
Chapter 20 Trouble Time


"how, how, i mean how.........." He

stammered wanting to ask a question but i

interrupted him because i read his mind.

"oh!!! You mean how i got back my hairs?

Hahhahaha. When you get to hell, the devil

will explain to you" i replied him.


"how are we going to handle him now?"

Nicholas asked me in a low voice.

"you take care of these guards, i attack him

direct to prevent him from escaping" I

replied him more like a whisper.

"nice idea!" He said.



"see all you have to do now is to distract

that one with golden hairs from coming to

me, i need to go and meditate" Malcolm told

his assistant in fear.

"ok master, trust me" He assured and ran in

speed to block the choosen one who was

also coming in speed to attack Malcolm.

The choosen one was very angry when he

saw someone blocked his way.

"who the f--k are you?" Darlington asked in


"i am Chevron!" He replied.

"leave my way now!" The choosen one


"for you to attack my master? No way!! You

have to kill me first" He replied. "then you

die!" The choosen one replied and Chevron

brought out his sword. .

Meanwhile, Nicholas was on a hot and fierce

battle with Malcolm's evil warriors. They

were so many and were attacking him

simultaneously. It got to a stage, he decided

to use his invisibility or he might end up

losing his precious live. He changed which

made the evil warriors confused.

"where are you? Show yourself!" They

shouted in fright and confusion. "hahaha"

Nicholas laughed and started slaying them

one after the other. .

Malcolm ran towards a room, he was very

afraid because he couldn't withstand the

choosen one's power. He got to the room,

knelt down, closed his eyes and was



Suddenly, a god appeared.

His appearance was just like Malcolm's.

Malcolm has a perfect resemblance of him

and there was no difference between them.

"who are you? Why do you look so much

like me??" Malcolm asked surprised.

"i don't look so much like you. I am you and

you are me" He replied.

"how???" Malcolm asked.


"i am Mucas and i will tell you a story now"

He said.

"5000 years ago, i existed in Rome and back

then, the choosen one before the present

one came through me. I was an evil god so i

wasn't allowed by my father to inherit the

throne and i was the senior among my

brothers. I decided to take the throne by

force but the choosen one, my own son

killed me. So, i decided to reincarnate and i

also made sure to program everything that

happened to me into you too" Mucas

revealed which shocked Malcolm.


"so you mean my own son, the choosen one

will kill me now!" Malcolm poured out in


"no! That's the mistake i wanted to correct

when i reincarnated. I will combine myself

with you. I will enter inside you which will

make you and i to be one thereby making

our power to be at the same level with the

choosen one" Mucas said.

"hahhahahaha, thank you! I will accept

that!" Malcolm said relieved.

"good! After killing the choosen one, i will

come out of

you and take the star in his wrist so that i

can be a living god again and two of us will

reign and rule the world!" Mucas told him.

"i like that!"


Mucas said some incantations and before a

blink of an eye, he entered Malcolm.



I felt extra-ordinary power when he entered


I couldnt control it. So, i fell down and got

up some minutes after.

"Darlington, wait for your doom!" I shouted

and marched towards i left them before.



I had killed Chevron and Nicholas had

finished his targets too. He really tried.

We were searching for Malcolm when we

suddenly saw him.

"don't worry! I will take of him" I told

Nicholas and ran to attack him but

surprisingly, he reversed my attack and gave

me a super kick which sent me flying on the


I flew unconsciously back to where Nicholas

was standing and fell down.



"what?????............…." i exclaimed
