
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Familiar Strength (Part 1)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and purple across the sky, a palpable calm settled over the world. The night, a welcomed respite after a long and bustling day of activities, descended like a comforting shroud. The once bustling streets now echoed with the faint hum of distant traffic, and the cacophony of daytime life was replaced by the soothing serenade of crickets and the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool evening breeze. 

The three girls, Hanako, Miya and Hina all sat in their room. Huddled beside the warm light of their lamp, the girls told each other stories about how their day went, enjoying each other's company. Hanako found herself distracted by a strange dark shadow in the corner of the room. She quickly realized it was Ryu standing there, giving her one of his iconic smug smiles.

"You still awake?" He muttered.

"What are you doing here! Get out, they're going to see you" She whispered loudly, trying not to get her unsuspecting friend's attention.

"Hey, Let's go out. I heard from one of the tour guides earlier that there's a resort a little far from here that we can go to, It has hot springs and free drinks" Ryu replied enthusiastically.

"It'll be fun! Come on, I'll meet you outside in five" He added, and before I could answer him, he disappeared into thin air, as he usually does.

Hanako rolled her eyes at her friend's sudden idea as she got up to get changed. "Where are you going? It's 11pm" Hina said, noticing Hanako's movements as she walked to the door. She blushed lightly, feeling her friends' piercing gaze on her. "Just going out, I'll be back don't worry" She was almost allowed to leave before she felt a pillow hit the back of her head "Going out without us? That's not happening! Get up Hina let's go with her!" Miya announced eagerly as she dragged her cousin towards the door. Hanako felt a surge of anger. Why was Miya so persistent? 

Ryu's veins almost exploded as he saw Hanako arrive with her friends. Not only did Hina and Miya force themselves along their journey, so did Tenshi, who was effortlessly holding a bag full of towels and snacks as he walked next to them. "Ryu, you're here. Come on, let's go" Tenshi spoke with an angelic smile as he led the way. Violet-haired Hanako walked beside Ryu as he grumbled in frustration. "What's wrong?" she asked him, trying to keep her voice down as they trudged the empty forest. "You just had to bring them, did you?" he looked away. Feeling his immense frustration, Hanako sighed, "They just came with me, I didn't tell them to. Plus, It'll be fun with more people with us, right?" She whispered in a cheering tone. "How did Tenshi know we were going to the hot springs, it seems like he's more prepared than us" Ryu remarked, giving him an unnerving side stare. His friend sighed, "Miya told him, She thought if we're going than he should join too"

"And how did She know?" Hanako shrugged and disregarded this matter. Realizing how annoyed he was, she  chuckled and looked at Ryu with a teasing smile "Well let's just enjoy this, it'll be fun with or without them" Ryu couldn't help but curse quietly as he watched her walk forward to be with the others. 

The group continued to walk towards the hot springs under the dark cloak of night. The silvery glow of the moon bathed their path in a soft, ethereal light, casting long, slender shadows that danced along with their every step. Laughter echoed through the stillness of the night, punctuating the serene landscape with bursts of joy. Stars above blinked like distant lanterns, casting a celestial canopy over their journey. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the earthy aroma of the hillside.

Amidst the harmonious laughter and the seamless camaraderie of the group, Ryu, face etched with annoyance, trudged along a few paces behind the rest of the friends. The moonlight, which lent an air of enchantment to the scene, seemed to cast shadows on his already furrowed brow. His annoyance was palpable, and his heart was heavy with frustration. He had hoped for a night of solitude, a night he thought could cheer Hanako up and help her drown her sorrows in the warm waters of the springs. However, his plans had been hijacked by the collective enthusiasm of his friends. As they chatted and shared their joy.  Eventually, the group arrived at their destination. Hina chuckled loudly in excitement while the others tried to quiet her down. "Here we are! ooooh this is going to be fun! Come on Hanako let's get changed" She grabbed her confused friend's wrist as they went inside.

Hanako found her eyes chained on her reflection in the dimly-lit changing room's mirror. She scrutinized every detail of her body, her eyes tracing the curves and contours with a mixture of frustration and self-loathing. The mirror, normally a source of reflection and self-assurance, had become an unforgiving judge. She wondered what her friends would think once they saw what her body looked like under the layers of clothing she usually puts on, their faces, as they scan each and every bruise and scar that her father gave her during his violent outbursts. 

