Web novel is not what it us in the past. It used to he free but slowly they implemented spirit stone, then they removed it and changed to free pass and coins, the free chapters 80 to 5 I'm really sad.
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guys... I just realised something. if the body were to be animated, the shoulder would always complain why he always get shot. the shoulder:
isn't the paragraph says that a 1 percent event happened 100 times or a thousand times, didn't say consecutive or what time frame but maybe it means his luck influence things that should have a less probability event happen more than it should.
my thoughts exactly
I also read that.... but it's been too long. I kinda thought this was a rewrite, or is it? i remember it also has a developer in the tittle...hmmm. but whatever.
wouldn't hard core dark souls (and other games like this) gamers love if they can parry everything IRL? and every (maybe jot all) parry stuns the enemy?
Maybe the author is a male. I mean would you rather have stinky and naughty little brother than cute and naughty little sister? Men of culture knows best!
I mean the energy is getting eaten by the worm.
they are on the deck of the boat not in a corridor or hallway or room so the spiritual energy looks endless. On the deck the are is moving so does the energy, just think that the energy is getting eating like a worm in the soil it the energy in the previous are is missing but since there are moving forward there are still energy Available.
umm hairs are so thin right? won't the bleeding also be smaller right?
Umilia...Sus Sounds like Emilia from a certain isekai.