." So, after balancing all my options, combining all situations from different perspectives, I made the final decision and oath to at least MUST write an second book for LOTM. In this way, LOTM 1 could leisurely walk its Main Storyline, side characters doesn't have to go “dungeoning” and "farming exp" all over the world map, keeping the focus in one country - in Backlund. And Tarot Club members are only finishing up their life's first half, completing metamorphosis and growth, and leaving their comfort zones. They will go into LOTM 2 to demonstrate to us, an even grander, more amazing, and more exciting life and story. For me, this is also a challenge. How to, after a few years later (2022+), to bring every reader back into this world. How to allow new readers, who never read LOTM 1, to also smoothly read LOMT 2 without any difficulties and limit. Before LOTM, I don't have experience with writing series/trilogy type books. I don't have the experience of writing a second book under the same world setting. On one side, I didn't even think about going "series" when making the setting for the previous few books, lacking the appropriate amount of space to expand. Secondly, I was afraid to repeat the formulas and cliches of the first book in the second book, unable to make breakthroughs in my writing ability. But this kind of fear is also a self-limit in of itself, now I feel confident enough to try challenging it. As I have already found my own writing philosophy. I said in the past, my favorite saying..no..my motto is: "Never satisfied, always challenging."

    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a Brightshore


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    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a Baewha_Main

    He didn't just play Fallout. He also played Disco Elysium and Wastland 2. Aside from that, he mentioned that even though he didn't read nearly as many books as he did with LOTM, he read quiet a few books to get ideas. and lastly, he stated that most of his focus in the preparation are in the culture aspect. he read several culture and superstition study related books to flesh out the power and religion system in Ember Ad infinitum. And those were him talking about Ember Ad Infinitum. For LOTM 2, he will probably prepare for it after this current book ends in late 2022. And if he's not stupid, he will definitely prepare it well, just like what he did for LOTM.

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    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a skidzee

    No, in fact it's highly likely he won't even have a wife, due to the nature of a post apocalyptic world.

    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a StukoVRusso

    Yep, he isn't done. I don't know if the non-Chinese readers have access to all of Cuttlefish's interviews and post-volume summaries from other places, but we have all the interviews translated in the LOTM Discord. Anyways, here's the basic rundown: He wants to take a break from LOTM, write another book to refresh his mind, as he felt if he write two LOTM novels in a row, he would carry over some of the writing thought process over and make the second book feel boring for the readers. As such he decided that he would write Ember Ad Infinitum first, a novel that will be around 3 million Chinese words. After that, he will start on Lord of The Mysteries Book 2 (And then LOTM Book 3 in the future). Based on all of the information Cuttlefish released after LOTM finished, here's what he publicly said will be (and may be) in LOTM Book 2: -SPOILER! STEP AWAY NOW IF U HAVEN'T FINISHED LOTM 1- Confirmed Content for LOTM Book 2: -More Criminal Pathway in action. -More smart and memorable Demoness villainess characters -The story between Hidden Sage, God of Steam and Machinery, and Moses Ascetics Order -Roselle will have prominent role in LOTM Book 2 -The second half of why "Amon is the light of the Apocalypse" will be expressed in LOTM Book 2. -Transmigrater Side Characters (after people are released from cacoons) -Daniz becoming a saint. we will meet him in Book 2 as Saint Daniz. -Demoness Sect's core belief in "Primordial Demoness is The Original Creator’s true child" (Major Book 2 Plot) -Roselle's Demoness Tarot Card (Genderbent Roselle ftw) -Organization and Subordinates created by each of the Tarot Club members as they thrive in the background to wake The Fool. -Each Tarot Club members interacting with the new MCs either directly or indirectly. -Tamara Family and Theosophy Order plot (Introduced in Side Story) -Previous LOTM vs. Klein's dream battle where Klein is being corrupted into a Demoness. Book 2 Characters and Tarot Club will enter into the Sephirah Castle to help Klein. The five coins given at the end of LOTM novel are used to help non-Sephirah Castle individuals gain access into the Door above the Gray Fog. (Introduced in Side Story: In Modern Day) - The narration style and genre of Book 2 WILL BE DIFFERENT from Book 1. The final decision rests with Cuttlefish two years from now. Ideas mentioned by Cuttlefish that may or may not be in Book 2: - A new MC who has a high chance of being Red Priest Pathway - Alger's journey to Western Continent and showing a tip of the iceberg of Western Continent cultivators and power system. - Evernight and Adam's background story expressed indirectly - Transmigrators who are freed from the cacoon form Alliances. - Infiltrators blessed by Outer Gods who bypass the weakening barrier to do things on Earth. Hastening the apocalypse. - More Artifacts and Treasures - A heavier focus on "Steampunk". More screen time for giant cannons, ships, tanks, and mechs. - Cosmos/Space related content - Savant Pathway beyonders creating Mechas/Gundams and going into space combat etc. And lastly, the confirmed content for Lord of The Mystery Book 3: - The reason why Wheel of Fortune Pathway is so special - Mother Goddess of Depravity becoming extremely powerful due to certain plotting, to even threaten Klein, keeping the threat of the Apocalypse still intense and viable in terms of story structure. - The Western Continent story. An isolated power system that worships the 8 sealed Sephirah's sentient consciousness as Immortal Sacred Realms to gain blessings, and then use the sequence 9 to 2 characteristics (all sequence 1 characteristics are in Eastern Continents) to level up as Cultivators.

