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bruh glint glint fruit is a near perfect fruit,high speed travel,high offense,can be used in both one on one and against groups,speed kind of make defence pointless, then add haki into the equation either kizaru is lazy as fuck or he is hiding his strength
I miss the old mc,he would have just killed the pirate and we wouldn't have to hear all this yap make mc great again
i hate authors using lean crap physique, i wanna see mc build like a tank
nah dude bring head like a war trophy,looks like mc have to build an army
for fucks sake how can some chump from north blue knows about marine secret like that he could have said that law has high bounty on underworld put by doflamingo,so he had done background check and law is like an adventurer than pirate
really hope he will find bat bat fruit model vampire for zephyr
mc need some good luck charm
most novels it's like pokemon battle,love how fighting is not about just quality of gu but also quantity and experience of the user