
Review Detail of Windvally in Embers Ad Infinitum

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LOTM Discord Windvally here. Let me help with some context so more people may be interested to give this novel a chance for it to reach Chapter 61 and beyond in EN translation. Cuttlefish’s New Book Exclusive Interview Reveal By Yuewen Official Weibo Account (11-18-2020) ------ The Interview - Translated: Question 1 Interviewer: 《Lord of The Mysteries》 Book 1 has already concluded for over half a year now. Aside from playing games and occasionally updating the side stories and setting reveals for LOTM, what else did you do to recharge yourself during this time period? Cuttlefish: Wouldn't playing games count as recharging? (laugh) No, I'm serious, many decent quality single player games can give you inspiration for novels very effectively. For example, the entire Fallout series. Aside from playing games, I also read some books. However, in a genre like "Fallout", every writer has their own understanding of it. There isn't exactly a homework list of very special, mandatory materials that I need to read in order to prepare writing this genre. ------ Question 2 Interviewer: New novel 《Ember in Long Night》is up and running. Can you use your own method to introduce this new novel to us? For example, please give us three key words? Cuttlefish: New World, Civilization, Humanity. ------ Question 3 Interviewer: Can you secretly tell us, how many chapter drafts have you already saved up for the new novel in advance? Cuttlefish: That's a trade secret ahaha. To be honest, I didn't actually save up that much. Because web novels are a profession that requires interactions. Especially when it comes to the adjustment of certain details in your novel. These small details are often hard to get an accurate grasp of, and are made easier when you manage to receive reader feedback on them. Most Importantly, without the compliment and praise of your fans and readers, where do one even get the motivation to continue writing stories? ------ Question 4 Interviewer: Once upon a time you mentioned in your personal Wechat Official Account that: "Many writing's inspiration and ideas do have their places of origin". For the current new novel, what is its source of inspiration? Cuttlefish: I would say the Fallout series games. But my story is also a little bit different from the game series. It isn't a pure "Fallout series" breed, so to speak. It's more like my novel is set in a time period after a Fallout's dust has completely settled and normalized. It's more about the situations and events that happen after 'Order and Civilization' have already been rebuilt under such a norm and are flourishing in a world with gaps in history and technology. That's why in my novel, readers will see traces of settings influenced by the manga drawn by Tsutomu Nihei, such as <Knights of Sidonia> and <Blame!>. Some cities in the novel will also give you feelings of familiarity, as they are inspired by the city within the game <Disco Elysium>. ------ Question 5 Interviewer: When Volume 6 of 《Lord of The Mysteries》 concluded back then, you also informed us of the potential genres of the current new novel at the time. What kind of events/chances lead you to finally make the decision of tackling and challenging this genre that you have never touched before? Cuttlefish: Because I really like this genre ("serious" face). It's fine, since everyone is already used to me changing genres. ------ Question 6 Interviewer: Last time when you started writing LOTM, I heard you did some preparation that resulted in a whole cabinet being filled with research materials and books on topics such as Victorian England, steampunk, and Lovecraftian lore. What power level did the preparation work for this current novel achieve? Cuttlefish: This time, because the 'Fallout' genre is a topic that's more characterized by freedom of imagination, as well as depending heavily on the writer's ability to express themselves, there instead aren't many books needed for reference. I've only read several materials in regards to culture and rituals, hoping to find some inspiration from them. ------ Question 7 Interviewer: Why did you want to write this genre? In this novel, will you be pondering on some philosophical questions? such as the relationship problems between human nature and civilization? Cuttlefish: For me, the reason for starting this novel is very simple. I had certain ideas and images flashing across my mind one day, that's related to the ideas of 'Fallout'. And thus a topic that I want to write about is born from within those few flashes of imagery. I have to point out here, that the topic/genre of 'Fallout' can shoulder many things. Regardless if it's human nature, or civilization, or human themselves, all can be reflected and presented in this genre. ------ Question 8 Interviewer: Cuttlefish, your ability to construct world views and settings is witnessed by many. Have you already finished outlining a complete world, factions, and power system setting for the new book? Or have you created settings for parts of them, and requires the rest to be filled in slowly as the story progresses? Cuttlefish: I have mostly finished making all of the settings. However, one can never completely finish creating every single detail. Because many of those details are dependent on the progression of the story. Thus, I will mostly have some very iconic/symbolic moment/story checkpoints, the rest are waiting to be filled in as things go. ------ Question 9 Interviewer: Before the beginning of this new novel, we saw a group of people in the setting post you created, that sounds very similar to what we know as ESPers. This profession/class setting, will it have branching class advancement, class change, or class variation similar to the beyonder pathways of LOTM? Cuttlefish: The power system and road of progression this time around is mainly represented by one word: Entertaining. I will be purposely blurring and reducing the feeling of "character leveled up"in this novel. Of course, story-wise the characters will not be lacking growth or change. One key difference from LOTM, is that in this novel, each ability’s categorization and ‘strength differentiation’ is not entirely described through a ‘level based system’. They are more primarily based on ‘Application, Usage, and Effectiveness’ during practical situations. ------ Question 10 Interviewer: Who's your most favorite character in this new novel? What's the most unique quality and/or characteristics that you love about him/her? Cuttlefish: I will choose the MC I guess, because I can't write anything without an MC. The most unique quality I love about him would be, Mental Illness? ------ Question 11 Interviewer: Who are the 'most beautiful', 'most intelligent', and 'most combat capable' characters in the MC's team? Have they made their appearance in the novel yet? Cuttlefish: Ugh, I haven't even completely finished on deciding who will be joining the MC's team down the road. I have to take a look at how good of a control I have of the story first. Because the story will be 100% naturally harder to write with more and more characters. There's a threshold, or limits of sorts, that defines how many maximum characters you can have in the MC's team without losing control. On a side note, if you question is about who is the 'most inhuman/heartless/lack of humanity' in the MC's team, I could answer that. Because there will be a robot showing up down the line. ------ Question 12 Interviewer: Do you have anything you wanted to say to your fans? Cuttlefish: I won't desire unreasonably to have everyone love what I write. But I hope to bring you guys a different type of reading experience at least. ------ Question 13 Interviewer: Will you be doing extra chapter updates to show gratitude to your fans? Cuttlefish: Ah, what are you saying? I wasn't able to hear you very well!