Every glance in the mirror intensified the storm of negative emotions raging within her. She hated the way her reflection made her feel, and yet, she couldn't tear her eyes away. The room echoed with the deafening silence of her inner turmoil. She imagined the disappointment in their eyes, the judgment that she assumed would be there. She couldn't help but wonder what Ryu would think if he were to see her in this state. The mere thought of exposing her self-doubt and insecurity to him sent shivers down her spine. Hanako couldn't bare the thought of him disliking her appearance, which brought a slight surge of embarrassment to her.  "Would he still like me in this state?" She thought as she wrapped a towel around her frail, slim body, letting all the negative thoughts race through her head as she made her way outside, where they were waiting for her. 

Amidst the tranquil embrace of the natural hot spring, the group revelled in the magic of the night. Surrounded by the soothing sounds of bubbling water and the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool midnight breeze. Hanako felt her limbs quiver as she made her way towards them. The closer she got, the louder their laughs and voices got. She hid behind the frame of a large glass door separating them and peeked through it. Alone on the other side, she watched with a bittersweet mix of emotions as her friends enjoyed the warm embrace of the hot springs. The steamy windows obscured their laughter and camaraderie, creating an almost dreamlike scene. Her breath fogged the glass as she leaned closer, yearning to be part of the festivities, but something held her back. 

Why did she find herself fearing the judgment of the people she trusted the most? Why did she even decide to come here, knowing that her body is barely presentable for them? She let out a long sigh, her embarrassment evident through every step as she walked towards them. As soon as the glass door separating them slid open, all eyes were on poor Hanako. She took off her towel and placed it on a one of the lounge chairs.

Ryu's eyes widened at the sight before him. Silence consumed the group of friends as Hanako descended into the pool. He walked towards her, holding her arm as she looked down at her reflection in the dark water below her. "Hey... are you okay?" he asked thoughtfully, and she nodded, avoiding any eye contact with any of her friends. Tenshi frowned, feeling Hanako's pain. But before anyone could say anything else, Miya broke the silence with her loud, obnoxious voice, "Come on guys! Let's see who can hold their breath the longest!" She said, as she dived in, her body submerged in water.

Hina smiled and did the same as her cousin, leaving the three remaining friends on the surface. Tenshi approached Hanako with a sympathetic smile adorning his soft-looking face, "If you feel uncomfortable Hanako, we can always leave" He put a hand on her shoulder re-assuringly. "No! No... You guys stay, I'm good" Her eyes widened at his kind request. Tenshi's face lit up as an idea popped into his head. He pushed Ryu out of the water, earning an earful of curses from him. He then touched the water's surface with the tip of his fingers, muttering a few unintelligible words. Hanako's eyes widened as the water's colour turned into a shade of white. It felt warm and tingly against her skin, she looked at her arms and legs and noticed some of her scars fading away. Star-struck, she looked at Tenshi as he smiled gently at her. But before she can say anything to express her gratitude, she heard a loud, blood-curdling scream coming from underneath the water.

Miya splashed the friend group with water as she quickly raised her head from underneath it, with a terrifying, anguished look on her face. A fiery pain radiated from her skin, a sensation as if her very flesh was ablaze with torment. She clutched her arms, wincing at the searing discomfort that seemed to emanate from every pore. Her once energetic demeanor had given way to a grimace of excruciating pain, and her eyes, once bright with life, now reflected the torment that had befallen her. Confusion riddled Hanako and the others as they watched her scream and run outside, hiding her head and body with a towel she quickly grabbed from one of the chairs.

"Wait, Miya!" Hina yelled as she quickly put on her dress to chase after her cousin. Tenshi's eyebrows furrowed, he knew exactly why Miya acted the way she did, and so he too grabbed a hoodie from the changing rooms and ran towards the direction the two girls headed off to, following them. The group ended up in the middle of the woods a few minutes later, calling Miya's name as Hina held her phone's flashlight up for them to see in the darkness surrounding them. Hanako felt a tinge of worry cloud her thoughts as she thought of what just happened. Tenshi's spell healed most of her scars, yet it had the opposite effect on Miya. How is that even possible?

Ryu found himself lost in thought aswell, Miya was really becoming a thorn in his side now. Not only did she invite herself and the other along their small 'date', that's what Ryu would like to call it. But she also ruined it by suddenly running out like a maniac. She was becoming quite a hassle for everyone, he wondered what she's planning to carry out with her obnoxious behavior. But before he could discuss this with any of his friends, he looked around and noticed he was completely alone. Lost.