


I like fantasy novels. Maybe someday I'll write one and contribute to this site. We'll see.

2018-12-31 UnidoUnited States



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  • EternalEden

    You're doing well. At this point, the story might become closer to a slice-of-life story, but that's fine. I'd be entertained seeing Earth's advancement and possible integration with the galactic civilizations and/or powers. Maybe some small hiccups along the way like Kang the Conqueror. Marvel IS allergic to peace after all, lol.

    Author here, I am starting to feel the limitations of this story. I am not good at writing a very OP character while balancing the story progression. Cramming so many events and characters in the story hasn't helped either. So I think I will write this story up to 120 or so chapters at most and end it there. What do you guys think?
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • EternalEden
    Respondeu a An_op_Angel

    Considering the alien attack, and the portal invasion, Earth isn't thrilled to trade with outsiders yet...

    The Finance Secretary of the Federation raised the next topic, "We are at the final phase of issuing the Federation Dollars as a common currency for Earth. The economic and financial advisory committee is doing the final preparations."
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • EternalEden

    Thanks for the chapter, glad to see this is continuing. :)

    Ch 80 Aftermath
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • EternalEden

    The story is rather unique, and it does seem like the author tries to put their own spin on things. However, this is heavily undermined by a big flaw of the story. The author has about as much subtlety as a wrecking ball. They're not very good at creating sudden events in a realistic manner. Problems will pop up left and right, with little to no warning, or sometimes even reason. Giving the flimsy excuse the MC must somehow be unlucky. When this author wants something to happen, it will happen, quality be damned. Many times they can't even be bothered to put in the effort for it not to come off as jarring. This is a very frequent problem in the story, and it makes it rather difficult to enjoy despite its positives.

    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Livros e literatura · Snollygoster
  • EternalEden

    Author, I'm trusting you to go somewhere with this instead of it just being "A valuable lesson"...

    Ch 70 Chapter 69 : Happy Thoughts!
    Pokemon - The Timeless Journey
    Anime e quadrinhos · DemiGod_2972
  • EternalEden

    Another good story with good potential suddenly turned trash by laziness and cliches. The story was good at first and had a decent amount of originality. However, as the chapters went on, the translation started becoming lazier and more like a Chinese translation. And becomes worse when it tries to force in Chinese cultivation into the world of pokemon, and does so rather badly. It's even more depressing when you read the notes from the author talking about how hard he worked on this and issues irl.

    Pokemon - A real story
    Anime e quadrinhos · TheSilverPrince
  • EternalEden

    They all immediately died because no one thought: "What if he turned it off?"

    As the dust of the battle settled, Esteban stood victorious in the midst of the carnage. He had thwarted their strategy, proving that he was more than just raw power - he was a force to be reckoned with.
    Arrancar Ascension: Apex Predator of Hueco Mundo
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Seeing his Bulbasuar reminds me, it might be a good idea for it to hold an Everstone. Letting Pokemon level without evolving lets them learn stronger moves sooner.

    Ch 69 Chapter 68 : Resentment
    Pokemon - The Timeless Journey
    Anime e quadrinhos · DemiGod_2972
  • EternalEden

    No...that's just called common sense. Like he said, if tides were really that easy to cause they'd happen nonstop.

    Orion immediately went into denial, not wanting to accept the responsibility of such a massive event on his shoulders even though he was the only one aware of it. He put aside his emotions and immediately began calculating the situation.
    Pokemon - The Timeless Journey
    Anime e quadrinhos · DemiGod_2972
  • EternalEden

    The quality is good, but it has a lot of info dumps that it constantly drops on the reader. Not to mention the author already has a story about the Hyuga clan, so there are a lot of parts that are basically the same and repeat themselves. The author also has no concept of power levels. Throwing around "Kage Level" left and right to many different characters. They even call Sasuke Jonin level right after he just got the curse mark. Originally I gave it 3 stars, but after 20 or so chapters, the story's quality gets worse and worse. I lasted until about 30 chapters since the premise of the story was interesting but it really just becomes intolerable.

