


Musician, and I love reading and writing https://discord.gg/scwMuzc

2019-02-20 UnidoUnited States



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  • Drax152

    Bro said "Make my life interesting" and God went "Aight, bet."

    "Oh. Shit!"
    The Shopkeeper of Konoha
    Anime e quadrinhos · thelightedghost
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a NatsuTempest

    I was running through my notifications and saw this again. Wanted to list off some rap-ish artists who don't use the n word: Eminem (obvi), Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach, Arel of Icon for Hire, and Ronnie Radke from the newer stuff that Falling in Reverse has put out.

    He shrugged. "Not sure yet. Maybe go to the park or something after school. No idea yet." A bit more small talk later, and Peter had to run for school. 15 year-olds still have school, after all. He managed, barely, to catch his bus on time, standing near the front of the moving bus. It was only about half-full. He made his way down, hunting meticulously for an unoccupied seat. He found one as far back as possible, flopping himself down. He looked through what was apparently his phone and found...no fucking music? Yeah that's not okay. Within the next minute and a half, he'd fucked around with every single Spotify setting Peter had previously had and stuck his earbuds in, blessing his eardrums with very much needed hard rock. (A/N:: Die Trying by Art of Dying plays here) He was relatively good friends with Gwen already, which is why Peter wasn't surprised when she plopped down next to him, jeers from the newly-boarded Flash Thompson following her. He paused his music and put it away just in time to hear the last few.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a LokeErBest

    Peter, because he has similar taste in music.

    Capping it off with the arm version of flipping the bird, he sat back down and stuck the left earbud in his ear and offered the right to Gwen. Gwen, not entirely knowing what Peter listened to, cocked her head a bit and put in the earbud just as Peter pressed play. The wonderful voice of Jonny Hetherington and the chuggy drums of Cody Watkins flooded into her ear and she grinned. She knew she had a crush on him for a reason.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a NatsuTempest

    I personally don't like rap, but I respect the impact it's had on the industry.

    He shrugged. "Not sure yet. Maybe go to the park or something after school. No idea yet." A bit more small talk later, and Peter had to run for school. 15 year-olds still have school, after all. He managed, barely, to catch his bus on time, standing near the front of the moving bus. It was only about half-full. He made his way down, hunting meticulously for an unoccupied seat. He found one as far back as possible, flopping himself down. He looked through what was apparently his phone and found...no fucking music? Yeah that's not okay. Within the next minute and a half, he'd fucked around with every single Spotify setting Peter had previously had and stuck his earbuds in, blessing his eardrums with very much needed hard rock. (A/N:: Die Trying by Art of Dying plays here) He was relatively good friends with Gwen already, which is why Peter wasn't surprised when she plopped down next to him, jeers from the newly-boarded Flash Thompson following her. He paused his music and put it away just in time to hear the last few.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a

    So then what do you listen to? Classical? Country? Pop? I don't believe in the idea that people should be judged for what they listen to. Music is subjective.

    He shrugged. "Not sure yet. Maybe go to the park or something after school. No idea yet." A bit more small talk later, and Peter had to run for school. 15 year-olds still have school, after all. He managed, barely, to catch his bus on time, standing near the front of the moving bus. It was only about half-full. He made his way down, hunting meticulously for an unoccupied seat. He found one as far back as possible, flopping himself down. He looked through what was apparently his phone and found...no fucking music? Yeah that's not okay. Within the next minute and a half, he'd fucked around with every single Spotify setting Peter had previously had and stuck his earbuds in, blessing his eardrums with very much needed hard rock. (A/N:: Die Trying by Art of Dying plays here) He was relatively good friends with Gwen already, which is why Peter wasn't surprised when she plopped down next to him, jeers from the newly-boarded Flash Thompson following her. He paused his music and put it away just in time to hear the last few.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a NatsuTempest

    Yes, he has some knowledge. As he encounters people, his knowledge about them will surface. As he meets people, he'll remember a lot of the stories they were in.