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    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a scottyps10

    The connection to what might have happened here is clearer when I list out the definition like this. Corny person may not have been completely accurate of what the term entails. I tried thinking of other terms. Like: Histrionic Person Unreasonable Person Bitchy Person Melodramatic Person Fussy/Picky Person

    Jumping up and delivering a sweeping shot from above was the behavior of a coward. There was no sincerity! A real man had to kill the other party head to head against each other!
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a

    It's Corny Person. Back in Chapter 5. Raw:矫情之人 矫情 is Chinese word that can mean 3 things all at once: 1. Argue Irrationally using lame arguments and perverted logic; 2. Throwing a tantrum without a proper reason; 3. Intentionally acting outside of the norm to attract attention, to show off as unique and different from others. 之人:A person of XXX. CK's choice: Corny Person

    Jumping up and delivering a sweeping shot from above was the behavior of a coward. There was no sincerity! A real man had to kill the other party head to head against each other!
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a SSain_C0_FoxX

    1. We don't know if he's a transmigrator or not. But high chance he's NOT a transmigrator. 2. He's cheat is being an Awakened. The three favors he gained from that hall of stars, but the price he paid is unknown. How his cheat works, will be revealed through the story. Beyond that, everything else about this world from the characters to the power system, are still shrouded in mystery. Cuttlefish is using a new narration style this time. We will get NO inner thought monologues from the main character. And we can only guess what's in his mind through his actions and what he says.

    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally

    "Inference Clowning"

    Shang Jianyao didn't hold back anything and frankly replied, "If the people, matters, and environment around him constantly instill the same answer in him, he will never be able to sense it until he discovers the opposite argument or result.
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally

    "Hand Immobilization"

    How am I to complete the shot? At that moment, this ridiculous thought surfaced in his mind.
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Ficção Científica · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Windvally
    Respondeu a FrostWarlock

    Back in Chapter 5. Raw:矫情之人 Word for Word: 矫情 is Chinese word that can mean 3 things all at once 1. Argue Irrationally using lame arguments and perverted logic; 2. Throwing a tantrum without a proper reason; 3. Intentionally acting outside of the norm to attract attention, to show off as unique and different from others. 之人:A person of XXX. CK's choice: Corny Person Tbh, things get a lot clearer when I list out the definition like this. One of his three abilities is definitely at work here! I personally do not agree with CK's use of "corny", but I myself cannot think of good alternative.....

    Ch 23 Getting Worked Up
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