Embers Ad Infinitum

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Curtido por 568 pessoas




TL;DR: Yes. It's planned for after Ember Ad Infinitum ends (around late 2022). ---------------------------------------------------- Long Version SPOILER for ongoing readers Cuttlefish LOTM Book 1 Afterwords selected segements: As for the hidden storyline buried by the five gold coins, each Tarot Club member's experience and stories, and every other hole that I dug in LOTM 1 that wasn't a part of the Main Storyline (Klein's Story), they are of course material left purposely for LOTM 2. I really really was very blatantly clear with my writing, that this last part showing Melissa, who now knows Klein's general state of being, teaching her daughter, is both an ending, but also a prologue. Mmh, LOTM 2 story is potentially going to be set in between "Klein Sleeping or even a little bit before he went to sleep" and ends with "He wakes up". Even this time frame setting about LOTM 2, was something that was decided before LOTM 1 was even written. Why did I consider a second book when doing my settings for the first book? For one, I feel my world setting is too huge and detailed, there are way too many things to write about. If I were to dump everything into one book, then inevitably there will be a confusion of Main storyline and Side storyline; Unnecessarily long Side Storyline; Scattered and Boring; Structurally Bloated to an unsightly degree. Secondly, the growth curve of the Tarot Club Members cannot keep up with our MC Klein. If I gave them too many Side Quests and more Stories, for the sole purpose of justifying and making their "improvement" logical enough, then it will crash against the Main Story's structure. This will also cause the problem of confusion of Main/Side Storyline. If I don't give them those extra quests and stories in LOTM 1, and still let them grow, making the Tarot Club members exert critical influence and usefulness at crucial moments, then it will only make the readers feel cheap. There will be a great number of readers/friends who will feel that the Tarot Club members just rode on the Klein "Train" and sucked off of the Main Character's plot armor aura. They will feel that the Tarot Club members obtained everything "too easily" or "Because they are main side characters needed to defeat Error etc. etc." So, after balancing all my options, combining all situations from different perspectives, I made the final decision and oath to at least MUST write an second book for LOTM. In this way, LOTM 1 could leisurely walk its Main Storyline, side characters doesn't have to go “dungeoning” and "farming exp" all over the world map, keeping the focus in one country - in Backlund. And Tarot Club members are only finishing up their life's first half, completing metamorphosis and growth, and leaving their comfort zones. They will go into LOTM 2 to demonstrate to us, an even grander, more amazing, and more exciting life and story. For me, this is also a challenge. How to, after a few years later (2022+), to bring every reader back into this world. How to allow new readers, who never read LOTM 1, to also smoothly read LOMT 2 without any difficulties and limit. Before LOTM, I don't have experience with writing series/trilogy type books. I don't have the experience of writing a second book under the same world setting. On one side, I didn't even think about going "series" when making the setting for the previous few books, lacking the appropriate amount of space to expand. Secondly, I was afraid to repeat the formulas and cliches of the first book in the second book, unable to make breakthroughs in my writing ability. But this kind of fear is also a self-limit in of itself, now I feel confident enough to try challenging it. As I have already found my own writing philosophy. I said in the past, my favorite saying..no..my motto is: "Never satisfied, always challenging."

Higher_Being:So the author plans to make LOTM 2?

is the main caracter the same guy?




No, this novel is not related to LOTM. This is the Fallout themed novel that Cuttlefish wants to write inbetween LOTM and LOTM 2. The main character is new. The entire novel uses mostly Chinese names for characters. The world's races, ethnicities, geography, and factions are all completely fictional created based on real life inspiration and culture. This is to avoid any potential political correctness or censorship.

