
A New Day

Elyas hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Sunny with a sad smile.

"It's… it's alright, Demon. Thank you... thank you for getting us this far. But now, it is my turn. This is our chance. This is what we've been fighting for all this time, is it not? The tales my mother told me were all true… I'll free us both! You'll see. The Lord of Light will guide my hand…"

With that, he reached out and took the wooden knife from Solvane's hand, his fingers wrapping tightly around its hilt.

The priestess smiled radiantly and took a step back. Her beautiful eyes shone with joy, and her voice resounded in the darkness of the dying night, full of longing and hope:

"Be brave, boy. The gods are watching!"

Sunny struggled desperately against the crushing force that pressed him into the ground, but it was of no use. A stifled roar escaped from his mouth…