    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Kage this, Kage that...

    At that time, Darui was already a Middle Kage level shinobi, so both he and the Raikage knew at that time that Neji was at least a Late Kage level ninja. It was also a part of the reason why they decided against an invasion of Konoha as well. They had overall numbers, but not enough elites. They were shocked once again at Konoha's speed of producing geniuses over and over like a factory. Konoha was the strongest country in the world in regard to elite ninjas without a doubt.
    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Shikamaru just gave up in the finals. Ain't no way he got promoted when he barely showed anything good. Author is just lazy.

    "It seems that you are going to become a chunin too. Congratulations Shikamaru, I suppose you deserve it!", Neji wasn't lying, out of all the rookies this year, Shikamaru was the most intelligent one, as well as interesting to him due to that Yin-Release -Shadow Possession Jutsu. Neji always wanted to steal it before, but then gave up after getting the Spirit Transformation Technique. It was the ultimate soul technique that he could use to break through all to way to the DNA vision, he felt, though it would take many years. There was no need now for any other subpar techniques now in his opinion. He just needed to stay longer and longer inside his soul form and exercise his soul in that way. Just like there were exercises for the body, Neju found that the soul likewise could be exercised in that way.
    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    You soloed 2 elite jonin even before the exam, which would get their attention. And your byakugan range is only 2 kilometers. You'd be spied on without even knowing about it.

    'Only Itachi Uchiha should have been stronger than me at this age. Therefore, I must keep my abilities a top secret until I resolve the problem with the curse mark at least.', Neji thought next.
    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    It's not a bad idea. Even a pig can dig up a truffle sometimes it seems.

    This was why Neji needed just a way to gather around natural energy, without planning to use it, in the first place. He planned to expel it from his body, as soon as his body absorbed it, with Rotation.
    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Bruh, ain't no way ninjas are able to move fast enough to dodge bullets or even lasers without turning their insides into paste unless they can also be trained...

    As there is no way to train a person's organs to resist physical or energy attacks this method of fighting is extremely effective.
    The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Having no academy is a slight pity, but having no missions makes up for it.

    Also if you read the story carefully, you would've known there would be no Academy and missions, due to the MC's status.
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime e quadrinhos · Hanma_Jack
  • EternalEden

    Despite the many five-star ratings I've seen, the story doesn't deserve them. At the start, the story establishes the main character's personality before he is reborn, only to immediately scrap most of it and basically replace it with a different personality. The main character is given the Byakugan near the start. That's not bad, right? Well, apparently that somehow allows him to effortlessly memorize several hundred books in less than an hour. Easily understand the hundreds of techniques. And combine all of them to make the super ultra mega perfect version that no one else can. Now those of you with a functioning brain are probably asking yourself: "How does the Byakugan have abilities even REMOTELY related to that?" And the answer is, it doesn't. But congrats, you just put in more effort than the author did. Now nothing feels earned since the MC can effectively master all abilities. This takes away from the enjoyment since there's no struggle. It's just "Oh I can do this now, and I'm better at it than anyone who ever existed." If that wasn't bad enough, these are only the basic abilities given at the start, and the story all but promises, to throw in more later.

    God Eye Variant | King of Gods fanfic
    Livros e literatura · OneArmedImmortal
  • EternalEden
    Respondeu a LongShlong

    Jessie or James?

    The king of Nanazhao basically said, 'Double it and give it to the next person.'
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Filmes · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • EternalEden
    The king of Nanazhao basically said, 'Double it and give it to the next person.'
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Filmes · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • EternalEden
    Respondeu a Gumpta

    No, the skills only cost 1 point last time because they were weak frog skills.

    Well, after he levelled up a bit more, he was running a bit low on skill points right now.
    Konosuba: A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World
    Anime e quadrinhos · 0_Jordinio_0