
Bakugo have a girlfriend?

(this is aged up character's so dont hate on me)

katsuki walked into the class as normal, he wasn't experting to much to happen since everyday was almost the same. Mr aizawa sent the class to training and that was normal to, at least in the start. After the class got into groups they all slipt up.

"sooo Bakugo are you in love with someone?" said Mina. Bakugo replied "the fuck no, why would you think that racoon eyes" "I saw you with a girl the other night" mina said a little flirty to Bakugo. Bakugo got shocked becuase the girl said there wasn't anyone on the streets that night.

"wait dude you have a girlfriend?" said kirishima happily "what no i don't shitty hair!". after a little while the bakusquad came to their first task.

-after school-

Bakugo's mind: "where the fuck is she, i have been waiting for so long for her".

*walks fast up to Bakugo* "sorry im late i really needed to get my homework done!" i said to him panting,

"about time you shitty.." said bakugo a little nervously after he started to look close at me.

"shiity what?" i said confused.

"Nothing..." he said blushing a little.

"well should we drive home now? Im getting tired of school for today" said i tired.

-at home-

"ahhh home sweet home" i said throwing myself at the couch.

Bakugo looked at me and smiled a little because we were together again of the day.

"so did anyone say something to you?" bakugo said curious to me, i answered him a little confused "no not anything bad at least"

"good" he said, he layed down next to my on the couch and cuddled me.

After a little while he started to cuddle me a little more tight because he had felt asleep,

I didn't realize that he was asleep but I didnt mind it of course he was my boyfrined after all.

It was around 6pm and katsuki woke up from his 1,5 hour nap he took on the couch, i was making dinner for both of us. I made his favorit dish, katsudon. I didnt like it that much since he liked it spicy, i didnt really like spicy dishs or things indeed.

But hey, he was my boyfrined.

Bakugo walked over to me and hugged me from behind "hey little nerd, making my favorite dish?~" he flirted a bit with me as he said it. "W-well maybe!" i said blushing without him seeing, "but anyway dinner is soon done my dear" i said happily to him.

"Alright, i will go and make the table ready for us" he said as he walked to get the table ready.

After we got dinner we went to bed to watch a movie together since katsuki was pretty tired because of hero training and UA.

-the next morning-

Katsuki went to school as usually each week, but today was a free day or rather would call it a free week for the rest of the week.

Bakugo invited his squad, the bakusquad is what the squad is called.

No wonder why his the leader of that stupid group.

Im not into UA yet but im training myself to it!

-Little information about y/n-

Quirk: has Black wings with White tips

Looks: she have White hair with dark blue eyes, elf ears

Personality: shes sweet, have anger issues like katsuki (but not as much)

Age: 18 years old (katsuki is 19 and is in year 3 at UA)

Childhood: her parents tried to make her perfect and more "lady" like and not make her a hero since that only for "boys". She lost her friend due to her parents and won't talk to her ever again. She grew up in dresses and a little high heels, when she was a teenager her Mother forces her to wear makeup in school and outside of school.

-back to story-

Im training myself to get into UA! But I still need more time to it.

I wasn't home when the bakusquad came in fact i came 1,5 hours after them, after i entered my and Katsuki's apertment.

After i entered my apartment the bakusquad looked at me for a few minutes and Mina started to scream with happiness to see Katsuki actually have a girlfriend.

"OMG YOU DO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Mina yelled at Katsuki and started to look at me.

"nice dudeeee" said Denki with a little flirty tone, i stared at Mina confused over what happened.

Then i realized that he haven't told his own squad that he have a girlfriend, how stupid ig.

Mina runned up to me and started to get quite happy about me, she talked how pretty i was but I was to tired to listen at the moment.

"babe are you listening?" Bakugo said to me because he knew i was tired really, really tired.

He got up and walked over to me as I stood and look at him, he picked me up and took me to the bedroom and sat me on the bed.

He put his hand on my cheek as I looked up at his eyes tired, wishing that he would kiss me gentle and cuddled me til i fell asleep on his shoulder. But that wasn't what he did, he kissed my lips and pinned me down at the bed. The other was gone because Bakugo told them to leave so we could be alone. He started to kiss my neck as he slowly kissed down at my body, he stopped til he had reached above my chest.

"are you okay with this?" he said looking at me. I just nodded as he took my clothes off til he got to my underwear.

-in the morning-

I woke up in his arms and he was still sleeping tho. I realized what we did last night since we were naked next to each other, i didnt mean it to do that with him but we did it anyway. He shortly woke up after me and kissed my cheek. "Good morning beautiful, did you sleep good?" he said in his morning voice. I just nodded and layed my head on his chest, it was great to have him next to me.

Him and me just cuddled each other after a wonderfull night, it was really great.

"you were good last night babe" i said to him with a little flirty tone.

"you were to my dear" he said pulling me a little closer to himself.

Annnd thats was the end of this chapter! Im working on chapter two! I hope you like this chapter sooo yea....