
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

New friend

Ryu pov:

It's been about a week since my fight with Tenshi and things haven't been so smooth sailing since. He kept getting in my way of doing my job, of being Hanako's guardian. He just can not comprehend the fact that I'm not like the other demons, and I don't mean that in a weird cringe-worthy way. Most demons would have already killed Tenshi by now, but I chose to keep him alive for Hanako's sake. Sometimes I wonder about how nice and forgiving I've become ever since I officially met her.

Me and Tenshi agreed to meet somewhere after school today, to discuss our issues and try to solve them, maturely this time (his idea not mine), and so here I was standing near an empty classroom at four in the afternoon waiting for him to show up. My intention is not to hurt him in any way, I don't want to put myself into unnecessary trouble.

He finally showed up, late. "You're finally here. Took you long enough" I yelled after seeing him immerging from the other side of the corridor. He gave me a smug teasing smile, and I scoffed. "Sorry, I got caught up with cleaning duty." He stopped once he reached me and continued "So, do you have anything to say?"

On my way here, I laid out all the questions that I wanted to ask him. So when it was my turn to speak, I will do so confidently, surprising him a bit with my firm and confidently-said words "Why are you here? In the human world. What business do you have in a human high school?" He put his hand on his chin, rubbing it slightly and then he spoke "Maybe you should ask yourself that question" "Don't change the subject, speak" I said, glaring at him with my bright blood-red eyes.

We stood there in silence for a bit and then he finally spoke "I was sent on a special mission here by my high-ups to eliminate a high-rank dangerous spirit haunting this high school" he answered. I didn't know he had enough trust in me to disclose this information, but that didn't matter. "Great! How about I help you defeat it so you can leave Hanako and me alone?" I say with excitement building up in me.

He stares at my childish reaction, unamazed "No, I'm not accepting any help, especially from a demon. I'm perfectly capable of doing this by myself." I get closer to him, our chests almost touching and our eyes staring right at each other's "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" I backed up a little "Okay I promise to leave Hanako alone after you leave 'kay?" Of course that was a lie, but I needed him to leave he had wasted enough time already.

He shrugged and finally gave his answer with a long sigh of defeat "Fine. But promise you won't ruin this for me, it's my first time trusting a demon so I'm not sure this is a great idea-" I cut him off and grabbed his arm, dragging him with me "Okay let's go!" I was so ready for this, I'm finally gonna get rid of him!


"Soooo... Do you know where we're going?" Tenshi spoke in confusion "I know a few places we can start looking in, just follow me" We walked slowly, looking all around us trying not to miss any hidden clues.

I know this school like the back of my hand, I've been studying here for a little bit but I've been here way before I showed myself to Hanako. There are rumors surrounding a certain part of the school, the part we are walking towards right now. It is said that if you walk down this hallway after school hours, it will appear at the end of it and start running towards you at an unnatural speed, if you manage to run away from it before it catches you, a miracle will happen to you in your life. But if you don't, you die.

Of course, I wasn't going to tell this to Tenshi, I didn't know if he knew about the human rumors or not and I don't know if he asked around to find out. I plan to show him that I'm perfectly capable and strong so that he starts to trust me and leave me and Hanako alone.

We reached the infamous hallway and he starts to act a little strange "I feel something, I think it might be here..." His eyes jerk up to the ceiling and back to the ground, trying to spot the creature. I looked around too "Hey, let's go inside this classroom. Maybe we can find something there" I pointed with my index finger at a classroom to our left, it looked dilapidated and abandoned. "Good idea, let's go!" He followed behind me as I walked towards it.


Hanako pov:

I hid behind a wall, slowly taking peaks every so often to spy on them. I was looking for them all over the school, and I never expected to find them here of all places. I knew about the rumors, going here is suicide, but I have to find them, I have to know if my theory is true.

Since the fight they had in my bedroom, I've always been suspicious of their relationship. My theory is that they might be in love and trying to get some privacy to do, well, whatever people in love do. I saw them entering a classroom, I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't scared even a single bit. My heart started to pound and my legs started to shake. I knew damn well that my body did not have the strength to run the entire hallway back here, but I just hoped to God that the rumors were fake to keep myself calm.

