


I'm me

2017-05-12 UnidoPeru



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  • AdrianIR
    Respondeu a Size_name

    like I said same issues new person, he ain't a new born. is it that hard to understand from where he is coming from? he is not Darth Vader, he is not Snape, he is literally an OC invention of the Author that already has different experiences than the 2 above. Anakin already had slipped away from the dark, not completely but he ain't Darth Vader yet or ever. remember that the SW universe has 2 extremes of thought and influence. Anakin already dipped himself in the dark true, but we know he can take himself out when there is no manipulation. He won't simple switch to a saint but won't be the blood thirsty demon you want him to be, never really was, just a slave of Sidius. Another thing, a 23 years old monk with anger issues and no experience on dealing with 'feelings' is not that different than teenager, and Snape is no slouch, he was a master of the mind good enough to hide from Voldy, in the future so it may be a stretch but you get my point. But again that doesn't matter when it really was stated that they combined. You may not like it, and that's fine, but from the tells in this novel, this is the way it is.

    Ch 40 Chapter 39: Not Severus lucky day
    Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape (Wednesday/The Addams Family, HP, Star Wars)
    Filmes · Shadow7Blue
  • AdrianIR
    Respondeu a Size_name

    hahaha what willpower? MC is being impulsive and barely keeping it together. about Anakin, he still a teen in my opinion, trauma and violence is no sign of maturity or control. And yes Snape was obsessed, he had complex in the books, well many actually and they all started in school. finally they are not fighting each other to see what soul is more, they combined, Snape's issues are now MC's issues, same way for Anakin. this is not a Snape with Anakin's memories or Anakin in Snape body, this a new person.

    Ch 40 Chapter 39: Not Severus lucky day
    Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape (Wednesday/The Addams Family, HP, Star Wars)
    Filmes · Shadow7Blue
  • AdrianIR

    I actually like that MC still can't quite right control himself. He is a combination of young Snape and Darth Vader at 23 after all. He has a lot of "perspective" but it still is not enough to be all wise and in control.

    Ch 40 Chapter 39: Not Severus lucky day
    Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape (Wednesday/The Addams Family, HP, Star Wars)
    Filmes · Shadow7Blue
  • AdrianIR
    Respondeu a Worn_out_by

    blinded and dumbed by the force, same way the Jedi were by the sith

    Sidious' thinks everything will go his way, what he doesn't know is that Anakin is far from a simple child.
    Star Wars: Skywalker
    Filmes · Link_Id
  • AdrianIR

    yep this a Rock movie. is third gonna be the backstabber? if he is, the author probably had the tv on with this movie sleeping and dream of a version of it hahaha

    Ch 2 Family [2]
    The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara
    Fantasia · ORIGIN_ESSENCE
  • AdrianIR

    this reminded me of a movie the Rock did. the premise was quite similar

    Today, Sam was going to get a new job as a security head at a very massive and prosperous firm…
    The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara
    Fantasia · ORIGIN_ESSENCE
  • AdrianIR
    Respondeu a Lheticus_Videre

    haven't you read the original "Reincarnator"? one of the first if not the first with this theme.

    He had really returned to the past!
    The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage
    Jogos · NightWind
  • AdrianIR

    I think there is foreshadowing here somewhere

    Even though they mostly watched Ryo, Niki was intently watching as Kouta worked with him, following each word of his to a T, executing every command perfectly. Kouta Hirano was, in many ways, the perfect soldier. Ryo was sure that, had there existed a supersoldier serum, Kouta would've been a perfect candidate. Unluckily there wasn't and there probably wouldn't be.
    Evolution System in High School of The Dead
    Anime e quadrinhos · LastInkBender
  • AdrianIR
    Respondeu a SUCKMYBICK

    Mutant because she has common sense hahahaha

    In front of him the Golden Trio... a brave Weasel, a Master of Death, and a mutant(genius) witch...
    Apocalypse : Copy Master
    Fantasia · WiMaiRi
  • AdrianIR

    Bro I like your character development. one question for the people out there.how do you recognize a anxiety attack?

    [Author Note: It's a little heavy right now. The main character is experiencing a flood of negative emotions mainly from suppressing them in his past life and then suddenly joining with the depressed side of this life. Before you judge, this is an attempt to develop a little early character growth. By the way, if you're going through something, drop it in the comments. The boys will always be here. I know the quarantine is tough, but keep going!]
    Reaching For the Stars
    Urbano · CyanSuch
  • AdrianIR

    Bro it's ok, I don't mind slow development. I actually prefer it. it means you are really working on the story

    [Author Note: This section of the main character talking to himself is to build the world, and also to express the distress the main character is currently feeling about everything. This is to make the adventure less monochrome and bland unlike most stories out there. If you're despairing at the lack of movement from the plot, just skim through the paragraphs. It won't be the same environment, feeling, or immersion but you won't miss much. Thank you very much.]
    Reaching For the Stars
    Urbano · CyanSuch