I love to laugh as I read. And cry, but more laughter. Stories that make me wish to discover new worlds and new boundaries. And fleshed-out characters that feel like they grow with each chapter.
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I should have thought harder about what my first return comment should be 😅
I didn’t say anything! Also the author doth protest too much, methinks.
I take no responsibility for my mind
Of course you would have Aymora on a tshirt 🤣
He’s a straight shooter and a good guy this Rob. I hope he stays safe
Then don’t create situations that make her friends uncomfortable. I’m starting to wonder which one is more envious of the other here...
No. Even if you could own a woman, which you can’t, you were gone for five years. Until we hear an explanation you have no claim at all. Sometimes, alpha is super sexy. This though is just Alpha Male bullshit as my good friend Aymora would say.
Uhuh... tell me more about this... powerful weapon
A most excellent question friend Rob