love reborn or reincarnated stories
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is not it better with luck stat and his wife aura make mama bear her wife ancillary and both his wife and mama bear decide to protect there children's side by side. also he can hunt all ascension chest hunting by using luck stat
its nice seeing name of my country Pakistan name in novel. thank you HotIce
caption america defroze
we are waiting may the deadlock break and we get to see more action if continue at least make caption america girl friend freeze also. so when caption america refroze he don't be lonely wolf who rely/forced marriage to his hand. haha 😋😋😋
wonderful awesome storyline. only drawback the speed of chapter release. but better than being dropped at least I kept hopeful to read future released chapters.
good suggestion what you say about my suggestions
if he has to face thanos what is wrong for being too op against those puny wizards. what about his influence on magneto professor and his little face changing purple girl , a positive impact, as mutant army also there against thanks army and try to teach main mutant bit sorcery. what about his influence on wolverine and saving her wife against evil brother of wolverines and evil professor. most important helping jean as powerful commander. inclusion of mutants and wizards in scenes of battle new York alien invasion. too many idea I give you to continue story.
3TD option of frozen till caption revived from ice
yes its my real name bro.