I crouched and walked slowly to where they were. I stood behind the wall of the classroom, I couldn't hear what they were saying because of their low voices. I was suddenly pushed away from the wall when I heard a loud, ear-splitting shriek coming from the other side. My eyes widened and I started to panic. No... I can't leave them here alone, I have to do something!

I take a peek inside the classroom from the door frame and my eyes widened even more, there was a giant... Blob? It was covered in blood and human parts could be seen floating inside its slimy transparent body. I started to pant loudly, I have to get out of here. But before my leg couldn't move, I felt a big, slimy testicle wrap around my waist. It yanked me towards it before I could even react and held me close to its mouth. I could feel its breath on my neck and I let out a nervous scream.

I was facing the door now, where Tenshi and Ryu stood in shock. Tenshi looked a lot different, he had long hair with small wings sticking out of his back and a halo floating delicately on his head. Ryu looked to be in his true form, with his iconic black horns and large feathery wings along with his sharp long fangs. He scowled at the creature holding me and charged towards it with strange fire covering his hands. He punched it, strong enough to push it back but not strong enough to let me go.

I felt its grip tighten around my waist, causing me to groan in pain. I put my hands on its filthy testicle, trying to pull myself free from it but to no avail. Tenshi ran towards it and muttered some sort of spell with his hand pointing towards its body. It started to shriek louder. Its body formed another testicle that it used to hit him with unnatural strength, causing him to fly all across the classroom and hit the wall in the back, he fell to his knees in pain.

Before he could make his second move, Ryu summoned a black, sharp spear in his hand and charged it with fire that looked too dark to be of this world. He threw it as strong as he could toward the spirit's eye and it shrieked in pain again, making me cover my ears and clench my eyes shut.

It started to dissolve, slowly letting me go and put me right back on my feet on the floor. It turned into a nasty puddle before taking itself towards a drain nearby and going in it, never coming back. I sobbed and tears started to form in my eyes.

"Hanako! What the hell are you doing here?!" Ryu asked, running towards me and wrapping his arms around me, he put one hand on my head and his head rested on my shoulder as I let myself cry. I need to stop being so vulnerable around him.

Tenshi walked closer, his eyes fixated on me. "Hanako, are you hurt? Let me see" He let me out of Ryu's hold and put a hand on my shoulder, slowly letting his eyes wander all over my body to check for injuries "I'm okay, thank you for saving me guys," I say with a slight smile forming on my face.

Tenshi smiled back, but Ryu folds his arms and glared at me "Why are you here?" I turned to look at him "I was looking for you... You usually wait for me after my cleaning duties but I couldn't find you anywhere" I lied, I wasn't worried about Ryu, I just wanted to know if my speculation was true or not. I suddenly started to feel a sharp pain in my leg "Hanako your leg is bleeding!" Tenshi spoke. I must have hit something when that monster dragged me towards it with that force. I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, how did I not notice that? "Haha... I guess I'm not okay, oh no" I felt myself falling before being caught by both of them.


Ryu pov:

I waited outside the nurse's office while Hanako got treated by a nurse there, she was about to close for the day so we were lucky to be there just in time.

The silence between me and Tenshi was loud and uncomfortable, we looked in separate ways, trying to avoid each other. I finally broke the silence and spoke "Well, is your mission over? Do you get to leave now?" He looked at me in surprise "The monster isn't dead, it ran away. Unfortunately for you, my mission does not end here." He answered. I clench my fist and sigh, damn it

"Thank you for your help today, and thank you for saving Hanako" I looked at him, and he was thanking me. An angel thanking a demon was the last thing I expected to see in my lifetime "No problem, just look for me when you need any help" I muttered the last words under my breath.

He smiled "Sure!" He put out his hand for me to shake it and I did with a smirk growing on my face. Did he hear me?

"Maybe I can trust you now, you proved to me that you are perfectly capable of protecting Hanako. I don't mind you staying around her now" he smiles brightly "I've always been capable of that" We let go of each other's hands and as soon as we did, we see Hanako staring at us with a shocked expression and a bandage around her leg "I knew you guys were a thing!" "Huh?" me and Tenshi said, looking at each other in confusion