ANONYMOUS_SHADOW:is the main caracter the same guy?

oh so this is not a continuation of lord of mystery, well have to try anyway maybe it would turn out good.

Windvally:No, this novel is not related to LOTM. This is the Fallout themed novel that Cuttlefish wants to write inbetween LOTM and LOTM 2. The main character is new. The entire novel uses mostly Chinese names for characters. The world's races, ethnicities, geography, and factions are all completely fictional created based on real life inspiration and culture. This is to avoid any potential political correctness or censorship.

The last part is funny 🤣



ForFunWorld:The last part is funny 🤣

wind-chan, immortal here


61 and beyond .. lol its only chapter 40.. smh


I have a question what is fallout? Hahaha sorry I am living under the rock I just come out off my exclusion so I do not know care to explain my brothers and sisters?


the interview was exactly 1 month ago. coincidence ?


a video game series anything beyond that idk because I have never played nor watched anything about it

Patrick_Ian52132:I have a question what is fallout? Hahaha sorry I am living under the rock I just come out off my exclusion so I do not know care to explain my brothers and sisters?

i haven't played it, because I don't play games, but basically its a post-nuclear world survival, zombies and stuff, there are missions to do, you can build bases/ survivor camps, get guns i think, it's very fun to play, if i had a pc instead of a laptop, i would definitely play it. Guessing from the game, im assuming the book has survival aspects, building/making a survivor organization that may revolve around the mc being the leader of said organization, i think the mc wants to save the world or something, so he will definetly be needing to find cures, have lots of allies and also enemies who actually want things to remain as is

Patrick_Ian52132:I have a question what is fallout? Hahaha sorry I am living under the rock I just come out off my exclusion so I do not know care to explain my brothers and sisters?

I see... Sorry I do not play games hahaha but then thank you for the info so if there are many characters then I hope I will not forgot some of them hahaha

nightRox:i haven't played it, because I don't play games, but basically its a post-nuclear world survival, zombies and stuff, there are missions to do, you can build bases/ survivor camps, get guns i think, it's very fun to play, if i had a pc instead of a laptop, i would definitely play it. Guessing from the game, im assuming the book has survival aspects, building/making a survivor organization that may revolve around the mc being the leader of said organization, i think the mc wants to save the world or something, so he will definetly be needing to find cures, have lots of allies and also enemies who actually want things to remain as is

It just means it have a post-apocalyptic world setting. When the civilization is either rebuild or on the process of rebuilding.

Patrick_Ian52132:I have a question what is fallout? Hahaha sorry I am living under the rock I just come out off my exclusion so I do not know care to explain my brothers and sisters?

So this is the so called novel which I heard author was going to write before LoTM sequel. Anyway, those guys who are p2w, push this novel up so that everyone can read it early. Let it pass. 🍾🍾🍾🥂🥂🥂

Windvally:No, this novel is not related to LOTM. This is the Fallout themed novel that Cuttlefish wants to write inbetween LOTM and LOTM 2. The main character is new. The entire novel uses mostly Chinese names for characters. The world's races, ethnicities, geography, and factions are all completely fictional created based on real life inspiration and culture. This is to avoid any potential political correctness or censorship.

A game series playing in an apocalyptic setting

ANONYMOUS_SHADOW:the interview was exactly 1 month ago. coincidence ?

(From memory!) The setting is that the cold war went hot and everywhere got nuked during the late 60's, people survived mostly by living under ground for years in communal fallout shelters while the surface becomes a radioactive wasteland filled with radiation storms and mutated beasts etc. I don't know if the 60's aesthetic will carry over but I'd imagine from the description that the fallout shelters and wasteland above will be pivotal to the setting. There's usually something wrong with all the shelters in the game setting too, like they were designed to run various nefarious experiments without people's knowledge, so that might be a theme as well.

Patrick_Ian52132:I have a question what is fallout? Hahaha sorry I am living under the rock I just come out off my exclusion so I do not know care to explain my brothers and sisters?

"The power system and road of progression this time around is mainly represented by one word: Entertaining. I will be purposely blurring and reducing the feeling of "character leveled up"in this novel. Of course, story-wise the characters will not be lacking growth or change" That's all i needed to know, the only reason i read Chinese novels is because they like to make power progression clear


so he isn't done with LOTM?, pew i thought we weren't going to see anything related to LOTM ever.

Windvally:No, this novel is not related to LOTM. This is the Fallout themed novel that Cuttlefish wants to write inbetween LOTM and LOTM 2. The main character is new. The entire novel uses mostly Chinese names for characters. The world's races, ethnicities, geography, and factions are all completely fictional created based on real life inspiration and culture. This is to avoid any potential political correctness or censorship.

Oh ho, a mentally ill MC? I like that. And I like that he likes that.