    Once all this knowledge and memory was in his brain, he could take inventory. Out loud, he ran through the list of things he now knew. "Ok...my name is Peter Parker. I'm...15, ok...I live with my Aunt May and my Uncle Ben. I was bitten by a spider...approximately 9 hours ago. My parents are dead, I hate my high school bully, and I have a massive crush on...Gwen Stacy?" Information relating to that corner of Peter's head rushed through his brain. "Attractive brainiac blonde with drum sticks poking out of her backpack at all times...got it." He shook his head and calmed himself. Any memory that had been fading was now long gone. Every memory he had at the moment were Peter's. He tossed some less sweaty clothes on, which didn't fit his now borderline buff build. Sighing, he swapped to super baggy clothes and went downstairs. Less than halfway down said stairs the now-familiar smell of wheatcakes hit his nose and he scrambled towards it, practically vaulting over the rail of the stairs to get to them. His headache was mostly gone, now that missing information was filled in. With the influx of memories and the integration of being, he didn't see Aunt May as just "Oh yeah, I know her". He had Peter's memories and Peter's same regard for his aunt.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Ajunta_Pal

    I can go in and edit it. Wasn't be quite as literal as it sounded.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Light901

    I'm doing hopscotch again. Still debating if I wanna let Storm and T'challa have each other and do Domino instead. Thoughts?

    EDIT: After thinking a bit harder and taking a closer look at the tentative direction Peter is heading, how would you guys feel if I did Storm instead of Felicia? I'm on the fence mostly just because that's 3 X-Men girls, but I figure I just ask you guys. Storm probably won't be on the, like, team-dynamic thing, she'd be more liable to play as a go-between for the team and the X-Men. Like an ambassador of sorts. Anyway, leave some comments. Wanna know what the general consensus will look like. About 1/4 through with the new chapter. Hopefully be out by the end of the week.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Adiavts

    I'd feel better using comic-based She-Hulk, but you aren't wrong. They have some chemistry in comics.

    Ch 18 Author's Note
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a GalaxyDWolf

    Kate would be neat. But it'll be a whiiiiiiile before she'd be intro'd.

    EDIT: After thinking a bit harder and taking a closer look at the tentative direction Peter is heading, how would you guys feel if I did Storm instead of Felicia? I'm on the fence mostly just because that's 3 X-Men girls, but I figure I just ask you guys. Storm probably won't be on the, like, team-dynamic thing, she'd be more liable to play as a go-between for the team and the X-Men. Like an ambassador of sorts. Anyway, leave some comments. Wanna know what the general consensus will look like. About 1/4 through with the new chapter. Hopefully be out by the end of the week.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a jahmii

    Nope I live. Barely.

    Ch 18 Author's Note/Question
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Taro

    How about Storm?

    Ch 18 Author's Note
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152

    Trust me dude, I didn't want to use Felicia. Like at all. But if I'm gonna replace Wanda with somebody, Felicia makes the most sense.

    Ch 18 Author's Note
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Keshav_Goyal_3038

    Already have.

    Ch -2 Ideas
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152

    I think a pat reon is a good idea. I'm broke so I can't help you there, but I think it's a good idea

    Ch 135 Controversial
    Spider-Man: Duty and Loss
    Anime e quadrinhos · Zevren
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a SkyNeves

    I mean, comic Peter still had a nutty regen factor. He could take a stab to the side and it'd be mostly healed by the next morning. This Peter's regen is just a bit faster.

    As it turns out, too much damage had been done to the school for most classes to resume, so classes were cancelled for Friday, leaving that day perfectly clear for Peter. As such, Peter was free to do some swinging through the city during the middle of the day. He did so gently though, his arms was still kind of in pain. It was astonishingly almost all healed, so he just went with it.
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a Mysterious_4_4

    In the rewrite.

    Peter nodded to himself, a sort of resigned acceptance to that fact. "Okay, thank you..." He recalled the caller ID from when he picked up. "...Rachel." He ended the call and took some breaths, going back through Peter's memories. He shook his head. This guy's life was so fucking complicated! Like, 9 or 10 different women who are or were madly in love with him, two who he has gone off and on with, 3 others within the X-Men and Avengers, geez! He shook his head. If his knowledge of comics served him right, Peter had issues balancing his superhero life with his Peter Parker life. If his new memories served him right, all the women who love Peter currently know his secret identity. That means Mary Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy, Carol Danvers (yes I'm going here, but I'm also not done with just this list), Kitty Pride, Silver Sable, and Natasha Romanov all knew his identity. That was an insane idea.
    Spider-Man: Rebirth (dropped, go read the rewrite.Or don't, I'm not u)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152

    No idea yet. In a creative slump atm.

    Ch 17 Chapter 16: [Change Team]
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a DRACONIAN619

    It's not dropped, I promise. I'm just caught up in A ) Having COVID and B ) Working on other stories at the moment.

    Ch 17 Chapter 16: [Change Team]
    Spider-Man: Genesis
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152
  • Drax152
    Respondeu a MrMike

    Oh trust me, there will be. Especially after the next chapter.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4
    The Snake and the Alien Queen
    Anime e quadrinhos · Drax152