


cool, handsome.

2017-11-23 UnidoUnited States

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  • alec111111
    alec1111112 years ago

    I really enjoy how the author handles the many different powers and items. the classic capture and escaping theme was well written and enjoyable nothing seemed forced or unnatural.

  • alec111111
    alec1111112 years ago

    It was foreshadoed that he will choose the second option. Why are his children so important that a second class state decided to comment on them while briefing for a negotiation? Then cut to flashback about God pilots and genetic aptitude. but there is a possibility he chooses option 3 and engineers his own method. I think he won't go with this option because he doesn't want to be like the compact as stated in the chapter. I personally would go with the first one but having your own garden of God pilots can be almost as good.

  • alec111111
    alec1111112 years ago

    If it's not a grand work mech yet, it stll has the god body nodes. So with time it will level up. I think a grand work is unprecedented in the universe and still a theory. I assume a few star designers might have made a couple throughout the centuries but it's not public knowledge.

  • alec111111
    alec1111112 years ago

    The whole time he was just acting crazy, maybe a small part of him did become unhinged. I was convinced he was a mad scientist, what an enjoyable twist. I did have a problem for the longest time that he became seemingly more civil out of nowhere with no reason. Now it makes sense. Good writing.

  • alec111111
    alec1111112 years ago
    Respondeu a crossAngedaoist

    That is what I was thinking as well. But I wonder what design spirit it would be? I do think any spirit that gets stronger with more attention will definitely compliment the original B-man design spirit.