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I was clearly disappointed that his character was described and depicted to be that way, and then quickly turned out to be none of that. Clear difference, but I did mention one example in my earlier reply. Poisoning the others and acting as if he didn’t/trusted them, but yeah it’s about how you describe a character vs. how he then actually acts.
1. The difference is that the language you used depicted something false, if you just said that he tricked a few people and started a rumor it would have been a different story. Anyway, in the first nightmare he tricked his companions and poisoned them if I remember correctly, just based on his suspicions and to be safe, somewhat evil to be honest considering he could have been wrong but cunning nonetheless. 2. You just explained why his excuse/lie is bad to begin with, it wouldn’t or at least shouldn’t have deceived Nephis, who most likely just chose to go along with it or at least that’s what would make sense. 3. Oh no, he convinced a hypnotized person 😧once again, mentally weakened in the sense that they were hypnotized to want one single thing, it’s not cunning to then work around that fact 4. Without Nephis they most likely would have died as well, also one of them is a blind girl and the other fought alongside him, who did he trick and deceive to make it seem like Nephis carried? 5. Nah, but if his lies were blatantly seen through and then used to strengthen her own understanding of cunningness than it seems like he wasn’t all that good at deceiving to begin with. 6. Nothing specific again, just writing that this character is cunning is lazy and doesn’t give him any concrete feats.
It's sad honestly, you are just writing anything to protect the authors horrible writing. 1. The school „arc“ was so short that there was barely any interaction with the students and teachers, you make it seem like it was a full length arc where he deceived multiple characters which is false. 2. He wasn’t telling the truth, yes. However it wasn’t cunning or significant in the manner that Nephis would naturally accept such a deal that benefited her that much, she could have cared less about what the reason is and thus isn’t anything worth mentioning; the whole excuse was bad to begin with. 3. The people he „manipulated“ were mentally weakened by the tree to begin with, and the whole thing wasn’t anything cunning to begin with. 4. She did carry them. 5. Just empty words again, nowhere he taught them anything and without any concrete feats for his cunning this is worthless. 6. Again, nothing concrete. You genuinely glaze Shadow Slave so much that you probably are unable to see it’s flaws, chill, you ain’t getting paid for this
But honestly I'm impressed by the effort you put into the reply, you actually pulled out a list of events that you thought would reinforce your point
You missed the point again, those points would rather fall under battle IQ and not the cunning that I meant; manipulating others and deceiving them mainly outside the battle. Otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned lying specifically, which while it can also be used and fall under battle IQ when used, is only secondary to it.
It seems like you didn’t read my review, seeing as you mention characters and events that happened after the point where I mentioned that I dropped the novel. I‘m not sure if the author improved later on and made Sunny act true to his character, however even if that was the case it would just make him and the whole novel even more inconsistent due to him clearly not being that way at the point where I dropped it.
The introduction is really good, despite the lack of any action the author manages to keep me intrigued and excited for more, this’ll be high quality for sure.