
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


After the recent events with Kageonna, things have gotten a lot less stressful for Tenshi. He and Ryu have been going to school every day after closing hours to look for her, so they can finish what they started. Her evil aura is still lurking through the empty school hallways, Tenshi can feel it getting stronger and stronger every day. Their job is definitely a tricky one. Hanako doesn't make it any easier by bombarding Ryu with questions about that night at the resort, but they both know that telling her means that they'll be putting her in more danger than the whole school's currently in. 

On one night, a month after Miya disappearance, the angel-demon duo go on their usual daily patrols around the school, checking every crevasse and corner for any traces of the evil spirit. They climb onto the rooftop, perhaps searching for an answer in the vast sea of stars. Ryu looks up, admiring the beauty he once thought was 'stupid' and 'overrated'. Tenshi walked closer to him, standing a distance away as they both observe the spectacle of stars above. Silenced by the lovely view, the two found nothing to say, it seemed like the stars spoke their words for them.

Ryu watched Hanako look out her small, dusty bedroom window every night and wondered why she found so much joy in looking at some glowing rocks in the empty void that is space. But now he understands the reason, it may not be easy to explain, but he enjoyed this moment either way. "You two look lonely" The two turned around to see the all too familiar face of Kageonna, or who they once knew as Miya. Tenshi spent no time processing what he just heard, instead, he summoned a bow and arrow and fired a shot straight at her. She dodged effortlessly, jumping up high and standing on her feet elegantly, right in front of them. This caught Ryu and Tenshi by surprise. She somehow had enough time to regain the strength that took her centuries to gather. From the looks of it, a large battle was about to ensue.

Tenshi floated with radiant wings outstretched, emanating a celestial aura that contrasted sharply with the shadowy figure of Ryu. Their alliance was a testament to the urgency of their mission—to vanquish the malevolent spirit, Kageonna. She materialized with a haunting, ethereal beauty. Her nine tails swirled with malicious energy, and her eyes gleamed with an unnatural, predatory light. Her presence exuded dark enchantment. The rooftop became the battleground where the elements themselves seemed to rally to their cause. The angel held an arrow in his hand and threw it up high, Ryu caught is, infusing it with his dark demonic power and throwing it back to him. Tenshi fired again, hitting their opponent's shoulder. Kageonna answered their challenge with eldritch fireballs and illusions, her laughter a chilling melody that echoed through the rooftop.

Tenshi moved with grace and precision, his divine strikes aiming to pierce Kageonna's malevolent heart, while Ryu unleashed torrents of hellfire, hoping to consume the kitsune in searing flames. Kageonna, however, defied their attacks with cunning agility, her nine tails whipping and weaving like serpents of darkness. She retaliated with illusions that played on their deepest fears and insecurities. She conjured phantom images of loved ones and whispered tantalizing lies that sought to destabilize their unity. Yet, Tenshi and Ryu's shared determination held firm. In a moment of supreme unity, they channeled their opposing energies—Tenshi's radiant light and Ryu's consuming darkness—into a blinding fusion. Their celestial-infernal power formed a dazzling vortex that drew in Kageonna, her form writhing and contorting as she struggled against the irresistible force.

With a deafening explosion, the malevolent kitsune spirit was torn asunder, vanquished by the angel and demon's combined might. The rooftop, once a battleground, was reclaimed, and its sanctity restored. Tenshi and Ryu, their differences set aside for the greater good, stood side by side, their breaths heavy but victorious. The angel walked closer, determined to complete the final step of his mission. He summoned an arrow, glowing with white and yellow lights, firing it straight into her chest, dealing the final blow. "You... damn... angels" Kageonna whispered her final words before her body turned into white, shining butterflies, flying away in the quiet night sky. 


A few days after their victorious battle against the spirit, Tenshi, Ryu, and Hanako, reunited on the same rooftop where their destinies had intersected.

Tenshi, his angelic presence still radiating a gentle light, stood with his radiant wings unfurled. Ryu, the demon, bore a more subdued aura, his ember-like eyes reflecting a depth of emotion rarely seen in the demon realm. Hanako, their friend whose life had been forever changed by their alliance, stood between them. The rooftop, once a battlefield, had transformed into a place of reflection and gratitude. Hanako's heart swelled with a mix of sadness and appreciation. She had forged an unlikely bond with these celestial beings, and their journey had been marked by sacrifice and triumph. Tenshi's mission is now over, and his return to the celestial realm was imminent.

"I must say, I never thought a demon would help me in a mission like this. At first, I couldn't find it in me to give you an ounce of trust, but here I am, thanking you" Tenshi spoke genuinely as Ryu rolled his eyes. "I was just helping you, so you can leave faster, don't expect that to happen again" he muttered, earning a smile from him. Ryu may want to deny their friendship, but something in him didn't want to let him go.  The angel walked closer to Hanako, taking her hand in his with a warm smile. Ryu looked at him with confusion and jealousy, but before he could react, Tenshi placed what looked like a small pistol in her hand. "This is to keep you safe from any demonic energy. If you ever find yourself in trouble, aim for their chest" Hanako nodded, feeling tears run down her cheeks as he gave her a warm hug. Ryu was unable to protest, he felt like Hanako needed this, he was one of her only friends after all. 

"I thought you trusted me." Ryu said, folding his arms. "I do, but I can never be sure, you know?" He smiled teasingly, causing Ryu to frown. "Again, Thank you for your assistance in this mission," Tenshi spoke, his voice carrying a soothing melody. "Your unlikely alliance brought about the end of a great threat." Ryu nodded solemnly, acknowledging his words. "It was an honor to fight alongside you, Tenshi." A soft smile graced the angel's lips. With a flutter of his radiant wings, he ascended into the darkening sky. Ryu and Hanako watched in silence, feeling a sense of loss mingled with the fulfillment of their shared victory. As the first stars appeared, they exchanged a glance, knowing their paths would continue, guided by newfound understanding and friendship forged in the crucible of battle.